Forest Cuckoo Bumblebee Animal Pictures

Bombus sylvestris



A very hairy bumblebee is perched on a pink flower with a yellow center the moon will be has a brownish black head a yellow collar a brown thorax and a yellow and brown striped admin with the last segment being a very light yellow to cream color. The bumblebee is center frame at a slight angle with its head in the left part of the frame toward the front and its tail in the right part of the frame toward the back

A very hairy bumblebee is perched on a pink flower with a yellow center the moon will be has a brownish black head a yellow collar a brown thorax and a yellow and brown striped admin with the last segment being a very light yellow to cream color. The bumblebee is center frame at a slight angle with its head in the left part of the frame toward the front and its tail in the right part of the frame toward the back

Macro of a forest cuckoo bumblebee on brambleburry flower, Rubus fructicosus a light pink flower with taupe-ish to coffee colored stamens. The bee is quite hairy on the top with a dark head a yellow collar a dark abdomen and a light colored tail that is not quite visible in the photo. Against a unfocused background of greenery

Macro of a forest cuckoo bumblebee on sitting on a white brambleburry flower, (Rubus fructicosus), a light white flower with brown colored stamens. The bee is quite hairy on the top with a dark head a yellow collar a dark abdomen and a light colored tail that is not quite visible in the photo. Against an unfocused background of greenery

Macro of a forest cuckoo bumblebee a male, perched in the juncture of three green leaves. The leaves are probably about 2 inches long and an inch across. The bee is about 1 inch long. The bumblebee is facing frame right. The head is black followed by a yellow collar a black thorax, and a striped abdomen that is black white black and then a yellow tail.
Wirestock Creators/

Macro photo of a forest cuckoo bumblebee on a thistle stock. The bee is vertical in the frame with its head toward the top of the frame and its tail toward the bottom. The bee has a black head with the yellow collar the black thorax and a black and light yellow to cream striped abdomen. The thistle stalk is bright green. Photographer's comment: Vertical closeup on a the four-colored cuckoo bee, Bombus sylvestris , hiding from the rain underneath a thistle in the field