Elephant Fish Animal Pictures

Callorhinchus Milii

© iStock.com/slowmotiongli


Elephant Nose Fish, gnathonemus petersii

Elephant Nose Fish, gnathonemus petersii
© iStock.com/slowmotiongli

The Elephant Nose Fish finds its prey by using electrolocation.

Peters' elephant-nose fish (Gnathonemus petersii)

Elephant Fish
© Pavaphon Supanantananont/Shutterstock.com

The elephant fish are demersal fish, meaning they live near the sea bed. They dive very deep into the ocean, thriving at depths of 600 to 5,000 ft below the surface.

Chimaera - American Elephant fish in the shallow waters of Las Grutas, Argentina.

Chimaera - American Elephant fish in the shallow waters of Las Grutas, Argentina.
© SilviaClarisaZaninovich/Shutterstock.com

Chimaera - American Elephant fish in the shallow waters of Las Grutas, Argentina.