Halibut Market Prices in 2024: What to Expect When Buying

Halibut Prices
© Hydric Design and Kate Smith from Getty Images/ via Canva.com

Written by Claire Wilson

Published: January 10, 2024

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Halibut is known for its gentle, slightly sweet flavor that pairs wonderfully with various spices. The fillets are firm and meaty. Halibut steaks are thicker than cod but white and flaky, like tilapia. While this fish has quite the price tag, its popularity continues to soar. Find out halibut market prices in 2024 and what to expect when you buy halibut.

What is Halibut?

Halibut on a fishing line

Halibut is a marine flatfish that primarily preys on smaller fish, octopuses, and crabs.

©Israel Patterson/Shutterstock.com

From the family of right-eye flounders, halibut are flatfish in the genera Hippoglossus and Reinhardtius. Within the Hippoglossus genera are the Atlantic halibut (found in the North Atlantic Ocean) and Pacific halibut (found in the North Pacific Ocean). Almost 80 percent of the Pacific halibut is from Alaskan waters. Atlantic and Pacific halibut are the main ones available in stores and online. There is also the Greenland halibut, from the genera Reinhardtius, which resides in the chilly northern Atlantic, northern Pacific, and Arctic Oceans. But, it is less popular.

Halibut can grow to be over 400 pounds and eight feet long, making it one of the largest flatfish on the planet. The meat is very flaky and lean, and many love halibut for its high-quality protein and low-fat composition. It’s a hearty yet healthy meal choice.

When is Halibut in Season?

From mid-March until mid-November is when halibut are in season. However, the peak season for these fish is between June and September. This is when halibut is most active, congregating in the warmer waters, especially up by Alaska.

What Are the Halibut Market Prices in 2024?

Halibut, Fish, Grilled, Cooked, Whitefish

Halibut is described as having a firm texture with a mild flavor to it.

©Fudio/ via Getty Images

Fillets cost between $12 and $40 a pound, as the price varies by halibut type. Greenland halibut is considered inferior to Pacific and Atlantic halibut and is thus cheaper. Here is what halibut market prices for 2024 look like:

  • Greenland Halibut: $12-$20 per pound
  • Pacific Halibut: $23-$28 per pound
  • Atlantic Halibut: $26-$29 per pound
  • Alaskan Halibut: $35-$40 per pound

Why Is Halibut so Expensive?

Like with most everything, the pandemic shocked the supply chain of the fishing industry. Because of labor shortages, transportation delays, and fewer fishermen, halibut prices have increased since 2021. Add the fact that demand for halibut rose during those years, and you can see how halibut prices have exploded. But, the fishing industry is bouncing back, and prices should even out to a more reasonable rate.

How Are Halibut Sold?

Halibut in an Alaskan market

While halibut market prices for 2024 have increased, Alaskan wild-caught halibut is among the best and most expensive fillets you can buy.


Because it is such a large fish, halibut is usually sold as fillets or large steaks. Unless you are catching a halibut yourself, it is rarely sold whole. When observing the flesh, it should be white to pinkish in hue. It should have a minimal fishy odor and any halibut meat that looks dull or yellowish shows that it has been in the cooler for a while.

Halibut is usually shipped frozen, so what you see in the store is either frozen or thawed-frozen halibut. But this fish freezes well and shouldn’t affect the fresh taste. If you are looking for fresh fillets or steaks of halibut, be sure to purchase them when they are in season between March and November.

Health Benefits of Halibut

Delicious fresh halibut steaks on slate with lemon and parsley.

Including halibut in your diet comes with several advantages for your health.


Full of micronutrients, halibut is an efficient way to get what your body needs in a low-fat meal. Here are some of the benefits of one serving of halibut:


One of the best qualities of halibut is its high-quality protein. One three-ounce serving has 32 percent of your daily value. Halibut, along with other fish, is a fantastic source of complete proteins, as it provides all the essential amino acids your body cannot create alone.

Anti-Inflammatory Nutrients

Halibut is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body fight inflammation. Chronic inflammation is associated with joint and body pain, and omega-3 fatty acids help your body manage inflammation and promote healing. Omega-3 fatty acids are also not made by your body, so eating food rich in these fatty acids, like halibut, is essential.


Halibut also has a trace mineral called selenium, an antioxidant that aids in cell repair and thyroid health. Halibut also contains niacin, which helps prevent heart disease and promotes heart health. Niacin also plays a role in protecting your skin from sun damage. Finally, halibut is rich in magnesium, with just one serving providing 42 percent of your daily value. Magnesium is crucial for muscle movements, bone health, energy, brain function, and more.

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About the Author

Claire Wilson is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on reptiles, travel, and historic places and landmarks. Claire holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Writing from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, which she earned in 2010. A resident of Wisconsin, Claire enjoys hiking, visiting parks, and biking nature trails.

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