The 11 Best Dog Breeds for a Pisces

Dogs for Pisces
©'chy Images - Nynke van Holten, KonstantinGushcha from Getty Images, and Allexxandar from Getty Images

Written by August Croft

Published: May 31, 2024

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Nostalgic, intuitive, creative- all of these words describe the average Pisces. As the final sign of the zodiac, Pisces are incredibly wise and youthful at the same time, personality traits that resonate with some dog breeds more than others. If you were born during Pisces season (February 19th-March 20th) and looking for your new best friend, this is the list for you.

Not only will we go over the details of the Pisces personality and how astrology influences this sign. We’ll also take a deep dive into eleven dog breeds with traits and vibes that align well with this mutable water sign. From small and sensitive to large and protective, here are some of the best dog breeds for a Pisces!

1. Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons laying in leaves


A gentle heart is something Pisces and Brussels Griffon share. These tiny dogs contain deep wells of emotion within them, something Pisces can’t help but understand. The 12th sign of the zodiac may get along well with this dog breed, though the average Brussels Griffon may also exacerbate codependency in both parties. While loving and keen to please, Brussels Griffon dogs can struggle when left alone. Thankfully, the average Pisces likely won’t want to do this unless absolutely necessary in the first place! 

2. Chihuahua

chihuahua puppies blue and brown color. pet adoption


Studies suggest that dogs have adapted to human gestures and quirks as we’ve domesticated them, something that is incredibly obvious if you own a Chihuahua. Not only will Pisces appreciate just how human the average Chihuahua is, but they will also appreciate that these are among the longest-living dogs around.

Chihuahuas bond deeply and exclusively with their owners, something sensitive Pisces needs in any relationship. Plus, these lap dogs get to know their owners on individual levels, something careful and empathetic Pisces will cherish. With proper reinforcement and plenty of affection, the average Chihuahua will thrive in the presence of gentle, compassionate Pisces. 

3. Dachshund

two dachshunds black and peibald beautiful portrait on the background of nature


While full of wisdom and bearing the responsibility of all other signs of the zodiac, Pisces are truly young at heart. Dachshunds represent this side of them well given their goofy, one-of-a-kind personalities. While dachshunds need to be monitored for potential health issues regarding their long backs, these compact dogs are beloved by owners around the world because of their playfulness. Pisces will love adopting a dachshund, especially as they explore their mutual youthfulness together! 

4. Labrador Retriever

Show Labradors

©Anna Goroshnikova/

Fewer dog breeds are more compassionate than Labrador retrievers. These dogs have maintained their popularity and presence in the lives of homes and families everywhere because of their patience, warmth, and up-for-anything attitudes. Pisces will appreciate Labrador retrievers because of their flexibility, a trait both share. Plus, Labrador retrievers will appeal to Pisces because of their personification of the phrase “man’s best friend”. Labs want to be integral in the lives of their owners, something Pisces will also appreciate about them. 

5. Toy Poodle

Toy poodles on a retro background

©studio hoto/

If you’re a Pisces with a set routine and an interest in training highly intelligent dog breeds, toy poodles are a good place to start. These compact dogs aren’t compact when it comes to their personalities, brimming with more human traits than the average Pisces. They are dreamers, a dog breed aligning well to Pisces’s dreamy planetary ruler, Neptune.

Toy poodles are deeply sensitive and aware of their owners from the moment they are adopted. Disruptions to their daily routines can be difficult, but Pisces are adept at noticing minute emotional shifts in their homes. Together, Pisces and their toy poodle will care for one another and keep each other entertained for the long haul! 

6. Portuguese Water Dog

Silver Fox Portuguese Water Dog Puppy Portrait

©Ami Wells/

Represented by two fish in astrology and falling under the element of water, many Pisces gravitate toward water-oriented careers or pastimes. If this is the case for you, a Portuguese water dog may be an ideal fit for your lifestyle. Portuguese water dogs love to swim and perhaps love their owners even more, meshing well with the average Pisces seeking an attentive, loving companion.

However, these adorable dogs should only be adopted by Pisces who have the time, energy, and potential career path that allows them to help their Portuguese water dog burn off energy. If these dogs are given a task or are otherwise kept preoccupied, they are among the most loyal and affectionate breeds around! 

7. Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier, Purebred Dog, Animal, Animal Themes, Belgium

© Pas

With a long lifespan and a weight of under 10 pounds, Yorkshire terriers are one of the most popular toy breeds out there. Pisces will appreciate the unique personalities of Yorkies and any Yorkie mixes they happen to adopt. These dogs are themselves from day one, something that Pisces will instinctively understand how to nurture and cherish. While independent and energetic, Yorkies bond deeply and exclusively to their owners, a bond Pisces won’t take for granted. 

8. Australian Shepherd

why do dogs hump


The versatility of Australian shepherds (also known as Aussies) best reflects the mutability of Pisces. While it’s easy to say that all Pisces are sensitive and focused on their emotions, this is still a mutable sign. Mutable zodiac signs are full of adaptability and resiliency, just like Australian shepherds. These herding dogs are an ideal size for both relaxing and adventuring. Plus, their intelligence makes them just as flexible as the average human (especially if that human was born during Pisces season)!

9. Italian Greyhound

Playful Italian Greyhound on a couch with a chew toy

©Akbudak Rimma/

Small, snuggly, and polite, Italian greyhounds match the Pisces personality. These dogs are gentle souls much like the average Pisces, blending an equal mix of sensitivity and excitement into their daily activities. Pisces will appreciate the high energy levels of Italian greyhounds, especially when these little characters crash at the end of a long, curious day. This dog breed lounges just as much as it explores, suiting both the tender and investigative sides of this water sign well! 

10. Papillon

Small decorative dog breed Papillon. Outside, sitting on a green background. Spring.

© Braninger

Curiosity is something that Papillons and Pisces share. A compact and manageable breed for most living situations and personalities, Papillons are incredibly intelligent and gentle dogs. While they won’t always be eager to linger on a couch or in your lap for hours, Papillons will keep any Pisces entertained with their big personalities and curious energies, energies that have them making up their own games and mischiefs throughout the day. 

11. Golden Retriever

A Golden Retriever sits on his hind legs and holds his paws up in a poppy field at sunset

©Olha Didenko/

It’s hard to beat a classic, which is why a golden retriever may mesh well with the Pisces personality. Pisces are known to be nostalgic and readily influenced by things occurring in their pasts. Given just how popular golden retrievers are, it isn’t out of the question for some Pisces to have sentimental feelings or memories surrounding this particular dog breed. Plus, these lovable, loyal canines are gentle enough to get along with any family situation or zodiac sign, making them a well-rounded choice.

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About the Author

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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