Centipede Animal Pictures

Vince Adam/Shutterstock.com


Giant Tree centipede
Vince Adam/Shutterstock.com

Amazonian giant centipede

Amazonian giant centipede Scolopendra gigantea in terrarium

The Amazonian Giant Centipede gets it name from the Amazon Rainforest where it lives.

Centipede on a concrete floor
Jovana Kuzmanovic/Shutterstock.com

Black and white African centipede in the Kruger National Park, South Africa

Centipede walking in the leaves
Christian Giaffrey/Shutterstock.com

Baby centipede walking in a wood

Ccentipede on white background
anat chant/Shutterstock.com

Centipede Bite - Irritation from Centipede Bite
popular business/Shutterstock.com

Centipede Bite - Underside of Centipede
Chanasorn Charuthas/Shutterstock.com


Centipede climb on the branches

What Do Centipedes Eat

An Amazonian giant centipede Scolopendra gigantea in a terrarium.

What Do Centipedes Eat-giant centipede

What Do Centipedes Eat-eating bullfrog

A giant Centipede bites a bullfrog on the ground.

A house centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata, feeding on an earwig.

What Do Centipedes Eat-eating earwig
iStock.com/Víctor Suárez Naranjo

Centipedes are predators and eat a wide variety of insects and small animals.

Animals With Exoskeletons-Centipede

A centipede (Scolopendra sp.) sleeping on a mossy tree in a tropical rainforest.

Biggest Centipedes - Peruvian giant yellow-leg centipede

Scolopendra hardwickei, Also know as the Indian tiger centipede. A large orange and black stripped one makes its way in the forest

Biggest Centipedes in the World - Indian Tiger Centipede
iStock.com/Augustine Fernandes

centipede (Scolopendra sp.) sleeping on a mossy tree in tropical rainforest. Macro head of centipede.

10 Biggest Centipedes in the World - Zoom in on Centipede Face
SAYAN CHAONAMON/Shutterstock.com

Tiger Centipede hiding in a hole - Scolopendra polymorpha, Indonesia

10 Biggest Centipedes - Sonoran Centipede
muhamad mizan bin ngateni/Shutterstock.com

10 Biggest Centipedes - Chinese Red-Headed Centipede
Nynke van Holten/Shutterstock.com

10 Biggest Centipedes - Vietnamese Centipede

Biggest Centipedes - Giant Desert Centipede
Deep Desert Photography/Shutterstock.com

Giant Tree centipede close-up
Vince Adam/Shutterstock.com

Centipede (Chilopoda) on branch

Centipede outside on a log

Centipede on isolated background

Centipede (Chilopoda) isolated
SUCHARUT CHOUNYOO/Shutterstock.com

Centipede on isolated background

Up close centipede face

Centipede (Chilopoda) - up close face

Centipede in hole with babies

Centipede (Chilopoda) - babies in hole
Cattlaya Art/Shutterstock.com

Centipede in hole with babies

Dilcoe - Public Domain

Dilcoe at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:House_Centipede.jpg

House Centipede
Dilcoe at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons — License (Original)

Marshal Hedin - License Information.

Centipede from northern California, protecting its eggmass.
Marshal Hedin, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons — License (Original)

Centipede from northern California, protecting its eggmass

Eric Guinther - License Information.

Unidentified Scolopendra species in peat marshlands of Kawai Nui, O'ahu, Hawai'i.
Eric Guinther, Marshman., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons — License (Original)

Centipede in peat marshlands of Kawai Nui

Description: House Centipede, Scutigera coleoptrata
No machine-readable author provided. Decius assumed (based on copyright claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons — License (Original)

House Centipede (Scutigera coleopterata)