Kaluga Sturgeon Animal Pictures

Huso dauricus

Tatiana Belova/Shutterstock.com


Fish caviare isolated on plates. Set of seafood thorn or stellate, kaluga sturgeon, king and silver, siberian and pink, red salmon, beluga and sterlet, trout isolated. Food and wealth, roe, nutrition

Elegant Solution/Shutterstock.com

A single female Kaluga can produce up to 44 pounds of Caviar, which can cost anywhere from $60 to $120 dollars per ounce.

Freshwater fish kaluga ( Huso dauricus ) in the aquarium. Amur river endemic.

Kaluga Sturgeon
Tatiana Belova/Shutterstock.com

Generally speaking, most people don’t eat the meat of Kaluga sturgeon. Instead, they are highly prized for their roe or caviar.

Biggest Fish: Kaluga

Biggest Fish: Kaluga
Tatiana Belova/Shutterstock.com

Freshwater kaluga ( Huso dauricus ) in the aquarium. The kaluga is a large predatory sturgeon found in the Amur River basin.