Hummingbird Animal Pictures

Ondrej Prosicky/


Detail portrait of blue hummingbird
Ondrej Prosicky/

Hummingbird with red flower.
Ondrej Prosicky/

Male Anna's Hummingbird Showing off
Keneva Photography/

Image of a male Allen's hummingbird perched. Allen's hummingbirds are common in California. This image was taken in the Los Angeles county area.

Hummingbird sitting on branch Di Bilio

Hummingbird on nest,ruby throated hummingbird, female and two chicks, feeding, archilochus colubris, Agnieszka Bacal.

Hummingbird on nest, ruby throated hummingbird, female and two chicks, feeding
Agnieszka Bacal/

Isolated on white background, shining green, caribbean hummingbird with coppery colored wings and tail, Copper-rumped Hummingbird, Amazilia tobaci hovering in the air. Trinidad and Tobago.

Green, Caribbean hummingbird with coppery colored wings and tail on white background
Martin Mecnarowski/

Largest hummingbird - Long-Tailed Sylph
Ondrej Prosicky/

Swallow tailed Hummingbird photographed in Burarama, in Espirito Santo. Southeast of Brazil. Atlantic Forest Biome. Picture made in 2018.

Largest hummingbird - Swallow-tailed hummingbird
Leonardo Mercon/

Marvelous Spatuletail (Loddigesia mirabilis) adult male hovering feeding at feeder with Sparkling Violetear (Colibri coruscans)"n"nHuembo Lodge, Peru February

Largest hummingbird - Marvelous Spatuletail bowman

Largest hummingbirds - Long-billed hermit

Largest hummingbirds - Sword-Billed Hummingbird
Ondrej Prosicky/

Rivoli's hummingbird male or magnificent hummingbird (Eugenes fulgens) at Boquete, Panama,

Largest hummingbird - Rivoli's hummingbird
Jeroen Mikkers/

Hummingbirds eat nectar, aphids, spiders, and mosquitos.

Anna's Hummingbird, adult male

Cool Types of Birds

Anna's Hummingbird is aggressive in protecting its territory, and can dive to attack at up to 60 mph.

Hummingbird hovering. Bird in flight. Small bird in tropical setting. Wildlife in colorful surrounding.

hummingbird having nectar from flower Sampson

Hummingbirds generally eat nectar from flowers that are a shade of red, orange, or pink.


colorful hummingbird on blurred background

Hummingbirds beat their wings up to 90 times per second.

Atthis elliotti. Wine-throated Hummingbird (11) By Daniel Germer - Atthis elliotti. Wine-throated Hummingbird (11), CC BY 2.0, Daniel Germer / Creative Commons

Tiniest Birds-Esmaraldas Woodstart
Daniel Germer / Creative Commons — License (Original)

A beautiful Esmeraldas Woodstar perched on a branch. The bird is endangered in its natural habitat due to habitat loss.

Tiniest Birds-Calliope Hummingbird
MTKhaled mahmud/

The Calliope Hummingbird is the smallest bird native to the United States and Canada. It has a western breeding range mainly from California to British Columbia.

Tiniest Birds-Bee Hummingbird
James Bloor Griffiths/

The smallest bird in the world - a Bee Hummingbird - drinks nectar from a plant held by a person. Taken in a Hummingbird Garden near Playa Larga, Cuba.

Animals That Lay Eggs

Animals That Lay Eggs
Wang LiQiang/

A Bee Hummingbird sipping nectar. An adult bee hummingbird rarely grows longer than 61 millimeters long.

Fat Animal: Bee Hummingbird

Fat Animal: Bee Hummingbird
Wang LiQiang/

A Bee Hummingbird drinking nectar. An adult bee hummingbird rarely grows longer than 61 millimetres long. and beat their wings up to 80 times per second.

A cute green bee hummingbird on a branch with nectar dripping from its beak

Animal, Animal Wing, Beak, Bee, Bird

A cute green bee hummingbird on a branch with nectar dripping from its beak

Animal, Animal Wing, Beak, Bee, Bird

Hummingbird (Trochilidae) - flying against white background

Hummingbird (Trochilidae) - in flight
Milan Zygmunt/

Hummingbird (Trochilidae) - with babies in nest
Agnieszka Bacal/

Jerry Oldenettel - License Information.

Jerry Oldenettel / Creative Commons (Original)

dominic sherony - License Information.

dominic sherony / Creative Commons (Original)

Jon Sullivan - Public Domain

Jon Sullivan - Public Domain

Tomfriedel - License Information.

Tomfriedel / Creative Commons (Original)

Garrett Davis - Public Domain

Garrett Davis - Public Domain