How Smart Are Australian Shepherds? Everything We Know About Their Intelligence

portrait beautiful brown white domestic australian shepherd dog posing nature sunset
© Jithu B Mohan/

Written by Kristin Hitchcock

Updated: August 21, 2023

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Australian Shepherds are known for their high intelligence and problem-solving abilities. In fact, they are easily one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. But exactly how smart are Australian Shepherds?

Much of their intelligence comes from their history, where they were relied on to herd animals without much input from humans. They had to make split-second decisions by themselves.

Today, these dogs can excel at many activities due to their obedience and intelligence. They have a strong desire to please and work, which makes them particularly receptive to training and learning new commands.

However, these dogs require tons of mental stimulation because they are so smart. They can become bored relatively easily, which can lead to destructive behaviors. Before adopting one of these dogs, be sure you can provide them with the stimulation they need to thrive.

Exploring the Intelligence of Australian Shepherds

The intelligence of these dogs is one of their standout characteristics. They can solve problems relatively quickly and make sound decisions. This trait stems from their history as working dogs on ranches, where they had to assess situations and take action to move livestock efficiently. This problem-solving ability makes them adaptable to various tasks and environments.

Australian Shepherds are also fast to learn new commands and tasks. They’re one of the easier breeds to train for this reason. They’re also excellent candidates for those that want their dog to learn many commands.

Their intelligence allows them to be adaptable. They can learn to behave in nearly any situation and follow various commands. Therefore, they excel at being companion animals and at practically any canine sport.

Bred as herding dogs, Australian Shepherds have a strong work ethic and a natural desire to please their owners. This drive to work and perform well makes them motivated learners who thrive when given tasks and responsibilities.

Australian Shepherds are also very good at understanding humans and their communication. One reason they are so good at being companion dogs is their ability to understand humans.

These dogs are also very clever. They have an impressive ability to find solutions to problems. Their cleverness is evident in their herding work, but it can also get them into trouble. For instance, they may be able to figure out how to open doors and get around other boundaries.

Australian Shepherds have relatively impressive memory skills. They can remember commands, places, and people many years later, similarly to a human. Therefore, they can often perform consistently, even when they haven’t heard the command in some time.

The Cognitive Capabilities of the Australian Shepherd: Understanding Their Problem-Solving Skills and Brain Size

woman trains with two Australian Shepherd dogs on a dog training field

These dogs are very fast to pick up on new skills and cues.

©Christian Mueller/

Australian Shepherds’ problem-solving skills stem from their history as herding dogs, requiring quick decisions in dynamic and challenging environments. Their ability to analyze situations, assess risks, and come up with solutions is a testament to their intelligence. They can navigate obstacles, find efficient paths, and adjust their actions based on changing circumstances.

This skill is especially valuable in herding livestock, as they must anticipate and respond to animal movements.

Brain size is sometimes associated with intelligence. However, this isn’t always the case. Brain size doesn’t actually impact cognitive function all that much. Australian Shepherds have a moderately sized brain that is similar to other dogs.

However, they’re often considered more intelligent because of their fast-learning abilities and intuitive communication with humans. Other dogs may be intelligent in other ways, like the ability to perceive threats.

These dogs also have a very large working memory, which allows them to work with several pieces of data simultaneously. This ability is vital for understanding and manipulating information to figure things out.

They’re also very flexible dogs. They’re able to use their intelligence in many different situations instead of only being good at one thing.

Australian Shepherd’s Learning Aptitude: How Quick and Adaptive Are They?

Australian Shepherds have a reputation for being fast learners. They tend to grasp new commands and tasks relatively quickly. They’re very intelligent, which allows them to pick up on things faster and with fewer repetitions.

This quick learning ability makes them popular choices for obedience training, agility competitions, and other activities that require learning and following commands.

This breed’s strong desire to please their owners plays a significant role in their quick learning. They are motivated by positive reinforcement and praise, which means they’re more likely to repeat behaviors that result in rewards.

They want to make you happy, so they will work hard at training.

Australian Shepherds are highly adaptable dogs. Their history as working dogs that needed to adapt to various herding tasks and changing environments has honed their ability to adjust to new situations. They can easily transition between different activities, environments, and tasks.

In fact, their ability to solve problems is at least partially reliant on their adaptability. They’re able to approach situations in different ways to come up with a solution instead of just doing what they were trained to do.

Due to their high intelligence and cognitive abilities, Australian Shepherds can handle complex commands and tasks. They can learn sequences of commands, perform multi-step tasks, and even engage in activities that require planning and coordination, such as dog sports and intricate tricks.

Intelligence Ranking: Where Does Australian Shepherd Stand Among Other Breeds?

puppy and adult australian shepherd in front of white background

This breed is about average when compared to other working breeds, which tend to be more intelligent than most dog breeds.


Australian Shepherds are one of the most intelligent dogs. However, they are not the most intelligent dog. Ranking dog intelligence is difficult because not all dogs were bred to do the same thing. Therefore, how do you pick a behavior to rate as “intelligent?”

That said, people often use a dog’s aptitude for training to signal whether that dog is intelligent or not. Stanley Coren, a well-known dog psychologist, developed a popular ranking of dog intelligence based on working and obedience intelligence. In his book “The Intelligence of Dogs,” Coren categorized breeds into several groups based on the dog’s ability to understand commands.

The Australian Shepherd fell into the average working dog group. In other words, they have an average intelligence for a working dog (who tend to be more intelligent than purely companion animals).

Of course, there are some variances within the breed. There are some very smart (and very not-so-smart) Australian Shepherds.

Unlocking Australian Shepherds’ Intelligence Potential: Training Techniques and Mental Stimulation

There are many ways to unlock your dog’s intelligence. While much of intelligence is genetic, there is a lot that isn’t genetic, too. How the dog is raised and trained also helps determine how intelligent it will be.

Like with all dog breeds, Australian Shepherds respond well to positive reinforcement, which involves rewarding the dog whenever the correct behavior is done. Use treats or toys that your dog finds highly motivating to reinforce commands and behaviors you want to encourage. This approach helps them associate good behavior with positive outcomes, making them more eager to learn and perform.

Your dog will want to train, which is just as important as actually teaching the command.

Consistency is also very important. You’ll need to use clear, consistent verbal commands and hand signals to teach each trick. Avoid anything that might confuse your dog, like cues that sound or look similar.

Because these dogs bore easily, it’s important to keep training sessions new and fun. Gradually increase the difficulty of the task as your dog begins to understand what you’re asking for. You want to increase the difficulty fast enough to keep your dog challenged but not so fast that you set the dog up for failure.

If possible, engage your Australian Shepherd in herding activities or trials. This taps into their natural instincts and provides a mentally stimulating and satisfying outlet for their intelligence.

Socialization is also important for this breed. Expose your Australian Shepherd to many new places, people, and animals as possible. Start very early and continue to socialize your dog as they age.

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If you have kids or existing dogs select:

Other Dogs

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What climate?
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The lower energy the better.
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About average energy.
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All energy levels are great -- I just love dogs!
How much should they shed?
How trainable/obedient does the dog need to be?
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How much chewing will allow?

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About the Author

Kristin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering dogs, cats, fish, and other pets. She has been an animal writer for seven years, writing for top publications on everything from chinchilla cancer to the rise of designer dogs. She currently lives in Tennessee with her cat, dogs, and two children. When she isn't writing about pets, she enjoys hiking and crocheting.

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