4 Reasons to Buy Dyed Mulch For Your Yard

Mulching the garden with red cedar wood chip
© OzCameraman/Shutterstock.com

Written by Angie Menjivar

Updated: October 6, 2023

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You get to pick the color. Make it matchy-matchy or make it contrast. The versatility of dyed mulch makes for an exciting outdoor decorating experience. Discover four reasons to buy dyed mulch for your yard! Plus, learn how to decide on the right mulch color!

4 Reasons to Buy Dyed Mulch For Your Yard

1. It’s Showy, Adding Curb Appeal

The variety of colors is plentiful from red to brown to black and even gold. Your best option would be something that complements your garden so that the landscape can form a beautiful panoramic view. Mulches are generally dyed with non-toxic materials that are environmentally friendly and have been made to last throughout the season (providing you search for a reputable supplier). The natural undyed color, while beautiful, fades sooner than you might expect due to the elements.

2. It Offers a Contrast for Garden Flowers

Mulch can enhance the vibrant colors of your plants and flowers. The nice thing about dyed mulch is that you get to choose what goes best with your decor or what is more visually appealing to you. While red colors can create an upbeat atmosphere, you still have the option to get brown and black. These darker colors give off a sophisticated yet serene ambiance.

Flowerbed prep

Use a dark mulch color to contrast your bright yard.


3. It Keeps Its Color

Once you choose a mulch color, it stays the same for the remainder of the season. It’s not necessary to replenish nearly as often as the undyed type of mulch. It sometimes fades a little, but it still serves its purpose. Dyed much can be helpful, especially when it comes to blocking harsh, direct sunlight and it also prevents weed seeds from growing. Plus, it helps retain moisture in the soil.

4. It’s Long-Lasting

Harsh weather plays a major role in how well the mulch keeps its vibrant colors. Weather like heavy rain, wind, and other extreme weather conditions impact the mulch’s condition. What usually works best is an extra layer of thick mulch as it helps prevent fading due to too much exposure to the sun. It also helps to suppress the new weed growth.

How to Decide on a Mulch Color

It is important to consider not just the landscaping but the hardscaping as well. The hardscaping consists of walkways, concrete designs, and fences. Once you have all of it in your vision, your next decision is to either harmonize by blending everything in or enhance your outdoor décor with a striking contrast. You should have a lot of fun deciding! For example, one of the most common is red mulch with greenery as the mulch gives the impression of the plants being greener. For a more traditional home with brick, you might want to try earthy tones as they blend well with the backdrop of your home.

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About the Author

Angie Menjivar is a writer at A-Z-Animals primarily covering pets, wildlife, and the human spirit. She has 14 years of experience, holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and continues her studies into human behavior, working as a copywriter in the mental health space. She resides in North Carolina, where she's fallen in love with thunderstorms and uses them as an excuse to get extra cuddles from her three cats.

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