How Often Do You Water Money Trees? 4 Critical Tips for a Thriving Plant

money tree in pot
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Written by Kathleen Marshall

Published: August 8, 2023

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Houseplants aren’t just a source of beauty in the home; they are also known to boost mental health. The money tree, Pachira aquatica, is a popular houseplant that is beautiful and easy to care for. Some believe it brings good luck and prosperity into a home or business, and for this reason, it is a popular gift. But to keep your money tree thriving, you need to know how often to water it and how to properly care for it.

How Often Do You Water Money Tree Plants?

Cutting pruning dead leaves from a Pachira Aquatica plant. Houseplant care concept.

Yellow leaves can indicate over or underwatering.


As a general rule, you should water your money tree plant when the first inch or two of soil feels dry when you poke your finger into it. This is typically every two or three weeks, but you should check the soil frequently to ensure you don’t overwater or underwater the plant. 

Yellowing Leaves

Besides dry soil, yellowing leaves are another sign that your money tree is in need of a drink. However, this can also indicate overwatering, so before you grab the watering can, check the soil to make sure. 

Browning Leaves

Another way your money tree will tell you it needs water is with browning leaves. If you didn’t notice the leaves turning yellow, they will start to turn brown at the tips. Eventually, the entire leaf will brown and fall off.

Poor Growth

Indoors, money trees can get six to eight feet tall and can grow as much as a foot or two a year. If you don’t see signs of new growth on your money tree, a lack of water may be the problem.

4 Critical Tips for a Thriving Money Tree Plant

money tree in pot

The money tree is a common gift for new homeowners.

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1. Adequate Sunlight

Outdoor plants can tolerate full sun in USDA Hardiness Zones 10 to 12, but your money tree will prefer four to six hours of bright to medium light when it’s grown indoors. Depending on where you live, this can be tricky, so feel free to use a grow light if you can’t provide adequate lighting for your plant.

2. Humid Mild Climate

Money tree plants like a high-humidity environment, which is not necessarily comfortable for the people in a home. For this reason, you can meet the humidity needs of your plant by placing a small humidifier in the room or placing the pot in a tray of pebbles with water. If you can keep the room’s temperature at around 65 to 75 degrees, your money tree will be happiest.

3. Regular Fertilizing

To keep your money tree healthy, plan to apply a general houseplant fertilizer each month during the spring and summer when the plant grows the most. You can plan on fertilizing every two months for the rest of the year. 

4. Proper Pruning

While you don’t necessarily have to prune your money tree, doing so will keep it looking more attractive and can actually promote new growth. It is a tree, after all, so you may want to limit its size and spread. In fact, you can prune it much as you would a bonsai tree. At the very least, you’ll want to prune off any dead or damaged areas. The best time for major pruning is spring or early summer, but removing dead leaves or branches can be done at any time without hurting the plant. 

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About the Author

Kathleen Marshall is a master gardener, animal lover, and general worshipper of nature. She has been writing and editing since 1996 and when she's not working, she's playing with her two dogs, talking to her always-hungry koi, or spending time in her garden gathering plants for nourishment, medicine, and magic.

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