Adorable Cat Photobomber Interrupts an Entire CBS Broadcast to Stare at a Fly

maine coon sitting on stone

Written by Zeek Lepakko

Updated: September 27, 2023

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Ah, cats never cease to entertain us. Have you ever seen one straight up interrupt a TV broadcast, though? The very brief clip below shows what that might look like, much to the exasperation of the news anchor. Everything is business as usual, until a sizable kitty hops into the frame and, well, stares. It appears that a fly got in the mix somehow, and the spotlight cat can’t help but check it out. The fun doesn’t last long, however, as the feline moves on quickly after making a scene.

The now-famous critter we see here looks like a Maine Coon, one of the largest breeds of domestic cat. These cuddly kittens are smart and nimble, but may still have their moments of “cat attention span.” Before that makes cats sound bad, keep in mind their mindful observation skills are part of the innate feline hunting instinct. So, we could say that a rare moment of true cat hunting was caught on film here (or not!).

In all seriousness, make sure to read on and learn more about this crafty critter before it hops away again!

Do Maine Coots Make Good Pets?

tabby maine coon cat

As their name may reveal, the Maine Coon is the official cat of Maine, USA.

Many cat lovers rejoice over this remarkable breed, and for much more than their good looks. Highly trainable and fairly chill, these cats could make a perfect addition to any family. They come in quite a range of colors, with 75 different variations currently recognized. Also, not that this is a make-or-break feature, but they also make different sounds than the classic meow. Regardless, they make for great indoor and outdoor animals, and absolutely love chilly weather. Since they usually like big hugs, what better pet to cuddle up with next to a fireplace in winter?

How Long Do Maine Coon Cats Live?

Maine Coons are not only one of the oldest cat breeds, they also live for a long time as well! Thanks to their strong heritage, their genes have a great mix of longevity within them. That means you can expect them to live up to 15 years old in many cases. However, the oldest one on record far surpasses even that – check out our coverage on that record-setting cat here. In fact, the venerable old age that this English kitten reached could be one of the oldest domestic cats ever recorded!

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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