Grebe Animal Pictures
Podilymbus podiceps, Tachybaptus ruficollis, and others
Great crested grebe courtship
Two Great crested grebes dancing together during their courtship ritual.
Pied-billed Grebe flapping its wings on a lake at sunset time
Pied-billed Grebe flapping its wings on a lake at sunset time.
Great crested grebe on floating nest feeding babies that are on its back
Baby grebes spend time on their parents' back. They reach independence when they're between 10 and 16 weeks old.
Great crested grebe flying over water
Grebes, like this great crested grebe, have narrow wings, large feet, and lobed toes. The latter work like the blades of a propeller when they swim.
Great crested grebe on a white background
Grebes are small to medium-sized aquatic birds that range from 4 ounces to 3.8 pounds depending on the species.