Woolly Monkey Animal Pictures
Lagothrix Lagotricha
Evgenia Kononova - Public Domain
Brown Woolly Monkey, Taruma River, Brazil
Ltshears - Public Domain
Woolly Monkey climbing on ropes
Evgenia Kononova - Public Domain
Brown Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) Taruma River, Brazil
Trisha Shears - License Information.
Brown Woolly Monkey at Louisville Zoo
Ltshears - Public Domain
Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix lagotricha) walking on rope
The woolly monkey excels above all at one thing: climbing. Even among arboreal primates, its climbing ability is remarkable.
Woolly monkey in the jungle in Ecuador
The woolly monkey excels above all at one thing: climbing. Even among arboreal primates, its climbing ability is remarkable.
Baby Woolly Monkey
The woolly monkey excels above all at one thing: climbing. Even among arboreal primates, its climbing ability is remarkable. silvery woolly monkey in jungle of Ecuador
Silvery woolly monkey with baby in jungle of Ecuador