Meganeura Animal Pictures

Meganeura brongniarti

Filippo Vanzo/


3D illustration of Meganeura on a white background

3D illustration of Meganeura on a white background

Meganeura had a pair of powerful mandibles with a tooth to hold large and struggling creatures.

Antique engraving of Meganeura on white background

Antique engraving of Meganeura on white background
andrey oleynik/

All giant dragonflies had similar veins on their wings, unlike the present-day dragonflies, which have varying wing veins.

Prehistoric dragonfly Meganeura monyi sits on branch

Prehistoric dragonfly Meganeura monyi sits on branch
Filippo Vanzo/

Meganeura had spiky solid legs for seizing prey.

Giant Meganeura dragonfly depicted in a forest in the Carboniferous period.


The Meganeura was a giant flying insect similar to a dragonfly.