Beagle Pregnancy: Gestation Period, Weekly Milestones, and Care Guide

Written by Heather Burdo
Published: July 29, 2023
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Beagles are one of America’s most popular dog breeds, known for their friendly, playful nature. It’s an exciting time when you find out your beagle is expecting puppies! Here is a guide to beagle pregnancy – from early signs to each week of gestation, labor and delivery, and postpartum care.

Beagle standing in a field

A beagle is a small to medium-sized hound dog.

©Alexey Androsov/

Breed Summary

The beagle is a small to medium-sized hound dog originally bred for hunting hare. They are an energetic and playful breed with a friendly, affectionate temperament. Beagles make wonderful family pets when provided enough exercise and mental stimulation. Providing attentive care for your expectant beagle is important for the health of both mom and puppies.

Beagle Pregnancy Symptoms

The earliest signs your beagle is expecting may include the following:

  • Decreased appetite and energy level
  • Weight gain, swollen nipples
  • Nesting behaviors like shredding bedding
  • Protective of toys and sleeping area
  • As her belly grows, you may notice:
  • Enlarged, pink nipples
  • Distended, firm abdomen
  • Increased appetite in the final weeks
  • Mild mood changes like seeking isolation

Keep an eye out for these subtle hints of pregnancy in your beagle. Consult your vet if you suspect or confirm she is expecting.

Beautiful pregnant dog

The average time a beagle is pregnant is 63 days.

©Nina Buday/

Gestation Period: How Long Are Beagles Pregnant?

The average beagle pregnancy lasts about 63 days from breeding. This is similar to other dogs. Some key dates in the beagle gestation timeline are days:

Day 1: The first day of mating/ovulation

7-14: Implantation occurs

21-35: Pregnancy can be detected by ultrasound by veterinarian

Day 42: Nipples begin enlarging

45-50: Abdomen visibly swells, weight gain accelerates

58-68: Labor begins

Track your beagle’s breeding dates if possible to estimate when she will deliver her puppies. The gestation period can vary slightly depending on when exactly she ovulates after mating.

Beautiful pregnant dog

Spoil your pregnant beagle and make sure she is comfortable.

©Nina Buday/

Pregnancy Care for Beagles

Providing excellent care for your pregnant beagle is crucial to help her stay healthy before, during, and after delivery. Here are some tips:

Nutrition: Feed a high-quality puppy food for added fat, protein, and nutrients. Gradually increase food intake by 10-25% each week as puppies grow.

Vet visits: To confirm pregnancy, take your beagle to the vet around four weeks after breeding. Additional prenatal vet visits can monitor mom’s and puppies’ health.

Exercise: Take short, frequent walks to relieve your beagle without tiring her. Avoid strenuous exercise, especially in the final weeks.

Comfort: Provide soft bedding and nesting materials. Rub swollen belly and nipples gently with warm compress to soothe discomfort.

Socialization: Spend time together, offering gentle praise and stomach rubs. Limit too much coddling or over-attachment to mom pre-delivery.

Providing attentive, low-stress care gives your beagle the best chance of staying relaxed and having a smooth pregnancy.

Average Litter Size for Beagles

Beagles tend to have reasonably large litters, averaging 6 to 8 puppies. First-time mothers may have slightly fewer (3-4), while healthy adults can have up to 14 pups. Larger litters present some risks, like premature births or lower birth weights for puppies.

Factors like the mother’s age, size, and overall health impact litter sizes. Work closely with your vet if your beagle is expecting a very large litter to provide the best chances of survival.

Dog on the doorstep of the house

Be prepared with weekly knowledge of a beagle pregnacy

©Nina Buday/

What to Expect Weekly During a Beagle Pregnancy

Week 1

The first week after mating begins the beagle pregnancy. Pregnancy cannot be confirmed yet, but subtle changes like moodiness or fatigue may be noticeable. Provide excellent care and nutrition at the very start for the best chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Week 2

Around days 10-14, the fertilized beagle embryos will implant in the uterine wall. She may continue acting tired or having minor appetite changes. Her nipples may swell slightly. You likely won’t observe major physical changes yet, but providing loving care helps her relax.

Week 3

During week 3, rising hormone levels signal the beagle’s body to begin supporting the pregnancy. Nipples enlarge further, and she may start nesting behaviors. Take short, gentle walks and give her premium puppy food. A vet can confirm pregnancy from days 21-28.

Week 4

By week 4, your vet can confirm pregnancy by palpating the abdomen or an ultrasound. Appetite changes are common as the fetuses require more nutrition. Feed smaller meals more frequently. Socialize and gently brush her coat to reduce stress. Also, prepare a nesting area and toys to satisfy nesting urges.

Week 5

Your beagle is nearly halfway through her pregnancy now! Her appetite should pick up as the puppies grow rapidly. Weight gain is normal. Provide plenty of fresh water and high calorie puppy food. Short, daily walks help condition muscles for birth. Additionally, purchase puppy supplies like food dishes and collars.

Week 6

Week 6 marks the major growth of the puppies preparing for birth. Your beagle’s belly will expand noticeably, and mammary glands will swell. Increase food by 25%, offering smaller portions more frequently. Limit exercise to short walks to avoid strain. Vet checkups monitor mom and puppies. Also, make sure you prepare whelping area and supplies.

Week 7

Your beagle is nearing full-term pregnancy now. Her abdomen will be very swollen with puppies pressing on her internal organs. She may seem very tired. Feed easily digestible meals like cooked chicken and rice in 3-4 portions daily. Take brief bathroom walks only. Prepare for whelping with vet’s guidance.

Week 8

Week 8 is when beagle puppies are fully developed and ready for birth, which can happen any day now! Your Beagle will seem very uncomfortable. Feed vitamin-rich food to support labor. Limit exercise but gently massage the abdomen and nipples to relieve soreness. Have emergency vet number handy. Stay attentive to signs she is entering labor.

New born beagle puppy 1 first day on the world

Being prepared for delivery can help make the experience smoother.

©Tony Kan/

How to Prepare for Labor and Delivery

Completing your beagle’s pregnancy checklist prepares you both:

  • Designate a quiet, comfortable whelping area with nesting boxes and soft bedding to satisfy the nesting instinct.
  • Gather supplies like heating pad, thermometer, sterile scissors, and dental floss for tying umbilical cords.
  • Have emergency vet’s number handy and route mapped out in case of birthing difficulty.
  • Monitor for early labor signs like nesting, shivering, pacing, loss of appetite, or temperature drop.
  • Once labor begins, coach her through contractions and call the vet if she struggles with birthing.

Having preparations and support in place helps your beagle remain calm for a smooth labor. Notify your vet once puppies are delivered to schedule post-whelping exams.

How to Care for Your Beagle Afterward

In the first 2-4 weeks after birth, your beagle will need extensive care while recovering and weaning puppies:

  • Provide nutrient-dense food and ample fresh water as she regains strength.
  • Gently clean mammary glands and birth canal area after deliveries.
  • Allow time for adequate rest between nursing puppies.
  • Check for signs of post-whelping complications like infection.
  • Support weaning puppies around 3-4 weeks old.
  • Monitor for postpartum health issues like mastitis, depression, or lack of energy.

With attentive postpartum care, your beagle can fully recover while bonding with her adorable puppies as they grow. Enjoy this special time welcoming the new additions to your family!


Pregnancy and delivery can be exciting and stressful for expectant beagle moms. By providing consistent, gentle care through each week of gestation, she has the highest likelihood of staying relaxed. Having a plan for labor, delivery, and postpartum care ensures you’re prepared to care for your beagle and her puppies. With preparation and veterinary guidance, you can help ease her through this remarkable experience resulting in happy, healthy beagle puppies.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Tony Kan/

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About the Author

Heather Burdo is a digital marketing enthusiast who has written content for countless industries over the last decade. However, content related to animals, nature, and health has her heart. When she's not working her magic with content, she enjoys being with family, going for walks, camping, and gardening. Self-development is non-negotiable for her.

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