Crocodile Monitor Animal Pictures
Varanus salvadorii
Vladislav T. Jirousek/
The great Salvadori's monitor, Varanus salvadorii, lives in Papua New Guinea
Crocodile monitors are sometimes called Tree Crocodiles because they are arboreal (tree-dwelling).
A baby crocodile monitor on a rock
Crocodile monitor hatchlings are approximately 18 inches long and weigh 2.12 ounces.
A crocodile monitor with her eggs
Crocodile monitors lay three clutches of 4 - 12 eggs per year.
An adult crocodile monitor in a tree
A full-grown crocodile monitor may reach 8.86 feet in length and weigh as much as 198 pounds.
Closeup of a crocodile monitor's head against grassy background
Crocodile monitors have a high head and a uniquely bulged snout.