Orchid Dottyback Animal Pictures

Pseudochromis fridmani

Minakryn Ruslan/Shutterstock.com


Colourful purple Dottyback reef fish. Underwater macro image taken scuba diving in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

Orchid Dottyback

The orchid dottyback is a brilliantly purple fish. They are sought after by aquarium owners to spruce up their tank’s appearance.

small fish Pseudochromis Fridmani close-up

Orchid Dottyback
Minakryn Ruslan/Shutterstock.com

Orchid dottybacks are a great starter fish for beginner owners. They are not difficult to maintain and they are opportunistic feeders.

Orchid dottyback saltwater fish - Pseudochromis fridmani

Orchid Dottyback

Unlike some other aquatic creatures who can change their colors on a whim, orchid dottybacks cannot. Their transformations can take several days to complete.