Discover the Best Time of Year to Plant Roses… The Answer Might Surprise You

Moonlight in Paris roses in bloom

Written by Chanel Coetzee

Updated: September 15, 2023

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Why is it important to know the best time of the year to plant roses? Because if you plant them at the perfect time you can enhance and prolong their beauty, scent, soul, and color. In fact, roses that were planted at the ideal time bloom for months throughout summer into fall. While roses make your garden pop, they also serve important purposes. For example, single-flowered roses provide for pollinators like bees and certain species of birds. So, if you want to learn about the best time of the year to plant roses, continue reading.

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Plant Roses in the United States?

Because the U.S. is so vast, results will vary. For example, the best time of the year to plant roses in the Northern regions of the United States is from April to May.

Planting Roses in the Northern States

April is perfect for planting bare-root roses in the northernmost states of the U.S. from USDA Zones 4 and 5. However, May is an ideal time to plant roses for zones 1 through 3. But, no matter the month, always wait until the spring frost has passed in your area before planting container roses from a nursery.

There are several factors to consider when planting roses, like if your garden has dried out enough to the point where the soil crumbles. Unfortunately, if there is still moisture in the ground, the soil will clump into hard balls, especially if it contains clay. But if your bare-root roses have arrived and there is still snow on the ground, do not panic! You can store them in a dark spot with water covering their roots for a few days. In addition, you can place them in a container with drainage holes, covering the roots with compost or lightly damp sawdust.

White Hedge Rose

April is perfect for planting bare-root roses in the northernmost states of the U.S. from USDA Zones 4 and 5. However, May is an ideal time to plant roses for zones 1 through 3.

Planting Roses in the Southern States

The Southern States are warmer, so the best time of year to plant roses is from January through March if you work the soil. In Zones 9 and 13, which consist of the southernmost areas in the U.S. and Hawaii, you can plant roses as early as January or February. However, the perfect time to start planting in Zone 8 is late February, while Zone 7 residents should wait until early March, and Zone 6 should wait until late March. But, these dates are not set in stone; they can vary yearly depending on weather. So, if you need to hold off on planting, you can place your roses in a well-drained trench, covering the roots with slightly damp compost or soil. But, if you leave them in the trench for too long, they may plant their feet there.

Orange roses growing from a bush in a garden

The Southern States are warmer, so the best time of year to plant roses is from January through March if you work the soil.

What Climate Do Roses Grow Best In?

Knowing the best time to grow roses is important, as it helps them thrive. Hundreds of rose species are cultivated across the U.S. But, not all of them are the same or develop in the same climate. But roses usually grow in warm climates and begin to flower during the summer. However, certain species can grow in hot, humid climates, like Florida. Alternatively, others can thrive in colder climates, some with winter temperatures as low as -50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sexy Rexy Rose

Knowing the best time to grow roses is important, as it helps them thrive. Hundreds of rose species are cultivated across the U.S. But not all of them are the same or develop in the same climate.

Where Do Most US Roses Come From?

A small town in California boasts the reputation of being the global hub of rose production due to its rich soil, the steady water source for irrigation, and sunny weather. Wasco produces around 40% of the roses grown in the USA and is home to some of the largest rose nurseries in the nation. This little town has five active rose producers who collectively cultivate thousands of acres. Sadly, there used to be more, but after the 2008 recession, three major nurseries filed for bankruptcy after the rose industry was hit hard, and two went out of business. However, farmers in the area have options, as large areas of land are used for almond, carrot, grape, dairy, pistachio, and citrus production.

Vast fields of commercially-grown roses in and around Wasco, located in the Southern San Joaquin Valley, California, will soon be shipped to retail florists nationwide.

Wasco produces around 40% of the roses grown in the USA and is home to some of the largest rose nurseries in the nation. This little town has five active rose producers who collectively cultivate thousands of acres.

Image: Richard Thornton, Shutterstock

Tips for Planting Roses

Roses bring everything in your garden to life. To get the most out of this romantic flower, use the following tips:

Choose the Perfect Rose

Before going out and splurging at a nursery, do your research. Not all roses are the same, and you must select a species that suits your capabilities. For example, disease resistance is one of the most important factors to consider. The less time you spend on doctoring your plants, the better. On the top of your list should be roses resistant to fungal diseases, like powdery mildew and black spots.

Rose bush leaves with black spots all over them

The less time you spend on doctoring your plants, the better. On the top of your list should be roses resistant to fungal diseases, like powdery mildew and black spots.

Image: Douglas Cliff, Shutterstock

Sunshine is Key

It’s a known fact that roses love sunshine, which is why they grow so well in the Southern states. Therefore, you should plant your roses in a spot that receives at least six hours of full sun daily. However, if you live in a town/city suffering from sweltering temperatures and minimal rainfall, ensure that your roses get some afternoon shade. Additionally, the area should be protected from strong winds. Lastly, never plant your roses under a tree because they won’t grow in the shade and may sustain damage from falling branches.

Beautiful yellow Rose. Rose named Michelangelo (Meltelov). rose illuminated by sun rays on green background.

It’s a known fact that roses love sunshine, which is why they grow so well in the Southern states. Therefore, you should plant your roses in a spot that receives at least six hours of full sun daily.

Rose Bushes Need Space

There must be enough airflow around your rose bushes to help prevent fungal disease such as powdery mildew and black spots. For example, planting roses at least three feet apart is best to eliminate competition for soil nutrients. In addition, these bushes can grow quite big, around 8 feet wide, and therefore, need more space. As a result, you should always consider mature sizes when spacing your roses.

Ebb Tide

There must be enough airflow around your rose bushes to help prevent fungal disease such as powdery mildew and black spots.

Prune Your Roses

You should start pruning your roses in early spring. It’s important to do this to open the center of the shrub or plant to allow for better air circulation and light penetration. This creates an environment that helps prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Gloved hands of gardener with scissors pruning top of rose bush growing on flowerbed in the garden while taking care of plants

You should start pruning your roses in early spring. It’s important to do this to open the center of the shrub or plant to allow for better air circulation and light penetration.

Image: Pressmaster, Shutterstock

Keep Your Garden Tidy

You can keep your roses healthy by eradicating diseased, dead, or dying plants from your garden, including fallen rose leaves with potential diseases. Unfortunately, fallen leaves with fungal spores can overwinter and infect the rose the following spring.

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About the Author

Chanel Coetzee

Chanel Coetzee is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on big cats, dogs, and travel. Chanel has been writing and researching about animals for over 10 years. She has also worked closely with big cats like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and tigers at a rescue and rehabilitation center in South Africa since 2009. As a resident of Cape Town, South Africa, Chanel enjoys beach walks with her Stafford bull terrier and traveling off the beaten path.

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