Red Spider Lily: Meaning, Symbolism, and Proper Occasions

A swallowtail butterfly sucking nectar from red spider lily flower blooming in an autumn park in Japan.
© Tasak/

Written by Angie Menjivar

Updated: October 6, 2023

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Their petals are long and look kind of like spider legs. They’re a bright crimson color and have lots of mythology surrounding them. Some people even fear them. Discover the meaning and symbolism of the red spider lily. Plus, learn about the proper occasions for these unique flowers.

The History of the Red Spider Lily 

The red spider lily (scientific name: Lycoris radiata) first appeared sometime around 700 A.D. It’s a flower native to Nepal, Korea, and China. It was later introduced to Japan and the U.S. This flower is also known as manjusaka and there are many myths surrounding it. One story talks about unrequited love. It goes like this: the devil fell in love with a girl, but she feared him. To win her over, he imprisoned her. He assumed she would eventually return his affection for her. However, she did not and one day, a soldier saved her from imprisonment.

Eventually, the devil died and when he did, he returned to hell but not without his blood splattering the earth. In the spot where he died, a red spider lily emerged — it became like a portal connecting the Earth to hell. The perspective of the red spider lily being connected to loss and death is not helped by the environment it prefers to grow in. This flower thrives in moist, acidic soil where it has shade and lots of organic matter. It’s not uncommon to see these flowers flourishing near graves. Despite the dark and dreary associations with the flower, it is also used medicinally.

Red spider lily flowers in Chichibu, September 2022

Red spider lilies are often associated with unrequited love and death.


Discover the Meaning and Symbolism of Red Spider Lillies

Death and Rebirth

It depends on the region and culture, but red spider lilies are often associated with both death and rebirth. These flowers are also known as Hurricane Lily or naked ladies. While it is a beautiful flower, the stigma of death has always been around it. These flowers are planted on gravesites for protection and to honor the dead. Originally, these came from Korea, Japan, and China. They tend to do well in good weather and well-drained soil.

The rebirth meaning is due to the patterns it follows. It emerges right around the fall season in late September and early October. People look forward to its beauty as they always come back as vibrant as ever. These flowers are poisonous to animals, and they keep predators at a distance. Surprisingly, they are also poisonous to people if they are ingested, which also keeps their association with death. It’s crucial that pets and children are kept from touching these flowers.

Final Goodbyes

In Japanese culture, it is understood and appreciated when these flowers are given for a farewell. However, some other cultures might not appreciate it or might associate the flowers with different meanings. As a rule, it is always important to consider the recipient’s culture and customs before you decide to make a gesture toward them like giving them these types of flowers. Not all people are comfortable around the topic of final goodbyes or death.

Red spider lily blooming in autumn

The red spider lily has a specific meaning and is to be used only on certain occasions.


Proper Occasions for Red Spider Lilies

Spider lilies are appropriate for memorial services, as they are associated with loss. They are meaningful for funerals, as they serve as a way to express or pay tribute to the departed.

These flowers also signify loss in a different way. They could represent the end of a chapter of life, such as leaving a job, graduating, moving to a new place, or change in general. Even those bittersweet changes that life brings. With each end comes a new beginning.

Memorial Services

Red spider lilies can be used in wreaths or bouquets to pay tribute to ‘the one that got away.’ These flowers convey farewell wishes. You could get creative and display gorgeous centerpieces (so long as everyone knows not to touch them), attributing a personal meaning to their presence. It is always a good idea to mention the symbolism of these flowers on a display so that you can educate people that don’t know or refresh the minds of those who have forgotten. Clarifying what these flowers mean to you helps make your event more cohesive.


You can decorate caskets with red spider lilies as they symbolize the transition from this plane to the spiritual realm. The altar arrangements can be decorated with them as well as hanging displays. These striking flowers symbolize life’s fragility, death, and birth. These flowers are also a symbol of autumn, loss, love, and sadness.

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About the Author

Angie Menjivar is a writer at A-Z-Animals primarily covering pets, wildlife, and the human spirit. She has 14 years of experience, holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and continues her studies into human behavior, working as a copywriter in the mental health space. She resides in North Carolina, where she's fallen in love with thunderstorms and uses them as an excuse to get extra cuddles from her three cats.

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