Collins Lake Fishing, Size, Depth, And More

View of Collins Lake, California
© Meg Savi/

Written by Em Casalena

Updated: August 9, 2023

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There’s nothing quite like the enchanting world of Collins Lake, nestled amidst the scenic beauty of California. This captivating reservoir promises an idyllic escape for nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. With its sparkling waters and lush surroundings, it beckons visitors to discover its hidden wonders.

Collins Lake, at the base of the Sierra Nevada, is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Those in search of aquatic excitement will be glad to learn that the lake offers several options, including fishing, kayaking, swimming, and more. A haven for fishermen of all skill levels, the lake is teeming with species including bass, catfish, and trout.

There is a vast network of hiking paths beyond the water’s edge, ideal for discovering the rich biodiversity of the region. The high pathways provide views of the landscape that will leave you in awe of nature’s grandeur.

Whether you seek a serene fishing spot or an adrenaline-pumping adventure, Collins Lake has something to offer everyone. Here’s everything you need to know about this incredible lake!

Collins Lake Location

Collins Lake, situated at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, is a serene and picturesque location. To the south of it, you’ll find the California state capital of Sacramento. If you’re looking for some time to relax in the great outdoors, go no further than this lovely lake, which is encircled by lush forests and gentle slopes. 

With its expansive 1,009 acres, the lake is perfect for a variety of outdoor pursuits including fishing, boating, and exploring the lakeside pathways on foot. Its clean waters attract fishermen of all skill levels because they are teeming with fish. Visitors may take pleasure in a picnic at the water’s side, amidst the stunning natural scenery. Collins Lake is an inviting refuge from the stresses of daily life.

Collins Lake History

The beautiful Collins Lake is a man-made lake with no real ancient history. However, the waterways and rivers in the area have a rich history that dates back centuries. The lake’s origins go back to the indigenous tribes that once inhabited the region and used these natural water sources. Native American communities, including the Nisenan and Maidu tribes, relied on the nearby water sources for sustenance and spiritual significance. For generations, they lived in harmony with the land and its resources. However, Collins Lake as it is known today had not been created yet.

The Creation of Collins Lake

Browns Valley Irrigation District was founded in 1888 and is responsible for the creation of Collins Lake. The region’s demand for irrigation water soon outpaced supply. Damming the water running through Virginia Ranch was a concept BVID explored as early as 1919 with the hopes of providing for Browns Valley and Loma Rica. In 1950, approval was given to build a dam 105 feet tall, which would have resulted in a reservoir covering 35,000 acres. The $1.36 million, five-year initiative never got off the ground due to a lack of funding. 

A 152-foot-tall embankment dam, with a capacity of 57,000 acre-feet, was approved for a $4.8 million loan ten years later. Collins Lake was formed when the Virginia Ranch Dam was finished. It is named for Merle Collins, an important figure in the project’s promotion, and it was built in under three years.

Pineland Development began operating a lakeside camping and leisure concession in 1967. The concession, which has been in the same family since 1972, has grown to include 109 RV hookups and tent camping spots. Although fenced, the campsite and day-use areas are accessible at dawn throughout the year.

Recreation and Tourism

Over the years, Collins Lake transformed from a mere water reservoir into a popular recreational destination. Its proximity to major cities like Sacramento and its picturesque beauty attracted tourists seeking outdoor adventures. The lake became a haven for fishing enthusiasts, boasting an abundance of bass, catfish, trout, and more. Boating, camping, and hiking opportunities further cemented its status as a cherished recreational spot for families and nature lovers.

Conservation and Sustainability

Recognizing the ecological importance of Collins Lake, conservation efforts intensified in the late 20th century. Conservationists and local authorities worked together to protect the lake’s delicate ecosystem, preserving its biodiversity and ensuring sustainable fishing practices. These initiatives aimed to balance recreational activities with the preservation of the natural environment.

Today’s Legacy

As we look to the present, Collins Lake remains a cherished gem in Northern California. Its storied history, from the days of native tribes to the modern recreational hub, highlights its significance to both the environment and local communities. With ongoing conservation efforts and responsible tourism practices, Collins Lake continues to be a place where people can connect with nature and appreciate the legacy of its past.

Collins Lake Size

Collins Lake spans 1,009 acres. It has a maximum length of 2.86 miles and a maximum width of 1.15 miles. It has a total surface area of 1.56 square miles.

Depth of Collins Lake 

Collins Lake boasts a varying depth that contributes to its allure. The lake’s depth ranges from shallow areas to approximately 40 feet deep in some sections, with a few extremely deep spots that are close to 133 feet. This diversity in depth creates an ideal habitat for various fish species, making it a popular spot for anglers seeking a fruitful fishing experience. The deeper sections also offer opportunities for boating and water activities.

Collins Lake Water Level

Collins Lake has seasonal changes in its water level. Seasonal elements, such as precipitation, snowmelt, and temperature, contribute to this variance. The lake’s water level rises during the wetter months and drops during the drier ones. The Mediterranean climate of the Sierra Nevada Mountains has an impact on the lake’s water levels as well. 

Fishing in Collins Lake 

Collins Lake is a fisherman’s paradise! Anglers of all skill levels will find success in the lake’s pristine waters, which are home to a wide variety of fish species. Smallmouth and largemouth bass, rainbow trout, catfish, and crappie are some of the most sought-after fish. Collins Lake is a great place to go fishing whether you’re a seasoned pro searching for a new challenge or a novice looking for a fun and memorable outing.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout are popular fish in Collins Lake among anglers.


Bountiful Catches Year-Round

Fishing in Collins Lake is an all-season activity. The lake’s water level and temperature fluctuations create various fishing opportunities throughout the year. In the cooler months, from fall to early spring, trout fishing thrives. The lake is stocked with rainbow trout during this time, providing ample chances to reel in a prized catch. During the warmer months, bass fishing becomes the highlight. Anglers can enjoy the thrill of catching largemouth and smallmouth bass, which are abundant in the lake.

Ideal Fishing Spots

Collins Lake offers an array of fishing spots to suit different preferences. The areas near the dam and inlet boast excellent trout fishing, especially during the stocking season. Anglers can also explore the deeper sections of the lake, where bass tend to congregate. Just as well, the lake’s coves and shallower areas provide great opportunities for catfish and crappie fishing. Visitors can fish from the shoreline or rent boats to access deeper waters.

Family-Friendly Environment

Fishing in Collins Lake is not only rewarding but also a family-friendly experience. The lake’s serene setting allows families to bond while enjoying the great outdoors. Parents can introduce their children to the joys of fishing, fostering a love for nature and conservation. The lake’s facilities, including picnic areas and camping grounds, make it an ideal destination for a fishing weekend getaway.

Conservation and Responsible Fishing

As an essential aspect of Collins Lake’s fishing culture, conservation, and responsible fishing practices are promoted and encouraged. Anglers are reminded to follow local fishing regulations and practice catch-and-release for certain species, contributing to the preservation of the lake’s ecosystem and the sustainability of fish populations.

Collins Lake Geology

The majestic splendor of the Sierra Nevada Mountains is the result of geological processes that occurred over millions of years. The range was produced via tectonic uplift, in which the crust of the Earth was raised as a result of the motion of tectonic plates. During the last Ice Age, glaciers carved vast valleys and U-shaped canyons into the terrain.

Composition of the Lake Basin

Collins Lake is in a natural basin within the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The basin’s composition is a mix of sedimentary and igneous rocks, contributing to the lake’s unique geological features. The sedimentary rocks, like sandstone and shale, were formed from the accumulation of sediments over time. On the other hand, igneous rocks, such as granite, were formed from the cooling and solidification of molten lava deep beneath the earth’s surface.

Boating and Other Activities on Collins Lake 

Visitors of all ages and interests will find something to enjoy at Collins Lake. The lake’s vast waters and beautiful scenery make it a fantastic location for a wide variety of outdoor activities, such as boating, fishing, camping, and hiking. 

Boating on Collins Lake: A Thrilling Adventure

Boating is a popular and exhilarating activity that draws enthusiasts from far and wide to Collins Lake. The vast expanse of the lake provides ample space for boaters to explore and indulge in their passion for water-based adventures. Whether visitors own their boats or prefer renting one, the lake welcomes all to cruise its serene waters and revel in the beauty of the surrounding landscapes. From powerboats and sailboats to kayaks and paddleboards, the diverse boating options cater to different preferences and skill levels, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all who partake.

Fishing: A Favorite Pastime

Fishing is another activity that captivates visitors to Collins Lake. The lake’s abundant fish species, including bass, trout, catfish, and crappie, make it a haven for anglers seeking a fruitful catch. The well-stocked lake and varying water depths create excellent opportunities for both novice and experienced anglers to test their skills. Fishing from boats or the shoreline allows enthusiasts to connect with nature and enjoy the tranquil ambiance while awaiting that prized catch.

What Do Bass Eat?

Bass are quite abundant in Collins Lake.


Camping: Embracing Nature’s Serenity

Camping at Collins Lake is a delightful way to immerse oneself in the natural beauty and tranquility of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The lake offers camping facilities with spaces for tents and RVs, making it an ideal spot for families, groups, and solo adventurers. Campers can wake up to stunning views, enjoy outdoor cooking, and gather around campfires under the starry skies. The proximity to the water and surrounding forests create an immersive experience that leaves lasting memories.

Hiking and Exploring: Unveiling the Wilderness

For those seeking terrestrial adventures, the area surrounding Collins Lake presents ample hiking opportunities. Numerous trails wind through the nearby hills and forests, inviting visitors to explore the diverse flora and fauna of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Hikers can witness stunning vistas, cascading waterfalls, and encounters with wildlife along the way, making each hike a unique and enriching journey.

Family-Friendly Activities: A Memorable Getaway

Collins Lake prides itself on being a family-friendly destination, offering activities that cater to visitors of all ages. Children can enjoy playing on the sandy beaches, building sandcastles, or splashing in the shallow waters. The lake’s calm and safe environment allows parents to introduce their young ones to the joys of fishing or boating, creating cherished family moments.

Conservation and Responsible Recreation

As a beloved recreational destination, Collins Lake places great emphasis on environmental conservation and responsible recreation. Visitors should follow guidelines to preserve the lake’s natural beauty and protect its delicate ecosystem. Boaters and anglers should practice catch-and-release fishing, ensuring the sustainable management of fish populations. Conservation efforts aim to maintain the lake’s pristine conditions, allowing future generations to continue enjoying its wonders.

Camping at Collins Lake 

Camping at Collins Lake in the Sierra Nevada Mountains offers a delightful escape into nature’s serenity. The lake provides camping facilities for both tents and RVs, catering to families, groups, and solo adventurers seeking an immersive outdoor experience. Campers wake up to stunning views, the soothing sound of water, and a chance to connect with the surrounding wilderness.

Camping Regulations

To ensure the preservation of the natural beauty and delicate ecosystem of Collins Lake, camping regulations are in place. These guidelines aim to maintain the lake’s pristine conditions for present and future visitors.

Campers must adhere to designated campfire areas and guidelines to prevent wildfires. Extinguishing fires completely before leaving the site is crucial. Also, proper waste disposal is a priority. Campers must use designated trash receptacles and follow the “Leave No Trace” principles, leaving the campsite as they found it.

Campers should observe wildlife from a distance, respecting their natural habitats and refraining from feeding them. And to ensure a peaceful environment, there is enforcement of quiet hours during specific times. This allows everyone to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. Also, obtaining camping permits and making reservations in advance is necessary to secure a spot during peak seasons.

What’s not to love about the pristine Collins Lake? Whether you’re an angler or just love spending time in nature, this is a great spot in Northern California to visit!

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About the Author

Em Casalena is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on plants, gardening, and sustainability. Em has been writing and researching about plants for nearly a decade and is a proud Southwest Institute of Healing Arts graduate and certified Urban Farming instructor. Em is a resident of Arizona and enjoys learning about eco-conscious living, thrifting at local shops, and caring for their Siamese cat Vladimir.

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