Robin Animal Pictures

Trevor Charles Graham/


Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis) perched on the side of a tree trunck. This is very common behaviour for this species. Lamington National Park- Green Mountains Section Queensland Australia

Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis) perched on the side of a tree trunck. Lamington National Park- Green Mountains Section Queensland Australia
Trevor Charles Graham/

European Robin, more commonly known simply as a Robin, or Robin Redbreast
Anthony Smith Images/

The European Robin (Erithacus rubecula), most commonly known in Anglophone Europe simply as the Robin, is a small insectivorous passerine bird that was formerly classed as a member of the thrush famil

The European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

An American Robin is standing in the short grass
Paul Reeves Photography/

Rose Robin (Petroica rosea). Mount Clunie National Park, New South Wales, Australia
Wright Out There/

Four Hungry Young American Robins in Nest
Gabrielle Hovey/

Bright orange breasted robin perched on a birch branch
Mike Truchon/

What Do Robins Eat

A male American Robin foraging for earthworms in a field in Washington State.

What Do Robins Eat Maron

American robins feature long, round bodies and dark heads, grayish-brown streaky plumage above, and warm orange below.

Robins are opportunistic omnivores who split their diet roughly between meat and vegetable matter and who adjust their intake of different food sources depending on the time of the year.

Scarlet robin - Petroica boodang common red-breasted Australasian robin in the passerine bird genus Petroica. The species is found on continental Australia and islands, including Tasmania.

Birds with red chests: Scarlet Robin

Bill Tyne - License Information.

Bill Tyne / Creative Commons (Original)

Marek Szczepanek - License Information.

Marek Szczepanek / Creative Commons (Original)

Ramin Nakisa - License Information.

Ramin Nakisa / Creative Commons (Original)

Toivo Toivanen & Tiina Toppila - Public Domain

Toivo Toivanen & Tiina Toppila - Public Domain

Tony Wills - License Information.

Tony Wills / Creative Commons (Original)

Philip Heron - License Information.

Philip Heron / Creative Commons (Original)