15 Flowers That Mean Emotional Healing

lavender field in full bloom at sunset
© Kalina Georgieva/Shutterstock.com

Written by Kirstin Harrington

Published: November 16, 2023

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There are over 369,000 flowering plants in the world! With so many gorgeous and fragrant blooms to choose from, it can be hard to know which one is best for a certain occasion. If you’re looking for flowers that represent emotional healing, you’re in the right place. 

From a sudden loss to the beginning of motherhood, there are plenty of healing emotions that flowers can symbolize. Whether you’re on the hunt for the perfect bouquet for a loved one or yourself, let’s take a look at which blossoms are ideal. 

1. Roses

Macro shot of rainbow roses with multi colored petals with shallow DOF.

There are over 100 species of roses.


Roses are one of the most popular flowers to give to others. Although they often represent romance, they can represent emotional healing as well. They come in a variety of stunning hues as well as a range of flowering styles

You can give a red rose to someone you’re in love with, while yellow roses are for platonic relationships. These flowers are great for self-love and compassion because sometimes we’re the ones who need emotional healing. 

It’s not uncommon for people to consume roses for its benefits. It’s said to help with anxiety, depression, and even help with Alzheimer’s disease

2. Peony 


These flowers can have a similar scent to roses.

©All for you friend/Shutterstock.com

Peonies are gorgeous blooms that look amazing in gardens and bouquets. These are quite large flowers that come in red, white, yellow, and pink. They represent all sorts of healing! Traditional Chinese medicine uses peonies to help with emotional distress. 

Many link pink peonies with emotional healing. These flowers are also symbols of fresh starts and overcoming life’s challenges. If you know someone going through a divorce or generally facing the struggles of life, a large bouquet of peonies can help them feel empowered. 

3. Lotus

Nymphaea lotus, the white Egyptian lotus

A white lotus is a symbol of mental purity.


Many believe lotus flowers are some of the most stunning blooms in the world. They come in several colors such as blue, red, white, and pink. They represent emotional healing, spiritual awakening, purity, and self-reflection. 

It’s common to use this flower for its calming properties. Something unique about this flower is that it grows from thick mud and blossoms above the water. This shows that lotus flowers symbolize what it takes to be strong and overcome tough situations. 

4. Sunflower 

Sunflower cultivation at sunrise in the mountains of Alicante, Spain.

There are around 70 species of sunflower.


One thing that makes sunflowers great for those in need of support is their natural sunny disposition. These beautiful blooms represent happiness, positivity, and a bright future. If you have someone close to you going through a tough time, sunflowers are sure to brighten up their mood.

Consider sending an arrangement of sunflowers to someone in your life who is near to your heart to express your feelings if you are experiencing problems with them. You may also wish to add some additional therapeutic flowers like daisies to convey how much you care about them.

5. Forget-Me-Not

The bright blue flowers of Brunnera macrophylla also known as Siberian Bugloss, Great Forget-me-not, or Heartleaf.

These perennials are freely self-seeding.


If you want a small flower that symbolizes emotional healing, look no further than Forget-Me-Nots. These are dainty flowers that typically grow to be white, pink, and pastel blue. People typically use Forget-Me-Nots for their connection with balance, and peace, and are ideal for those experiencing grief. 

6. Lavender

Lavender, Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender was used in ancient times to give bathwater a calming aroma.

©iStock.com/Iva Vagnerova

This flower is primarily famous for the calm feeling the strong aroma of this plant gives off. It has a unique shape and comes in a stunning shade of purple. This is quite a versatile flower and it holds a lot of meaning. 

Lavender is great for emotional healing, cleansing, and releasing energy blocks. People can grow the flowers themselves, use lavender essential oil, or even spray lavender on their pillows to promote a calming energy. 

7. Marigold

Beautiful bright orange and dark red blooming marigold flowers background. Summer or autumn pattern backdrop. Floral greeting card.

Marigolds are believed to attract the spirits of dead loved ones.


These flowers are such a great representation of healing your emotions, they’re used in Dia de los Muertos! Marigolds grow to be quite tall and have velvety smooth petals. They are most often associated with protection and the spiritual realm. 

Many cultures use marigolds to ward off bad spirits and draw in good luck and positive vibes. 

8. Iris 

Tall bearded Iris flower - Secret Melody

There are roughly 300 species of iris plants.

©yuelan/iStock via Getty Images

It’s hard to beat the magnificent appearance and enticing smell of an iris flower. They grow in a wide range of colors and are easy to identify due to their striking appearance. This flower has a nickname of being the “messenger of hope.”

Iris blooms represent emotional healing, bravery, and strength. Each color of this flower has its own meaning. Some associate violet iris with intuition, whereas yellow flowers are to help spread happiness. 

9. Cherry Blossom

Cherry tree blossom explosion in Hurd Park, Dover, New Jersey. Same trees, with green summer foliage, can be found by searching for photo ID: 707340079

Cherry blossoms can bloom anytime from January to May.


If you ever get the chance to see a cherry blossom grow in the wild, it can truly take your breath away. These trees are absolutely stunning and instantly transport you to an alternate dimension. 

They’re often planted in parks and other public outdoor places. These stunning pink and white blooms symbolize beauty and renewal. They are known to be calming and can help with personal development. 

10. Chrysanthemum

A close up photo of a bunch of dark pink chrysanthemum flowers with yellow centers and white tips on their petals. Chrysanthemum pattern in flowers park. Cluster of pink purple chrysanthemum flowers.

There are nine categories of chrysanthemum sorted by petal arrangement.


One of the best parts of having a bouquet of chrysanthemums is that they last longer than most flowers. They bloom in autumn, making them great for fall arrangements. Chrysanthemum blooms have been used in traditional medicine and therapies for decades. 

Inflammation, high blood pressure, and respiratory issues are thought to be improved by chrysanthemums. Many cultures use them in teas, tinctures, and lotions. They promote focus, drive, and feeling grounded. 

11. Hyacinth

Large flower bed with multi-colored hyacinths

You can give these flowers as a flirty gesture, as they often symbolize playfulness.

©Kateryna Mashkevych/Shutterstock.com

Hyacinths, with their aromatic, closely spaced blossoms and vivid colors, are a lovely metaphor for renewal and rejuvenation. Their presence can encourage new starts and emotional healing, especially if you need to heal from things in the past. 

Hyacinth can serve as a compelling reminder of the possibility of development and change. They also symbolize cleanliness and innocence. 

12. Daffodil

Yellow flowering daffodil Narcissus Flor D'Luna seen closeup indoors.

There are around 200 species of daffodil flowers.

©Joe Kuis/Shutterstock.com

It’s hard not to smile when looking at a daffodil. These are quirky, unique blooms that are known for their vibrant yellow hue. If you suffer from the winter blues, a bouquet of daffodils in your home can lift your spirits. 

Daffodils have a trumpet-shaped corona in the center. Six petals typically surround the corona. These flowers are best given to someone who’s dealing with emotional issues that are making them feel sad or depressed. 

If someone you know lost a job or is about to go through the anniversary of a loved one’s death, an arrangement with daffodils is an ideal gift.

13. Dahlia 

Dahlia sp. 'Labyrinth'

Dahlia flowers are incredibly resilient and represent the month of August.


If you’re looking for a flower that comes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, consider dahlias! These blooms are ideal for lending a touch of refinement to any floral arrangement or landscape.

They have several layers of petals and easily draw anyone’s attention. Those who live in cities with limited access to green spaces may find that spending time among dahlias cultivates a stronger sense of connection to nature.

They can also help greatly with stress and anxiety.

14. Zinnia

Zinnia, Close-up, Color Image, Flower, Garden

Zinnia blooms are drought-tolerant.

©Joshua Goddard/iStock via Getty Images

Speaking of flowers that grab your attention, zinnias also represent emotional healing. They grow in a wide range of gorgeous colors such as purple, red, orange, yellow, and pink. These flowers are known for their dense and thick appearance. 

In natural environments, zinnias add a bit of color to otherwise green spaces. They are a great option to lift someone’s spirit and bring them some joy if they’re feeling lousy. 

15. Jasmine

Jasmine flowers

Jasmine is popular for its effect on romantic relationships.

©Shaikh Kamal Uddin Khalid/Shutterstock.com

Last but not least, jasmine is a great flower that represents emotional healing. These small white blooms grow in clusters on vines. They’re most commonly used for their aroma in essential oils and lotions. 

People have been using jasmine to help with anxiety, stress, and depression. It’s a great option for those looking to improve their mood and relax more. There are even studies that show this flower can help give you energy! 

Summary of Flowers That Mean Emotional Healing 

4. Sunflower
9.Cherry Blossom
10. Chrysanthemum
12. Daffodil 
15. Jasmine

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About the Author

Kirstin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering animals, news topics, fun places, and helpful tips. Kirstin has been writing on a variety of topics for over five years. She has her real estate license, along with an associates degree in another field. A resident of Minnesota, Kirstin treats her two cats (Spook and Finlay) like the children they are. She never misses an opportunity to explore a thrift store with a coffee in hand, especially if it’s a cold autumn day!

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