Can Hamsters Eat Bananas?

Written by Sarah Psaradelis
Updated: July 13, 2023
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Hamsters make popular small pets for both children and adults. When it comes to caring for a hamster, you need to ensure that they are fed a healthy and balanced diet. Aside from their staple seed or pellet mix, hamsters can also eat various fresh fruits and veggies.

Many people find that their hamsters enjoy eating sweet fruits, including bananas. When fed in moderation, everyone’s favorite yellow fruit can make a nutritious snack for hamsters!

Are Bananas Safe for Hamsters to Eat?

Yes, hamsters can eat bananas, which are considered safe and non-toxic. Although hamsters do not necessarily need bananas in their diet, you can feed them to hamsters in moderation. Bananas can make an enriching treat if fed alongside a balanced hamster food mix.  

This popular yellow fruit is quite nutritious for hamsters and offers them a decent amount of fiber, vitamins, and essential minerals. Bananas are high in potassium and magnesium, which also happen to be minerals that your hamster needs to stay healthy. When fed appropriately to hamsters, small amounts of banana are safe to feed. However, overfeeding bananas to your hamster can have the opposite effect.

fluffy syrian hamster with banana

Bananas are safe for all five species of domesticated hamsters.


Too much banana in your hamster’s diet may cause some digestive upset and watery stool. Furthermore, bananas do not contain the right amount of nutrients your hamster requires to form part of their complete daily diet. Hamsters should get most of their daily nutrients from balanced commercial food rather than from bananas.

How Often Can Hamsters Eat Bananas?

Hamsters cannot eat bananas very often, as fruits should not make up more than 5% of your hamsters’ diet. You should ideally feed bananas and other safe fruits sparingly, ideally once or twice a week.

You want to avoid giving your hamster bananas every day because of its high sugar content. Hamsters do not need a lot of sugar in their diet because of the negative health risks associated with overfeeding sugar to hamsters. Too much sugar may cause teeth and digestive problems or contribute to unhealthy weight gain in hamsters.

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Bananas?

Dwarf hamsters can safely eat bananas once or twice a week in small amounts. Although there is worry over whether dwarf hamsters can get diabetes from fruits, this is hardly a cause for concern. The sugar from bananas is highly unlikely to contribute to a dwarf hamster developing diabetes if it is fed appropriately. Genetics is usually to blame when it comes to diabetes in dwarf hamsters.

Furthermore, bananas are safe for all five hamster species to eat. This includes Syrian, Winter White, Campbell, Roborovski, and Chinese hamsters. Hybrid dwarf hamsters can also eat bananas as an occasional treat.

How Much Banana Can Hamsters Eat?

Hamsters should be offered no more than half a teaspoon of banana a few times a week. You should never give your hamster an entire banana, regardless of how big your hamster is. Your hamster will likely take it back to their nest by hoarding it in their cheek pouch. If you notice that your hamster has left a piece of banana in their nest that isn’t being eaten, it should be removed after an hour. Bananas can quickly spoil which will make it unsafe for hamsters to eat.

Hamsters should only be eating fresh foods and not overripe or decaying bananas. Instead, you should only feed ripe and fresh bananas to hamsters. You ideally want to choose an organic banana that has few chemicals.

Can Hamsters Eat Banana Peels?

The banana peels are safe for hamsters to eat, and they contain a lot of fiber and less sugar than the fruit itself. However, the banana peel may contain dirt, dust, and pesticides which can be harmful to hamsters. Any banana peels that you plan to feed to your hamster should be thoroughly washed in a non-toxic solution. However, it seems that hamsters prefer the actual banana fruit rather than the peels. Some hamsters may refuse to eat the banana peel because it doesn’t taste as good.

Cute hamster eating banana on white background

Bananas are a nutritious snack for hamsters that can be offered in small amounts once or twice a week.

©Jakub Csontos/

Can Hamsters Eat Dried Banana Chips?

Many lower-quality hamster foods already contain banana chips as an ingredient. Dried bananas made for human consumption usually have additives and preservatives that are not safe for hamsters. They may also have added sugar which is not good for your hamster. Although banana chips are safe for hamsters to eat, it should not be fed to them daily.

You should rather ensure that your hamster is fed high-quality food with pellets, seeds, grains, and nuts every day. However, it is not recommended to remove banana chips from the food. This is because it can affect the food’s guaranteed analysis and affect the amount of nutrition your hamster receives from their food.

Rather choose a commercial hamster mix that contains few fruits and sugary treats, and is high in nutrients from seeds, grains, nuts, and a balanced pelleted food. Hamsters are naturally omnivores, so while fruits can be a part of a healthy hamster’s diet, they shouldn’t make up a large portion of it.

In Conclusion

Hamsters can eat around half a teaspoon of ripe or dried bananas once or twice a week. Bananas are a fibrous and nutritious fruit that offers your hamster essential minerals like potassium and magnesium. When fed appropriately, all species of domesticated hamsters can be offered bananas as an occasional treat.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © I Wayan Sumatika/

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About the Author

Sarah is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering aquatic pets, rodents, arachnids, and reptiles. Sarah has over 3 years of experience in writing and researching various animal topics. She is currently working towards furthering her studies in the animal field. A resident of South Africa, Sarah enjoys writing alongside her pets and almost always has her rats perched on her shoulders.

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