Cherry Blossoms in Texas: When They Bloom and Where to See Them

People and pollinators love springtime cherry blossoms in South Carolina!
© Photography

Written by Peyton Warmack-Chipman

Updated: March 14, 2023

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Yes, you can find cherry blossoms in Texas! These iconic flowering trees are usually associated with Japan, where they can be seen flowering in masses. Or, at least with Washington D.C., where they’re a part of the annual National Cherry Blossom Festival.

But cherry blossoms grow- and flower- in Texas too! They grow best in mild climates with moderately cold winters, making northern TX an unassuming but ideal home for these exotic beauties.

For cherry trees, their flowers appear before their leaves. So, when their flowers bloom, they cover the tree’s naked branches in a fluff of flowers. However, these blossoms only last about one week before falling to the ground.

We’re approaching cherry blossom season, and this is a sight you’ll want to see. Keep reading to learn about when they’ll bloom and places you can see them.

When to See Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms begin to blow away just a few days after blooming.

Cherry blossoms begin to blow away just a few days after blooming.


In Texas, cherry trees typically bloom in mid-March, although their “season” is considered mid-March to early April. Since cherry trees’ flowers bloom before their leaves come out, the flowers are their first step out of dormancy. So, they need weather conditions to be right before waking back up!

Many factors determine when a tree blooms, primarily temperature and moisture levels. If the temperatures warm up early, then cherry blossoms will come sooner. Inversely, if the winter is quite harsh and cold, then these trees will bloom later.

Thankfully, temperatures have been rising quite a lot recently and should be warm enough to invite the cherry blossoms out!

The one negative about cherry blossoms is that they’re short-lived, very short-lived. At most, you have two weeks from the buds opening to the petals falling. If you don’t act fast, you must wait until next year! This is partially why people get so crazed about cherry blossoms.

Cherry trees bloom all at once, so once they start, the whole tree is covered in flowers. Unfortunately, they drop just as quickly. Although, it’s also gorgeous to walk through an orchard of cherry blossoms as their flowers drop, feeling their soft, floral snow.

Where to See Cherry Blossoms

cherry blossom branch

Many factors determine when a tree blooms, primarily temperature and moisture levels.

© Ohashi

Of course, it’s important to know when to go, but you also need to know where to see the blooms! Cherry trees don’t grow all over Texas, and you might need to do a several-hour-long drive to see some. (Trust me, it’s worth the trip!)

Cherry Blossoms in Texas: The Dallas Arboretum

The number one, hands down location to admire cherry blossoms is the Dallas Arboretum. It has over 100 cherry blossom trees that line its paths! They all bloom at the same time and create a cloudy sky of flowers!

The Dallas Arboretum has an impressive display of Yoshino cherry trees, a species with completely white flowers instead of the pale pink flowers like many other species. These unique blossoms create a snowy white fluff that extends for as long as you can see!

Every spring, the Dallas Arboretum holds the World of Flowers festival with an amazing show of diverse and colorful flowers. The Yoshino cherry trees are one of several species featured in the World of Flowers, along with bright pink peach blossoms!

Fort Worth Botanic Garden

Arched wooden bridge accented by Texas fall colors

The Japanese Garden in Fort Worth.

©Dean Fikar/

The large and amazing botanic garden in Fort Worth has many amazing plants and cultivated spaces to admire, and their Japanese Garden is just one of these. The Japanese Garden includes classic Japanese flora and fauna, so, naturally, they have the iconic cherry blossom trees.

The Japanese Garden in Fort Worth isn’t as massive and stunning, but it’s still a wonderful place to be when the flowers are in full bloom. Especially if you live in Fort Worth, this local location should be your first stop!

Along with cherry blossoms, they also grow pear, peach, and crab apple trees which all have beautiful blossoms around the same time as cherry trees.

Hermann Park Conservancy 

If you’re on the east side of the state, luckily, there’s a spot to visit some cherry blossoms closer to you! The Hermann Park Conservancy in Houston also has a Japanese Garden, home to many gorgeous, healthy cherry trees- that will bloom soon!

The 20 cherry trees at Hermann Conservancy come from Japan, given to the Japanese Garden as a gift. The serene Japanese Garden features several ponds, waterfalls, and classic Japanese Maples.

It’s a nice, peaceful atmosphere, and admission is free! So, why not spend a lovely weekend or afternoon here?!

Start Planning Your Floral Fantasy

The cherry blossoms in New York City create an amazing springtime display!

Cherry trees can’t handle the heat of central and southern Texas. So, your only options are Houston or northern Texas, where the cherry trees can thrive.


If you’ve never seen a cherry tree in full blossom, you must make the trip one day. If you’ve already seen cherry blossoms- you already know this! It’s a spectacular sight that can’t be imitated, except for with other flowering trees!

Unfortunately, cherry trees can’t handle the heat of central and southern Texas. So, your only options are Houston or northern Texas, where the cherry trees can thrive. This might mean a long drive for you, but it’s 100% worth the trip and a great reason to take a weekend trip.

These blooms are a special sight that can only be experienced for one (maybe two) weeks out of the year, so take this opportunity! Plus, shortly after cherry blossoms, peach trees will start to open their flowers, and these blooms can be seen all over the state.

Flowers are the hallmark sign of spring, and the awe-inspiring cherry blossoms help us celebrate this change.

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About the Author

Peyton has always loved playing outside, as a kid and still well into her 20's. The connections between our lives, other animals, and all the plants around us has always fascinated her and fueled a drive to learn so much about the natural world. Through curiosity and experience, her knowledge has grown, specifically on medicinal plants and regenerative agriculture. Her favorite animal is the Holland Lop rabbit, after learning they're the greatest pet you could ever have.

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