Collie Grooming Guide: 5 Tips for a Healthy and Beautiful Coat

Written by Alyssa Shea
Updated: January 11, 2024
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Collies are easily one of the most recognizable dog breeds in the world. But did you know that there are different types of collie breeds? There are many different types of collies out there to choose between, from border to bearded. We will mainly discuss collies with two types of coats to care for and maintain. There are rough or smooth coats, and the care for these can differ slightly.

Though they differ, both of these coat types possess what is called a “double coat.” Rough collies have a double coat, which means shedding will last all year while they also “blow” their coats in the spring and fall. Smooth collies won’t become matted like their rough-coated counterparts but still require consistent grooming. Learn how to care for your collie by checking out this helpful guide!

Victor professional dog food

Border collies either have a smooth or rough coat.

©Ermolaev Alexander/

Learn How and When to Bathe Your Collie

Typically, it would be best if you didn’t bathe a collie too often. Unless they’re visibly dirty, you should avoid washing them more than every three months or so. Spot-cleaning is better than completely submerging them or putting soap on their skin. Overwashing can lead to dry or irritated skin because it will strip their natural oils. Luckily, you can technically “reset” their skin if this happens. Head to your veterinarian or groomer for deep conditioning options. Follow these steps for a successful bathing process!

  1. Thoroughly wet your dog’s coat from the neck to their paws using lukewarm water.
  2. Use gentle, fragrance-free dog shampoo and lather the fur.
  3. Rinse them down until the water runs clear.
  4. Wash their face and ears last and do so gently without getting water inside the ears or eyes.
  5. Use conditioner and a pin brush to really work the product down to their skin, and rinse until the water is clear.
  6. Pat them dry with towels without rubbing the fur to avoid matting.
  7. Use a blow dryer on low while brushing to ensure their fur is completely dry.

Be Consistent with Grooming Efforts

Consistency is crucial in maintaining a healthy coat for your collie. It’s important for their appearance and how well they’ll react to touching their feet and ears. This is important for behavior and development. The most beneficial aspect of grooming is that you can use the time to familiarize yourself with your dog’s health. You can check their eyes, ears, teeth, and paw pads to ensure there aren’t any other health issues during this time. Set reminders on your phone, or keep your calendar updated to stay on top of it!

Use the Right Tools and Products

There are differing opinions on whether or not to use a FURminator brush on collies.


Before you begin, make sure you have the tools and products for a successful grooming session. A regular old comb or brush for human hair won’t cut it! Here’s an excellent list to start with when it comes to beginning an at-home grooming journey with your collie:

  • V-rake
  • Slicker brush
  • Wide-toothed comb
  • Dematting rake
  • Nail clippers
  • Detangling spray
  • Mild shampoo
  • Grooming scissors

Focus On Areas That Are Prone to Matting

The one significant benefit of owning a smooth collie is the lack of matting. But other collies, such as the bearded collie, rough collie, sheepdogs, and more, will get mats if you’re not careful. The most common spots for mats are behind the ears, front legs, inner thigh area, tails, and collar areas. If your collie does have mats, you use some tried and true methods to get them out.

Start with a good detangling spray and a comb to work through the mats. If you don’t have detangling spray, cornstarch is also an excellent method to loosen tangles. Combs alone sometimes won’t work, so you might want to use a de-matting rake instead. If the mat won’t budge, you should use a sharp pair of scissors to cut it out. Leaving the mat in the hair will only make it worse.

Consider Calling a Professional for Help

When it comes down to it, caring for a dog can be incredibly difficult! You can’t do it all on your own. Getting set up with a regular, professional groomer will help your pup feel more comfortable in the long run. They can set up a consistent schedule to get your pup’s coat looking fresh and healthy. But do your research before picking any groomer. Call around and find one that is familiar with collies and their fur type before you commit!

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Lisjatina/

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About the Author

I'm a 36-year-old mother of 2 and military wife. I have 2 dogs and a cat that I'm thoroughly obsessed with. When I'm not writing for work, I'm writing as a hobby. You can find me knee deep in a pile of books or way too invested in a video game.

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