Kristin Hitchcock
Author for A-Z Animals

Kristin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering dogs, cats, fish, and other pets. She has been an animal writer for seven years, writing for top publications on everything from chinchilla cancer to the rise of designer dogs.

She currently lives in Tennessee with her cat, dogs, and two children. When she isn't writing about pets, she enjoys hiking and crocheting.

The 7 Cleanest Dog Breeds Picture

Some dog breeds are simply cleaner than others. However, exactly what defines "clean" depends on who you ask. Some breeds are relatively low-maintenance and may not require as much brushing,… Read More

By Kristin Hitchcock 8 months ago

17 Types of Sighthounds Picture

Sighthounds are a group of dog breeds bred to chase things on sight. Think of dogs like greyhounds and whippets, which chase things that move. Unlike scent hounds, they do… Read More

By Kristin Hitchcock 12 months ago

Are Blue Jays Aggressive? Picture

Despite their smaller size, blue jays are known for being aggressive. They can be aggressive for a few different reasons, including: Territorial: Blue jays protect their territory fiercely, especially when… Read More

By Kristin Hitchcock 12 months ago

5 Types of Aspen Trees Picture

You'd be forgiven if you believed all aspen trees were identical. However, there are actually five main types of Aspen trees. Each of these types has its own unique characteristics.… Read More

By Kristin Hitchcock 1 year ago

Can Humans Eat Dog Food? Picture

Dog food technically isn't poisonous to humans. However, you shouldn't generally eat it for a few different reasons: Nutrition: Dog food is formulated for dogs - not humans. It lacks… Read More

By Kristin Hitchcock 1 year ago