Hungry Cat Makes It Clear That His Meal Is Not a Sharing Plate

Written by Sharon Parry
Published: March 5, 2024
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You can almost hear this kitty saying “You just wait there a sec while I eat this”. Cats can do the strangest things and this scene is one of the cutest. A tabby cat is holding a ginger tabby back by putting a paw on the other cat’s head. At the same time, the tabby is trying to eat the kibble as quickly as possible. We can only wonder if the tabby managed to finish its meal before the other cat got fed up and dived in!

Watch the Tense Meal Now

Five Awesome Cat Facts

Here are five awesome facts about cats that you may not have known.

  1. Cats have retractable claws around the toe pads so they do not wear down as they walk. Dogs’ claws stick out all the time and are not so sharp.
  2. Whilst domestic cats like to hunt alone, they actually like the company of other cats. They also like the company of humans – sometimes!
  3. Cats have amazing reflexes. This includes the ability to land on their feet even if they fall from just three feet above the ground.
  4. Their eyes appear to glow in the dark because of a special layer at the back of their retina called a tapetum lucidum. This helps them see in low light.
  5. There are backward-facing hooks on a cat’s tongue that they used for grooming.

How Cats Became Domesticated

African wild cat

Domestic cats are related to African wild cats.


The domestic cat (Felis catus) is one of the most recently evolved species of the Felidae family. This family is the most highly developed carnivorous hunter of all mammals. The first domesticated cats are thought to have appeared in Egypt around 3,600 years ago. We know that skulls of cats have been found in Egyptian cat burial ground and these were African wildcats. This species were living in Asia and North Africa at the time and were the ancestors of the modern-day domestic cat. However, there is other evidence to suggest that feline domestication occurred around 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. A cat was deliberately buried with its owner in a grave in Cyprus 9,500 years ago!

Humans were storing grain in Israel about 10,000 years ago but this gave rise to an increase in rodent populations. This attracted wild cats and they began to be accustomed to living near humans. Eventually, they became tame and became part of human rituals. There is evidence that some were sacrificed to Gods and were mummified!

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Natalia de la Rubia/

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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