Masked Angelfish Animal Pictures

G. personatus

NOAA Photo Library / CC BY 2.0 – License / Original


Blue angelfish looking at the camera. Macro closeup.

Angelfish, Animal, Animal Wildlife, Aquarium, Aquatic Organism
sanches812/ via Getty Images

Only female masked angelfish have the distinctive black mask.

Male masked angelfish

Male masked angelfish
CC BY 2.0

A male masked angelfish only has black on its tail.

A male masked angelfish from the front

A male masked angelfish from the front
CC BY-NC 2.0.

Male masked angelfish are only black on their tails, while female Genicanthus Personatus are only yellow on their bottom fins

Female masked angelfish with other species of fish

A female masked angelfish with other species offish
CC PDM 1.0

Masked Angelfish

Masked Angelfish
chonlasub woravichan/

Masked angelfish are prized for their rarity and their bright white color.