Dreaming of Fish: Discover the Spiritual Meaning and Interpretation

Dark green betta fish, Fancy Halfmoon Betta,The moving moment beautiful of Siamese Fighting fish in Thailand. Betta splendens Pla-kad (biting fish), Rhythmic of Betta fish isolated on black background
© Digital Art StudioTH/Shutterstock.com

Written by Kristen Holder

Updated: November 14, 2023

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Dreaming of Fish often means prosperity, good health, and regeneration.

Dreaming is a phenomenon that almost all people share, but what we dream about at night is highly personalized. It’s not uncommon to remember animals that appear in your dream, so what does it mean if you’re dreaming of fish? Discover the spiritual meaning and interpretation now.

The Spiritual Meaning of Fish in Non-Western Cultures

Chinese shubunkin goldfish in cold water aquarium.

Chinese shubunkin goldfish in cold water aquarium.


Fish in many cultures are good omens. For example, goldfish are symbols of protection and security in Vietnam. Similarly, in China, goldfish are symbols of academic success as the written character for goldfish is very similar to the character for scholastic achievement.

Adherents of Hinduism believe seeing fish in their dreams is auspicious. Depending on the context of the fish in a dream, they can mean success, luck, wealth, and contentment. Similarly, Buddhists think fish may represent prosperity, good health, fertility, and regeneration.

The Meaning of Swimming Fish in Your Dream

Swimming fish embodies movement, and the kind of water that fish are swimming in while you’re dreaming informs how the imagery should be interpreted. Fish swimming in clear water is a good omen, while fish swimming blindly in murky water is a bad omen.

If a fish is swimming farther down into cloudy water until it gets very dim, it may mean that you’re headed toward trouble. It may be safe to assume that any projects that are in the works will end with a worst-case scenario. If you’re dreaming of fish swimming from the depths to the surface in clear water, it may mean that the things you’re working out will end in the best possible way.

The Interpretation of Going Fishing in Your Dream

If you're dreaming about fishing, pay attention to what you catch.

If you’re dreaming about fishing, pay attention to what you catch.

©Dudarev Mikhail/Shutterstock.com

If you’ve gone fishing in your dreams, take into account how productive the act of fishing ended up being. Did you catch anything? Did you pull up strange fish? Were you able to catch an enormous quantity of fish?

If you didn’t catch anything while you were fishing, it most likely means that something you’re waiting on is not going to come to fruition. Your efforts are in vain, and it’s time to consider a different course of action.

If you pull up strange-looking fish, it means you may experience an outcome that you didn’t anticipate to something for which you’ve prepared. An enormous quantity of fish means your efforts are going to pay out and your diligence will be rewarded.

Interpreting Dreams about Decaying or Dead Fish

Dying fish in your dreams may mean a chapter in your life is closed but you haven't recognized it yet.

Dying fish in your dreams may mean a chapter in your life is closed but you haven’t recognized it yet.

©Sergey Uryadnikov/Shutterstock.com

If you’re dreaming about decaying fish, it likely means that something in your life is coming to an end. Like salmon that journey a long way from the ocean up rivers to spawn, you may be at the end of a long journey. When salmon are done spawning, they die and rot in the waters near their final destination.

If the fish in your dream are already dead or die in front of you, it means that something important to you is already lifeless. It also suggests that you haven’t recognized that this chapter in your life is closed.

For example, you may be wondering why someone you care about isn’t speaking to you anymore. You may want to fix this situation, however, the situation isn’t fixable. It’s time to move on.

The Dream Interpretation for a Fish That Is Eating You

A fish eating you in your dreams is a bad sign. It most likely means that someone you don’t suspect doesn’t have good intentions. Be careful of people in your lives, especially ones that have harmed you in the past or that you don’t know very well. They may be plotting against you by trying to steal your resources or steer your loved ones out of your life.

The Meaning of Dreaming About a Fish Tank

Dreaming that you're in a fish tank can mean a variety of things based on how you feel.

Dreaming that you’re in a fish tank can mean a variety of things based on how you feel.

©CC BY-SA 4.0 – Original / License

Fish tanks are small spaces that are well-defined with no means of escape for the animals inside. As a result, dreaming of a fish tank may mean that you’re stuck in a situation with no solution. If this is the case, it’s best to make peace with your predicament until something changes as you do not have control of the outcome.

Sometimes dreams put you in the fish tank along with the animals that are in there. If this is the case, pay attention to how you feel within the tank.

Does the tank provide security, or do you feel trapped? If you feel secure, that means that the situation you’re stuck in is a nurturing environment. There is no need to escape. If you feel trapped, start asking people in your life for help in getting out of a situation that you cannot solve yourself.

Interpreting Fish Eggs in Your Dream

Dreaming of fish eggs is a sign of fertility. Seeing a fish laying eggs is a good sign that you’ll soon get the good news you want if you’re trying to get pregnant. If you’re observing fish eggs in your dreams, you may already be pregnant but you don’t know it yet.

Even if you’re not trying to get pregnant, fish eggs are a good omen that shows that a project or relationship you’re working on may grow into something bigger than anything you’ve imagined. If you’ve set an idea in front of a boss hoping it’ll be considered, it may turn into a project or a policy that’s more rewarding than you initially imagined.

Biblical Dreaming: The Spiritual Meaning and Interpretation of Fish for Christians

Fish play an important role in Christian symbology. If you’re religious, seeing fish in your dreams may slant the other interpretation in this article toward your spiritual life.

For example, decaying fish may mean that your spiritual life needs to be addressed as you’re losing faith. Fish eggs may show that your prayers are about to be answered. Being stuck in a fish tank may show you that you need to approach the Gospel from a different angle so your spiritual life doesn’t stagnate.

The Loaves and Fishes story from the Gospels is important to remember if you’re constantly dreaming about fish. Remember that Jesus fed thousands of people from a paltry collection of bread and fish. Keep in mind that if you have faith, there will always be a way.

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About the Author

Kristen Holder is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering topics related to history, travel, pets, and obscure scientific issues. Kristen has been writing professionally for 3 years, and she holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of California, Riverside, which she obtained in 2009. After living in California, Washington, and Arizona, she is now a permanent resident of Iowa. Kristen loves to dote on her 3 cats, and she spends her free time coming up with adventures that allow her to explore her new home.

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