Cricket Symbolism: Discover What These Tiny Bugs Mean and Represent

isolated cricket

Written by Sammi Caramela

Updated: November 14, 2023

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When you think of “crickets,” your mind might wander to a summer night outdoors set to the insect’s personal concert. Crickets are notorious for their loud chirping noises that attract potential mates. They achieve this sound by rubbing their wings together, causing a vibration that sounds like chirping. These orthopteran insects inhabit warm climates worldwide and hold some of the most unique symbolism. In fact, crickets have many different spiritual meanings across different cultures. Many label the bug as a good omen — despite its relatively large size and ability to jump. They can jump at least three feet high or up to 30 times their body length.

The Lucky Cricket is renowned for its positive messages and spiritual ties. Many cultures are relieved to see a cricket visitor in their homes, as this often promises prosperity. However, some of us have also learned to fear the jumping, and singing critter simply because of its large body and long legs. If you dive into the insect’s symbolism, however, you might change your mind.

Keep reading to learn more about what crickets mean and represent.

Chinese culture viewed crickets as symbols of large, happy families, as the family was closely tied to the concept of prosperity.

Luck and Prosperity: Positive Meanings Associated with Crickets

One of the most common spiritual meanings of crickets is good luck and abundance. It’s said that if you hear a cricking chirping or one finds its way into your home, you and your family will experience fortune very soon. 

House cricket (Acheta domesticus) on a white background

House crickets are omnivore insects that can grow up to 0.83 inches.

This idea originated in Chinese culture, which values the insect as a sign of prosperity — especially when it came to harvesting. In fact, in ancient China, farmers used to interpret cricket chirps as a sign that spring was on its way. When they’d hear the insect’s songs outside, they’d know it was time to plant their fields and would get to work right away.

Chinese culture also viewed crickets as symbols of large, happy families, as the family was closely tied to the concept of prosperity. Crickets themselves have large “families,” laying hundreds of eggs at a time. In addition, crickets are highly regarded in Chinese feng shui, or the practice of harmonizing our physical environments through different energy sources. The lucky cricket symbol is featured around many homes for manifesting good luck and striking a positive, energetic balance within the space.

Thousands of years later, this bug is still tied to the positive connotations from ancient China. While you likely wouldn’t jump for joy when a cricket enters your living space (though they might), seeing a cricket in your home actually could be a good omen. That’s why many people will warn you against killing a cricket — doing so can turn your good luck upside down. Instead, if you don’t want the pest leaping around your room, gently capture the cricket and place it back outdoors. This will protect them, too, as they don’t survive as long indoors as they do outdoors.

Communication and Serenade: Symbolic Significance of Cricket Chirping

The scientific reasons why crickets chirp are to attract a mate and repel a predator or competitor. However, there’s a deeper, more spiritual meaning behind the insect’s lovely singing. In fact, many view it as a sort of serenade (which makes sense, as they’re trying to court a partner). Others interpret it as a form of self-expression and communication.

Field Cricket

Field crickets are 0.59 – 1.22 inches long and have dark bodies.

Across many cultures, cricket chirping not only calls in good fortune but also deters evil spirits and negative energy. Many believe chirping is actually a form of communication between the physical and spiritual realms. In other words, crickets represent spiritual guides who relay certain messages to the physical world. 

Many Asian cultures label crickets as “watchdogs” or “spirit animals.” Think Cri-Kee, the Disney Princess’s sidekick and “lucky cricket” in the film Mulan. Along with Mushu, Fa Mulan’s Chinese dragon guardian, the cute cricket pal helped support Fa Mulan throughout her journey, often warning her of impending danger through his frantic chirps. Additionally, he often kept a careful watch on Mushu, encouraging the wreckless dragon to make better (more careful) decisions. Cri-Kee is a great example of lucky crickets and their impactful melodies. 

Spiritually speaking, the meaning of a cricket’s melody is one of transformation, likely because the insect must endure various growth stages throughout its lifetime. Hearing crickets during warmer months might remind you of the changing seasons, a symbol of how we humans mature through our own seasons in life, too. Oftentimes, this requires us to let go of what no longer serves us, which can be an important yet difficult task.

Resilience and Adaptability: Understanding the Symbolism of Crickets as Survivors

As mentioned above, crickets often mean transformation. The cricket’s life cycle consists of four stages: mating, egg, nymph, and adult. While their life span is only up to six weeks, their entire life cycle can last between two to three months. During these stages, they undergo a gradual metamorphosis. 

Mormon Cricket Swarm Crossing a Dirt Road,

Crickets are extremely resilient and adaptable creatures.

The large insects might indicate that you’re going through a spiritual awakening or making major changes in your life, such as moving states or starting a new career. During transition periods, you might experience grief and anxiety, but crickets remind us of how resilient we are.

In fact, crickets themselves are quite resilient. These insects survive off of a variety of food sources, making them extremely adaptable. They can even fit between small cracks and crevices to enter warm, moist spaces and escape extreme temperatures or hide from predators. 

Due to their ability to thrive in various environments, crickets hold the spiritual meaning of survival. They can easily hide and camouflage themselves to stay safe from threats, making them adaptable and resilient. Additionally, they’re smart insects that can sense approaching creatures (this is why they go quiet when you walk near them) and stop their chirping to throw off a potential predator. 

If you hear a cricket chirping, take it as a sign to slow down and be present at the moment. Consider your circumstances and how you think you should best move forward to approach the situation at hand. You are resilient and will get through this.

Spirituality and Intuition: Discovering the Symbolic Messages of Crickets

As you’ve already learned above, crickets have many positive meanings. They are often touted as spirit guides and communicate various messages through their chirping.

cricket on blade of grass

Fun fact: this insect is nocturnal, so chirping mostly happens at night, which can present as a spark of hope in the darkness.

Additionally, many believe hearing a cricket serves as a reminder to listen to your emotions and trust yourself. You know what they say: sensitivity is a superpower. While some might make you feel bad for having strong emotions, being sensitive actually means you’re in touch with your intuition and inner world — which is a good thing. Crickets are sensitive (yet resilient) creatures that represent a strong connection to your intuition.

If you’ve been feeling confused or overwhelmed, the cricket might be reminding you to sit still with yourself and listen to your inner knowing. Stop looking elsewhere for external validation or answers that you already hold within yourself. You know yourself best, and you can trust in your journey.

Next time you hear a cricket chirping, rather than growing annoyed by its persistent melody, consider the many spiritual meanings of the insect. As humans, we often learn to fear insects, and many of us feel grossed out by the mere sight of crickets in our homes. We cower in the corner, grab a heavy shoe, and are quick to kill. But crickets pose little to no harm or threat to us. In fact, as various cultures and legends say, they’re actually good luck. Maybe we can start viewing them as such.

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About the Author

Sammi is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering cats, nature, symbolism, and spirituality. Sammi is a published author and has been writing professionally for six+ years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Writing Arts and double minors in Journalism and Psychology. A proud New Jersey resident, Sammi loves reading, traveling, and doing yoga with her little black cat, Poe.

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