English Pointer Animal Pictures

Canis lupus

Svetlana Valoueva/Shutterstock.com


English pointer close-up in the garden.

English pointer close-up in the garden.
Svetlana Valoueva/Shutterstock.com

English pointer close-up in the garden.

Red and white English Pointer running in the field.

Red and white English Pointer running in the field.
Anna Pozzi - Zoophotos/Shutterstock.com

Red and white English Pointer running in the field.

English pointer jumping into the water in a swamp.

English pointer jumping into the water in a swamp.
Jelena Safronova/Shutterstock.com

English pointer jumping into the water in a swamp.

English pointer fetching a pheasant on a hunt.

English pointer fetching a pheasant on a hunt.
VP Photo Studio/Shutterstock.com

English pointer fetching a pheasant on a hunt.

Cute English Pointer puppy pointing at prey.

Cute English Pointer puppy pointing at prey.
Nathan Claburn/Shutterstock.com

Cute English Pointer puppy pointing at prey.

English Pointer (5 months) in front of a white background.

English Pointer (5 months) in front of a white background.

English Pointer (5 months) in front of a white background.

Types of water dogs - Pudelpointer
Chamois huntress/Shutterstock.com

The Pudelpointer is a type of water dog that originated from the Pudel, or German Hunting Poodle, the English Pointer, and other Pointing breeds. 

Types of Pointer Dogs
Anna Pozzi - Zoophotos/Shutterstock.com

Red and white English Pointer in the field. They are great for tracking small prey and, unlike many other hunting dogs, their responsibility and instinct is to point to the game—not to retrieve.