Great White Shark Animal Pictures
Carcharodon carcharias
Terry Goss - License Information.

Great White Shark
Sharkdiver68 - Public Domain
Great White Shark
Brocken Inaglory - License Information.

Great White Shark
Pterantula at the English language Wikipedia - License Information.
Great White Shark
Brocken Inaglory - License Information.

Great White Shark
Brocken Inaglory - License Information.

Great White Shark
Elias Levy - License Information.

A Great White Shark.
Travelbag Ltd - License Information.

A Great White Shark showing it's teeth.
Elias Levy - License Information.

A Great White Shark swimming off the coast of Mexico.
Great White shark teeth
Shark Week began with the Jaws effect. Pictured here are the teeth of a Great White shark.
Great white sharks eat seals, sea lions, dolphins, and fish, among other animals. They are carnivores
Great white shark pups are big fans of lobster and crab, as well as smaller fish and sharks
Great white sharks are generalist hunters, which means they eat a wide variety of prey items
The eye of a great white shark
Great White Shark
Are Sharks Mammals
A great white shark swims around a diving cage. The great white shark is one of more than 450 shark species and is the largest of all predatory sharks in the ocean today.
Biggest Fish: Great White Shark
Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, with a seal. Great whites can reach speeds up to 24 km/hr (15 mph). They use their speed and coloring to help them hunt. They search for prey at the surface of the ocean while swimming below.
Great White Shark Jumping
The great white shark has 300 teeth set in seven rows.
The great white shark has an incredible sense of smell that helps it to detect prey from two miles away.
Great White Shark Close up Shot
Great white shark in the ocean
Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, showing its teeth.
Great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias, showing its teeth.
Great White shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Indian Ocean at Gansbay, South Africa.
Great White shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Indian Ocean at Gansbay, South Africa.
Great white shark and jack fish, Neptune Islands, South Australia.
The great white shark is the largest predatory species of fish
Great White shark breaching
Great White shark breaching
Great White Shark frontal / curious white shark swims to the divers in the cage.
Great White Shark frontal / curious white shark swims to the divers in the cage.
Great white shark underwater, Gansbaai, South Africa.
Great white shark underwater, Gansbaai, South Africa.
Great White Shark close-up.
Great White Shark close-up.