Crab-Eating Fox Animal Pictures

Cerdocyon thous

Bernd Zillich/


crab-eating fox

Crab-eating foxes eat mainly crabs, which they search for in the floodplains

The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), also known as the forest fox, wood fox, bushdog or maikong.

The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), also known as the forest fox, wood fox, bushdog or maikong.
Murilo Mazzo/

The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous), also known as the forest fox, wood fox, bushdog or maikong.

Crab-eating fox in National Park El Palmar, Province Entre Ríos, Argentina

Crab-eating fox in National Park El Palmar, Province Entre Ríos, Argentina
Bernd Zillich/

Crab-eating fox in National Park El Palmar, Province Entre Ríos, Argentina