See What Happens When a Safari Jeep Gets Stuck On a Hill in Lion Country

animals in love! a lioness cuddles with her cub
© Thomas Retterath/

Written by Kirstin Harrington

Updated: October 22, 2023

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Have you ever wanted to immerse yourself in the wildlife and landscape of the great savannah? Masai Mara in Kenya is famous for their incredible safari tours. People from all over the world are able to witness wild animals just feet away from the safari jeep.

Check Out the Full Video

There are undulating hills, vast savannahs, daring river crossings, and, of course, more plant and animal life and excitement than any movie has ever been able to capture. One group of tourists got a very unique experience.

In a video we have for you below, the guests of Masai Mara are enjoying an afternoon of watching lions in their natural habitat. Everything was going great until they made an attempt to cross the river.

It was at this moment when the safari vehicle got stuck in the muck! A few feet from the safari Jeep you can spot a precious lion cub looking around. The camera zooms in on the cat before switching to a lioness in tall grass. 

The cubs seem increasingly curious about the Jeep, stopping multiple times as their mother leads them away. It’s hard not to smile from ear to ear as these adorable lion cubs make their way across a stream of water, down a dirt hill. 

Eventually, one of the lionesses grows impatient and grabs the helpless cub by the extra skin around her neck to help her down the steep hill. Although the tourists may have been a bit frightened being that close to an apex predator, what a sight they were able to see! 

Relationship Between Lionesses and Cub

Lionesses and cubs

Lionesses in a pride work together to raise the cubs.

©Kirill Dorofeev/

The species survives despite the occasional absence of male lions because female lions are superheroes! A pride’s female members frequently give birth to litters of between one and four fluffy, animated, and spotted cubs at the same time. 

When nursing their offspring, lionesses allow any baby to feed on them, showing that they are devoted mothers that practice cooperative care. Females raise their offspring in an atmosphere of collaboration, with one remaining behind to keep an eye on the cubs as the other females go out hunting. 

A comment on the video below points out something quite beautiful. The viewer states: What a cute cub? This is an ideal relationship between humans and wild animals; we don’t interfere with them, and they don’t interfere with us either.”

It’s truly jaw-dropping to watch Mother Nature from such a close point of view. Is going on a safari outing something you’d like to do in your lifetime? Let us know and don’t forget to watch the precious footage of the cubs! 

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About the Author

Kirstin is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering animals, news topics, fun places, and helpful tips. Kirstin has been writing on a variety of topics for over five years. She has her real estate license, along with an associates degree in another field. A resident of Minnesota, Kirstin treats her two cats (Spook and Finlay) like the children they are. She never misses an opportunity to explore a thrift store with a coffee in hand, especially if it’s a cold autumn day!

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