Meet the ‘Hero’ Cat That Called 911 to Help His Owner

Orange tabby cat
© Jangsawang

Written by Marisa Higgins

Published: January 24, 2024

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orange kitten laying down with paws crossed

Tommy the Cat is orange and white, similar to the cat pictured.


Cats don’t get enough love. They’re often dubbed as independent, spiteful, and aloof—and while these characteristics are sometimes present, cats are great pets. Despite their fickle nature, many cats are friendly. Even more, many cats are exceptionally loyal to their owners. For example, Tommy the Cat, a hero, called 911 to help his owner.

The Emergency Call

On a Thursday evening, police received a phone call from the home of Gary Rosheisen in Columbus, Ohio. However, no one was on the line. The police called back to Rosheisen’s residence, wanting to ensure everything was okay. However, no one picked up the phone. The unanswered phone call led the police to check things out. 

When the police arrived at Rosheisen’s apartment, they were met with an unexpected sight: a kitty sitting next to a phone. Rosheisen was lying on the floor nearby, and it became clear that the cat had managed to make the call. 

Tommy, The Hero Cat

Rosheisen suffered from osteoporosis pain as well as ministrokes, which caused disruptions to his balance. The combination of these issues caused him to fall. He was unable to get up and, without his medical-alert necklace, he also couldn’t reach his phone to alert paramedics.

When Rosheisen adopted his orange and white cat, Tommy, he attempted to train him to call 911, but he wasn’t sure if Tommy understood. The living room phone had 12 buttons, including a speed dial for 911. The phone was always left on the floor, within Tommy’s reach. After Rosheisen fell, he discovered Tommy’s training paid off.

Rosheisen was unharmed and grateful that police showed up to check on the situation. He was especially thankful for his little hero, Tommy.

Did Tommy Call 911?

While the incident left everyone amused—and impressed, it’s unclear how Tommy managed to dial 911. It remains a mystery but was certainly a demonstration of his feline intelligence. Tommy’s 911 call highlights how cats are pretty exceptional four-legged companions. 

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About the Author

Dr. Marisa Higgins is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on travel, places to visit, and fun activities. Marisa holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and French, a Master of Arts in English, and a Ph.D. in English, and she's spent the past decade teaching, writing, and researching. She lives in Knoxville, TN with her husband, and their Beagle-Chihuahua, Rumi, and cat, Rory.

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