Cave Lion Animal Pictures

© James St. John / CC BY 2.0, Flickr – License / Original


Artist's rendering of two European cave lions next to a dead reindeer in the snow

Artist's rendering of two European cave lions next to a dead reindeer in the snow
© Mauricio Antón, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons — License (Original)

Cave lions were nearly 4 feet tall at the shoulder, and from the tip of their nose to the end of their back, excluding their tail, they were nearly 7 feet long.

Skull and neck of a Panthera atrox (fossil North American lion) (Pleistocene; North America)

Skull and neck of a Panthera atrox (fossil North American lion) (Pleistocene; North America)

The muzzle of the cave lion was longer and narrower than modern lions.

A North American Cave Lion skeleton Panthera atrox (fossil North American lion) (Pleistocene; North America) 3 Panthera atrox (Leidy, 1853) - fossil North American lion skeleton from the Pleistocene of North America. (public display, Sternberg Museum of Natural History, Hays, Kansas, USA)

A North American Cave Lion skeleton
© James St. John / CC BY 2.0, Flickr — License (Original)

Cave lions weighed as much as 700 pounds.