What Is a Group of Monkeys Called?

Wild mother and baby Proboscis Monkeys in the mangrove forests of Borneo
© Richard Whitcombe/Shutterstock.com

Written by Colby Maxwell

Published: June 16, 2024

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Monkeys are some of the most intelligent creatures on the planet and they live all around the world. When there is a group of them, however, what are they called? Today, we are going to learn about the linguistic subtleties of referring to a group of monkeys, plus a little more about what or how to call them. Whether you are writing a paper, giving a speech, or simply having a conversation, using the right word to describe them can add precision and clarity to your communication. Let’s get started!

What is a Group of Monkeys Called?

What Is a Group of Monkeys Called?

A group of monkeys is usually called a troop, cartload, or tribe.

©Edwin Butter/Shutterstock.com

So, what is the correct term to use when referring to a group of monkeys? The answer is a troop. A troop of monkeys is a commonly used collective noun that represents the whole.

In addition to the term “troop,” other collective nouns can be used to refer to groups of monkeys. One of these is a cartload, which is a less commonly used term but can still be used to describe a group of monkeys. Another collective noun that can be used is a tribe, which can be particularly appropriate when referring to larger groups of monkeys living together in the wild. However, the most widely accepted and recognized term to describe a group of monkeys is still “troop”.

So, whether you use troop, cartload, or tribe, each of these words can be used to accurately describe a group of monkeys. Also, you can always just say “a group of monkeys”!

Is Monkey Plural or Singular?

The word “monkey” is a singular noun, but it can be used to refer to a group of monkeys, in which case it becomes plural. For example, “There is a monkey in the tree” is singular, while “There are many monkeys in the tree” is plural. It’s important to use the correct form depending on whether you are referring to one monkey or a group of monkeys.

Unlike other nouns that double as both the singular and plural form (moose and sheep, for example), “monkey” is solely a singular noun.

Are All Groups of Monkeys Called the Same Thing?

What Is a Group of Monkeys Called?

Groups of monkeys

can be referred to by their species, plus the word troop.

©iStock.com/Wayne Marinovich

Regardless of their species, all groups of monkeys are still referred to as a “troop.” However, to be more specific and clear, it’s helpful to refer to the species of monkey you are talking about. For example, you might say “a troop of macaques” or “a troop of howler monkeys” to clarify which type of monkey you are referring to.

Do Monkeys Live in Groups?

Monkeys are highly social animals, and many species live in familiar groups and troops. The size of a troop can vary pretty widely depending on the species, with some troops consisting of just a few individuals while others can number in the hundreds. For example, a troop of baboons (especially yellow baboons) can consist of up to 200 individuals, while some species of tarsiers (an intermediate form of lemur and monkey) live in pairs or small family groups.

Monkeys vs Primates vs Apes

What Is a Group of Monkeys Called?

Monkeys, primates, and apes are all different labels and shouldn’t be confused.

©Marketa Myskova/Shutterstock.com

Monkeys, primates, and apes are all animals that belong to a related group of mammals, but they are often confused with one another, especially even if just through common language usage. For example, English speakers often refer to a gorilla as a monkey, even though they would be classified as an ape. While they share many common characteristics, there are distinct differences that set them apart. Also, there are different collective nouns that refer to each group, which is relevant to how we refer to monkeys.

A monkey is a member of a group of primates known as simians, which includes both monkeys and apes. Monkeys are typically smaller than apes, have a tail, and are mostly arboreal, meaning they spend a lot of their time in trees.

A primate is a mammal that belongs to the order of Primates. This group includes all species of monkeys, apes, and lemurs. Primates are kind of like the umbrella group for monkeys and apes.

An ape is a type of primate that belongs to the family Hominidae, which includes humans and great apes such as chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans. Unlike monkeys, apes do not have tails and are generally larger and more built for life on the ground. Apes can be referred to as either a band, a family, a group, a shrewdness, and, just like monkeys, a troop.

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About the Author

Colby is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering outdoors, unique animal stories, and science news. Colby has been writing about science news and animals for five years and holds a bachelor's degree from SEU. A resident of NYC, you can find him camping, exploring, and telling everyone about what birds he saw at his local birdfeeder.

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