Massive Rampaging Bull Runs Through a Market Destroying Motorbikes and Vehicles

spanish bull in the bullring
© De La Torre Antonio/

Written by Hannah Crawford

Published: November 15, 2023

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It is pretty amazing when we hear stories of animals running wild. Most animals will keep to themselves and away from humans as much as possible. However, there are instances where animals will run amuck. This could be for various reasons, such as feeling threatened or trying to escape. Let’s see what causes this buffalo to rampart through the streets.

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©Protasov AN/

Buffalo Sighting

The next TikTok video posted at the top of this blog post takes us to a marketplace with a rampaging bull on the loose. The Donald Albertson TikTok page shared this video. This channel has garnered more than 500,000 likes across all his videos. To list a few, this man does video reactions of animals such as deer, pigs, hyenas, monkeys, crabs, and ducks.  

Angry Buffalo Rampaging the Streets

At the start of this short clip, we see the action already taking place. The scene takes place in a marketplace. There are bikes, motorcycles, and mopeds that are lining the street. And a loose buffalo bull is running wild. He is knocking into each motorcycle on purpose with his large head.

In the right-hand corner, we see a shop owner watching in horror as this angry mammal destroys the street. We see men, women, and children all running to find any safety they can. One woman we see tries to get in her electric scooter. However, this was foolish because there was no cover for her! The bull quickly knocks it over.

Suddenly, he turns to the alley and sees a man in a bright red shirt. The narrator comically says, “Don’t go out there, especially wearing that bright shirt. It’s extra risky today.” 

Reportedly, this bull was running loose because it was attempting to rescue his buffalo companion. 

How Powerful Is a Buffalo?

Two huge water buffalos fighting on a sandy soil in tunisian national park

Buffalos are herbivores that eat grass, shrubs, and leaves.


When we look at buffalo, we are easily amazed by their size and the power they wield through their bodies. The buffalo (Syncerus caffer) of the genus Syncerus is a large mammal that weighs anywhere from 1,300-2,000 pounds and reaches up to six feet in length.

In addition to the one ton this animal weighs, they can run up to 22 miles per hour. This weight ramming into a vehicle was enough to tip them over. Imagine the damage that it could do to a human. It is said that a buffalo is up to four times stronger than an ox (Bos taurus). 

With this amount of power running rampant through this marketplace, it is no wonder that people were running for their lives. Take note: if a bull ever runs at you and you’re wearing a red shirt, get out of the way as soon as possible!

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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