Horse Animal Pictures
Equus caballus
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Portrait of Horse
Horse herd run free on desert dust against storm sky
Horses run gallop in flower meadow
black Friesian horse runs gallop on the water on the coast
Horse galloping on snow at horse farm
Horses can travel around 30-35 miles a day depending on many factors.
Horse foal playing in the field
Belgian draft horse in summer field at sunset. Belgian draft horses are the best horse and one of the strongest horses used for work.
Best Horses
Black Friesian horse runs gallop in a field. The Friesian horse is one of the best horses and is also considered the most expensive horse.
Amazing black dutch warmblood running alone in a paddock. These breeds represent some of the best horses developed during the breeding programs designed after World War II.
A beautiful Arabian Lipizzaner horse running in the field. The Lipizzan is considered the best dancing horse.
The Shire is one of the best horses and also the tallest.
Thoroughbreds are among the fastest horses, making them the best horses for racing.
Bay Arabian stallion trotting across a paddock. This best horse is considered one of the most beautiful horses around.
A beautiful brown quarter horse is standing in the paddock. This is the best horse, being the most popular horse!
Tallest Horses
The Shire, the tallest horse in the world. Shires were widely used for battlefield fighting.
A Clydesdale horse, one of the tallest horses, gallops on a snowy field in winter.
A brown stallion Percheron with beautiful mane and harness on autumn land. Today these tall horses are more visible in horse shows, parades, and riding stables than as farmworkers.
One of the tallest horses, a Belgian draft horse, is still used in agriculture today.
Suffolk Punch stallion trotting in an English landscape. These tall horses are one of England's oldest native breeds.
The Australian Draught horse is the tallest horse in Australia.
Traditional braided dutch draft horse at the beach in the Netherlands. This tall horse is also one of the rarest.
One of the tallest horses, the Boulonnais horse, was believed to have been used by Julius Caesar.
A Cream Draft horse grazing in the field. This draft horse is not only one of the tallest horses but also one of the prettiest.
Icelandic Horse stock photo Icelandic Horse, Agricultural Field, Agriculture, Animal, Animal Body Part Beautiful Icelandic horse standing in a meadow on a dull summer day
Beautiful Icelandic horse, one of the smallest horses, standing in a meadow on a dull summer day
Most Expensive Horses
These horses can reach speeds of around 40 miles per hour. Their back legs are particularly long, which amplifies thrust as they gallop.
Arabian horses are one of the oldest breeds that are known. It is often considered to be the first domesticated breed of horse and is recognized as being over 5,000 years old.
Warmblood horses are utilitarian, athletic, and true performers – they excel in equestrian sports such as dressage, showjumping, three-day-eventing, and combined driving.
the most beautiful horse in the world, a horse is worth a million dollars,
The Akhal Teke has been renowned as cavalry mounts and racehorses for some 3,000 years.
By Jean - originally posted to Flickr as Selle Français, CC BY 2.0,
The Selle Français, developed out of the combination of several very different breeds, which lends it a hardiness and well-rounded athleticism prized by owners.
Over its centuries of development, the Andalusian breed has been selected for athleticism and stamina.
Friesians are described as being mischievous, loving, and playful. Horse lovers often describe them as being majestic with a commanding presence.
Small horse running in the snow in field
Training means that miniature horses can remain calm in even the most stressful of situations, which is an invaluable quality in an emotional support animal.
Horses can only breathe through their noses.
Horses can sleep standing up.
Horses have a fragile digestive system and small stomachs.
A size comparison of a moose up against an elk, horse, and human
Pony vs Horse
Pony vs Horse
Pony vs Horse
Horse Running
Fear of Animals: Equinophobia A beautiful brown mare nurturing and teaching her sweet new little foal on a golden summers evening
A beautiful brown mare nurturing and teaching her sweet new little foal. Horses also have very distinct personalities. Each horse will have its own characteristics and behaviors, unique to that individual horse.
For thousands of years, Arabian horses have existed as a pure breed.
How long do horses live: American Quarter Horse
American Quarter Horse Stallion running in an arena. Quarter horses are incredibly versatile. From barrel racing and roping to jumping and dressage, they're top performers.
Biggest Horses
Biggest Horses
Despite their size, Shire horses are a perfect example of gentle giants. They are known for being docile, laid-back and easy to train.
Favorite and Most Popular Animals: Horse
Horses have been domesticated more than 5 000 years ago and have been working with man every since.
Biggest Horses: Shire
The Shire was originally bred to pull heavy carts of farms.
Biggest Horses: Clydesdales
The Clydesdales are often seen in parades.
Biggest Horses: Percheron
The Percheron is actively bred by the French government.
Biggest Horses: Australian Draught Horse a draught horse rubbing his head on his leg in a grass pasture with sheds and trees in the background on a sunny day
The Australian Draught can withstand harsh weather conditions.
Biggest Horses: Belgians
The Belgians are one of the strongest drafts in the world.
Biggest Horses: Suffolk A Suffolk Punch mare stands alongside its foal
The Suffolk has powerful rear legs.
Biggest Horses: Boulonnais Boulonnais horses
The Boulonnais has the best temperament of the large horse breeds.
Biggest Horses: Irish Draught Horses near Connemara National Park, Co. Galway, Ireland are much enjoying this spectacularly beautiful part of the world
The Irish Draught is both useful for farmers and agile for riding.
Biggest Horses: American Cream
The American Cream famously originated in Iowa.
Biggest Horses: Comtois Horse
The Comtois Horse originated back in the 1st century.
Biggest Horses: Dutch Draft
The Dutch Draft is known as the cold-blooded horse.
Biggest Horses: Vladimir Draft Horse
The Vladimir Draft Horse has a unique Roman nose.
Biggest Horses: Russian Heavy Chestnut Russian draft horse looking backwards in a bridle standing in a snow. Animal portrait.
The Russian Heavy has short legs but a massive body.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Horse grazing at Jimmys Farm