Caecilian Animal Pictures


© Manfred Ruckszio/


Ichthyophis sp. One of the caecilians found in the moist forests of the Western Ghats.

Caecilian on piece of wood

Ichthyophis sp. One of the caecilians found in the moist forests of the Western Ghats. The sensory tentacle can be clearly seen between the eye and the nostril.

close up of a Caecilian
© RealityImages/

Ichthyophis sp. This caecilian or limbless amphibian lives in moist, humus-rich forest soils in the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats.

Caecilian on moss covered rock
© RealityImages/

Caecilians have no limbs and look a lot like worms or snakes.

isolated caecilian