Can Dogs Eat Skittles?

Written by Katelynn Sobus
Published: February 12, 2023
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Even when I know it’s not the healthiest, I always think about giving my dog a small taste of what I’m eating! You might wonder, can dogs eat Skittles? Should they?

Skittles are non-toxic to dogs, but they’re also high in sugar and not very nutritious. Small amounts won’t hurt your dog, but too many can cause stomach upset with symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

If your dog has dietary restrictions, talk to your veterinarian before feeding Skittles as it may affect them differently than a healthy dog.

In this article, we’ll discuss whether dogs can have Skittles, how many they can eat, and more.


Skittles can hurt your dog by giving them an upset stomach, but they aren’t toxic.

©5 second Studio/

Will Skittles Hurt my Dog?

Skittles can hurt your dog by giving them an upset stomach, but they aren’t toxic. After eating Skittles, especially in high amounts, your dog might experience stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.

It’ll likely feel like it does when you eat too many sweets, only it takes much less sugar to upset a dog’s stomach than a human’s.

Sick dog sticks its head out from under a blanket

It’ll likely feel like it does when you eat too many sweets, only it takes much less sugar to upset a dog’s stomach than a human’s.


Can my Dog have One Skittle?

One Skittle is very unlikely to hurt your dog. While it isn’t healthy for them, and shouldn’t happen every day, it’s not the end of the world if you share once or a Skittle drops onto the ground.

Of course, it’s better for dogs to eat healthier treats. If you’d like to share a sugary snack that also has health benefits, you can try fruits or even carrots! These veggies are surprisingly high in sugar.

Some safe fruits that dogs love include:

  • Blueberries
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Watermelon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Pineapple
  • Pear
  • Pumpkin

Remember to feed even fruits in moderation, as the majority of your dog’s diet should consist of a high-quality dog food. Treats should only make up a total of 10% of your dog’s daily diet.

Fruits are also quite high in sugar, and even natural sugars should be given in small amounts so that your dog stays healthy.

Other healthy treats for your dog include cooked, unseasoned meats, like turkey or chicken, and vegetables, like sweet potatoes, green beans, or broccoli.

French bulldog with carrot in its mouth on white background

If you’d like to share a sugary snack that also has health benefits, you can try fruits or even carrots!

©Javier Brosch/

What if my Dog Eats the Skittles Wrapper?

When our dogs get into candy behind our backs, sometimes they don’t know to spit out the packaging! If your dog eats the Skittles wrapper, this is usually more dangerous than the Skittles themselves.

I recommend giving your veterinarian a call if this happens to get their advice. Plastic can cause bowel obstructions, which may need surgery to fix.

Your vet can tell you symptoms to watch for, which will include repeat vomiting, diarrhea, low appetite, dehydration, weakness, bloating, abdominal pain, hunching over, and whining. They can also say whether they recommend you bring your dog in for a check-up right away or monitor them at home.

Their advice may depend on how much plastic your dog ate and if they’re showing symptoms. Make sure to tell your vet everything, including any changes in your dog’s behavior since eating the wrapper.

I recommend giving your veterinarian a call if this happens to get their advice. Plastic can cause

bowel obstructions

, which may need surgery to fix.


Are Sour Skittles Safe for Dogs?

Sour Skittles are more likely to cause stomach upset than regular Skittles. Sour candies don’t tend to agree with dog’s stomachs.

If your dog eats sour Skittles, watch them for signs of stomach upset like vomiting, diarrhea, or stomach pain. If the symptoms are bad or last for more than a couple of days, call a veterinarian for advice. 

Sour candies

Sour candies don’t tend to agree with

dog’s stomachs


©RS Twins/

What Candy Can Dogs Not Have?

Dogs really shouldn’t eat candy at all because it’s high in sugar and not healthy for them. However, some candy will just give them a tummy ache–while others could kill them!

It’s important to avoid candies with the following toxic ingredients:

  • Xylitol: This sweetener also goes by birch sugar, wood sugar, and birch bark extract. It’s highly toxic to dogs.
  • Chocolate: Chocolate is more likely to make your dog sick than kill them, but either way it should be avoided. Some dogs do, unfortunately, die from chocolate poisoning.
  • Certain nuts: Some nuts, like peanuts, are safe for dogs, while others, like almonds, others, can be toxic. Uncooked nuts tend to be the most dangerous, as many of them contain tannins which are toxic to dogs.
  • Raisins: Raisins and grapes are highly toxic to dogs and can cause symptoms. Although candies with raisins may seem like a healthier alternative, it’s actually very dangerous to feed them to your dog.

Always check the ingredients on any food you feed to your dog. Sometimes you might not notice that certain ingredients are included until you read the label!

It’s also important to note that the above list isn’t comprehensive; there are plenty of other ingredients that are toxic for dogs to eat. When in doubt, avoid feeding foods that you aren’t 100% sure are safe.

Different types of chocolate

Chocolate is more likely to make your dog sick than kill them, but either way it should be avoided.


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The photo featured at the top of this post is © So ev/

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About the Author

Katelynn Sobus is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on pets including dogs, cats, and exotics. She has been writing about pet care for over five years. Katelynn currently lives in Michigan with her seven senior rescue cats.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Can I feed my dog Skittles?

Skittles are non-toxic to dogs, but they’re also high in sugar and not very nutritious. Small amounts won’t hurt your dog, but too many can cause stomach upset with symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.

What are healthy snack alternatives for my dog?


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