Finch Prices in 2024: Purchase Cost, Supplies, Food, and More!

Written by Sarah Psaradelis
Updated: September 6, 2023
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Finches are small, songful birds that make appealing pets for bird lovers. If you are thinking about getting a pet finch, you are probably wondering about the costs involved with caring for a finch. There are various costs associated with purchasing and owning finches, both initially and ongoing. However, finches are not nearly as expensive to care for as some parrot species, and most of their supplies are one-off costs.

This article will help you determine the different costs involved with finch ownership.

The Gouldian finch is one of the most expensive pet finches you can purchase, with prices ranging from $150 to $600.

How Much Does a Finch Cost?

Australian zebra finch

Finches are considered low-maintenance and affordable pet birds.

©CC BY-SA 4.0 – License

The cost of a finch can vary depending on its species, place of purchase, gender, and age. Most finches generally cost between $10 to $150 from a pet store and most breeders. However, the rarer species can be priced as high as $600. In some cases, the pet store or breeder may sell a pair or group of finches at a discounted price. This is because finches need to be kept in small groups because they are social birds that should not be housed alone. Furthermore, a young and healthy finch is usually higher priced than an older finch who might not have the best health status.

Since the species of finch, you choose can influence the price, below is a breakdown of what you can expect to pay for each one.

Species of FinchPrice
Zebra finch:$10 – $50
Gouldian finch:$150 – $600
Spice finch:$35 – $50
Strawberry finch:$80 – $100
Owl finch:$100 – $300
Society finch:$15 – $40
American goldfinch:$50 – $80
Star finch:$45 – $75

Quick FAQ

1. What is the Cheapest Pet Finch?

The zebra finch is the most popular and widely available pet finch. They are often the most affordable pet finch you can purchase while being resilient and relatively easy to care for. It is uncommon to purchase a zebra finch for more than $50 at a pet store.

2. What is the Most Expensive Pet Finch?

The Gouldian finch is one of the most expensive pet finches you can purchase, with prices ranging from $150 to $600. Their elevated price is primarily because of their fascinating coloration and difficulty in breeding in captivity. However, they are still considered rare and popular pet finches.

Cost of Finch Supplies, Food, and Cages  

Cage:$30 – $120
Food:$12 – $25
Dietary supplements:$8 – $20
Food and water bowls:$5 – $13
Bedding/Nesting material:$10 – $30
Accessories:$12 – $40
Perches:$5 – $20
Cleaning supplies (optional):$0 – $20

You can expect to spend between $100 to $300 for your pet finches’ supplies, food, and caging. This is relatively low in comparison to many other exotic pets. Fortunately, most of those purchases will be once costs like their caging, accessories, food, and water bowls. Finches’ ongoing or monthly costs will be their food, supplements, bedding or nesting material, and other perishable items.

Most Colorful Animals: Gouldian Finch

Gouldian finches are one of the most colorful pet finches, however, they are also the most expensive.

©Nataly Studio/

The most expensive item you will need to purchase for your pet finch is a suitable cage. Cages for finches can range in price, but they are usually no more than $120. You might be able to find cages available for cheaper if you look on local buy-and-sell sites or perhaps get one for free from friends and family.

You will also need to spend money on your finch’s cage accessories, which can add up over time. Finches can get bored in their cage, and aside from the company of other finches, enrichment items can help prevent your finch from becoming bored. You can enrich your finches cage with accessories such as small wooden ladders, swings, mirrors, bells, and even different-styled perches. Finches seem to appreciate nesting boxes and nesting material as well, which can be good purchases for your finch.

Finch Insurances Prices

Most finches in general are healthy birds that are prone to few health problems. However, investing in exotic pet insurance for your finch is a good way to avoid costly vet bills. Applying for pet insurance for your finch is beneficial, especially for any unexpected vet bills if your finch were to be injured or become ill.

Generally, pet insurance for birds can range in price from as little as $10 to as high as $50 per month. The price will usually depend on the type of coverage you want for your finch.

Finding pet insurance that covers birds can be tricky since they are not widely available, but there might be a few good options out there. You will need to find pet insurance that covers exotic pets like birds and choose a suitable policy.

Most bird insurances cover things like:

  • Accidental injuries
  • Sudden illness
  • Hospitalization
  • Lab fees
  • Examinations
  • X-rays
  • Routine health checkups

These conditions and procedures would otherwise be quite pricey, and some might even cost well over $1,000.

Unfortunately, most bird insurance policies prioritize long-lived parrots rather than small birds and short-lived birds like finches. Regardless, it is still worth looking into pet insurance for your finch if you are on a tight budget and don’t have money set aside for vet bills.

How Much Does It Cost to Take a Finch to the Vet?

Group of zebra finch sitting on the metal bars of the cage.

Finches need vet care. It is important to set money aside for vet bills or invest in pet insurance.


Like most pets, finches need to be taken to an exotic veterinarian when they are ill, injured, or for routine examinations. Most of their treatments, procedures, and examinations can cost between $30 to $1,000 depending on what needs to be done. If your finch is only going in for a simple health examination, you can expect to pay around $30. However, if your finch needs lab work down, medication, X-rays, and surgery, it can cost up to 1,500.

According to experts at VCA animal hospitals, finches require routine veterinary checkups at least twice a year. This ensures that your finch’s health is monitored and maintained and can even help catch any recently developing health problems that would otherwise be costly to treat in the later stages.

In Conclusion – The overall Cost of Owning a Finch

Finches make great pet birds while being low-maintenance and relatively inexpensive to own. When you first purchase a finch, you can expect to pay around $10 to $600 for the bird itself, depending on the species. You will then purchase supplies, food, and a cage, which totals around $100 to $300. Most of those supplies will be one-off costs, while others are ongoing costs. Pet insurance and veterinarian care are also necessary for finches, which can cost you around $30 to $1,000 at any given time.

Therefore, you can expect to spend around $25 to $70 per month on a pet finch, unless medical treatment is needed. The expected is total is $200 to $450 annually for your pet finch.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Nataly Studio/

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About the Author

Sarah is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering aquatic pets, rodents, arachnids, and reptiles. Sarah has over 3 years of experience in writing and researching various animal topics. She is currently working towards furthering her studies in the animal field. A resident of South Africa, Sarah enjoys writing alongside her pets and almost always has her rats perched on her shoulders.

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