Sun Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

Written by Dayva Segal
Updated: November 18, 2023
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When you see your astrology chart or speak with an astrologer, you may hear certain words like square, conjunction, or trine. What do these words mean? They are aspects in the astrological chart between different planets and heavenly bodies.

The natal astrology chart is represented on a 360-degree circle. This is basically a snapshot of the position of several angles, planets, luminaries, asteroids, and other points in the sky at the time of your birth. Each of these objects form aspects to each other.

What is a Square in Astrology?

A square occurs when two items in the natal astrology chart are 90 degrees apart. The items in a square are typically three signs apart. This means that they are in a sign of the same modality. There are three modalities in astrology: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. Each of these modes can clash when they rub against something else in the same mode, which is one of the reasons squares are generally considered a harder aspect.

Squares in a natal astrology chart create active tension. It is kind of like two tectonic plates rubbing up against each other. At times, these squares erupt and cause us to take action to improve ourselves or find solutions to our conflicts. While some consider a square to be a difficult aspect in astrology, it is ultimately an opportunity for learning and growth. Everyone has aspects of their lives that come easily to them, and other areas where they struggle, but can still persevere. Squares generally represent the latter areas.

When it comes to astrological aspects, the orb determines how exact the aspect is. When it comes to squares, many astrologers will accept an orb of up to 10°. A square is strongest the closer the difference in degree is to 0°. So, a square with an orb of 8° is weaker than a square with an orb of 2°. Because of this, a weak square that occurs near the edge of a sign may not actually be in a sign of the same mode, but the challenging aspect will still show up.

What Does the Sun Mean in Astrology?

Your sun sign is one of the most important aspects of your astrology chart. It represents where the sun was at your time of birth. It shows you the boldest aspects of your personality, where you shine in life, and your ego’s motivations. Its position in one of 12 houses in your chart can show you what areas of life are most easeful for you or where you are comfortable taking the stage.

What Do Sun Aspects Mean in Astrology?

Sun aspects can affect you more strongly than other aspects because the Sun is so essential to your being in astrology. You may feel energy flowing or being blocked from your sun via these aspects more powerfully than other aspects.

Sun Square Aspects in Astrology

Natal Sun Square Natal Moon

Full Moon, taken on 22 June 2013

Some astrologers consider Sun square Moon in natal, transit, or synastry charts to be one of the most difficult aspects.


People with natal Sun square their natal Moon have a lot of tension between what they want and what they need. There is a constant battle between what would satisfy them emotionally and what their ego desires. If you have this aspect, you might have a somewhat pessimistic attitude and see challenges as larger problems than they actually are. Nothing really rolls off your back and you’re not a go-with-the-flow kind of person.

However, this lifelong tension makes you into a compassionate and driven person. Because you have this inner stress, you know how to deal with stressful situations. Because you can expect the worst, you’re often prepared for it. This inner pull between your Sun and Moon will probably lead you to make several large and sudden changes throughout your life in an attempt to balance this push-pull aspect between the seat of your ego and the seat of your emotions. As you age you will become more skilled at finding balance between the two desires. With this aspect, patience and self-compassion is essential. It will only get easier as time goes on.

Natal Sun Square Natal Mercury


The planet Mercury represents communication and intellect in astrology.


The aspect of natal Sun square natal Mercury is not possible because the natal Mercury is always within two signs of the natal Sun. For it to be a square, it would have to be three signs away.

Natal Sun Square Natal Venus

Planet Venus isolated on black background. Elements of this image were furnished by NASA. High quality photo

In astrology, Venus represents beauty, relationships, love, and hedonism.

©Artsiom P/

Similar to Mercury, the aspect of natal Sun square natal Venus is not possible.

Natal Sun Square Natal Mars

Angry golden retriever dog shows teeth. Pets.

People with their natal Sun square natal Mars may be aggressive but tenacious.

©Milosz Aniol/

Natal Sun square natal Mars is an aspect that has two sides. On the one hand, if you have this aspect in your chart, you can be aggressive and quick to anger. Mars is the planet of passion and action. Blocked Mars energy in a square with the Sun can lead to unexpressed anger that tends to explode. However, this tension also makes you incredibly tenacious. You may be able to harness your passionate energy to become a leader in the workplace or a strong, action-oriented person. However, your anger can push people away or damage your reputation.

Natal Sun Square Natal Jupiter

Gambling table in luxury casino.

Natal Sun square natal Jupiter can give you an overly optimistic outlook…be careful when gambling!

©Nejron Photo/

Jupiter is such a benefic (positive/easeful) planet that even difficult aspects with it have a mostly positive effect. However, difficult aspects like a square with Jupiter often result in excess. With Jupiter hitting your Sun in a square, you are likely a pretty easygoing and positive person. However, you can become overly positive and may overlook the more difficult aspects of life. Things can’t be all sunshine and roses all the time. It’s normal to have some difficulties. It can also make you overly optimistic. This can cause you to take on more than what you can actually deliver, or to take chances that lead to bad outcomes. In extreme cases, this can lead to injuries or loss of money while gambling. However, on an everyday basis it more so leads to broken promises and feeling overwhelmed from taking on too much.

Natal Sun Square Natal Saturn

Teenager boy feeling upset. His father sitting next to him and comforting.

Natal Sun square natal Saturn can result in feeling like a failure, especially before the first Saturn return.


Those with natal Sun square natal Saturn feel this blockage of energy more strongly before their first Saturn return, which occurs between the ages of 27 and 29. After that, the square will still be there, but Saturn is all about teaching lessons. By this point, you will have learned some lessons about how to deal with this challenging aspect and have some coping skills that will make it easier. Overall, Sun square Saturn in the natal chart makes you highly critical of yourself and others. Saturn is very boundaried. When its energy collides with the Sun in a Square, you may be very closed off. You have high expectations of what people should and should not do and hold yourself to those same impossible standards. You want to be perfect, but it’s impossible, so you are often unhappy. After your Saturn return, you may learn how to loosen up and accept yourself as you are more.

Natal Sun Square Natal Uranus

Portrait of child in classroom. Child with toy virtual reality headset in class. Success, idea and innovation technology concept. Back to school. Kid against blackboard with copy space

If you have natal Sun square natal Uranus, you are likely an out-of-the-box thinker.

©Sunny studio/

When your natal Sun is squaring your natal Neptune, the planet of radical change and innovation, you are probably a quirky person. You have great ideas and prefer to go your own way. In some cases, this can be a good thing. When the Sun and Neptune have easeful aspects, like a trine, it also creates a quirky person, but for these people, their quirks draw others to them. For those with a square, their quirks are kind of repellant. You might be so staunch in your outlier positions that others fear disagreeing with you, or your ideas may simply be so out there that people can’t relate to you. Some people may find you kind of hard to pin down. You probably change your life easily, though these changes feel stressful. You love your unique self, but you are also self-conscious of it because you are aware of the distance your quirkiness can create.

Natal Sun Square Natal Neptune

A young female veterinary nurse smiling at a dog she's caring for

With Sun square Neptune, you love caring for others, but you can easily forget about yourself.


Those with the natal Sun square natal Neptune are big daydreamers. If this is you, you can easily get lost in your head. It can be disorienting at times and can affect your mental health. You have a big heart, and it can be hard for you to establish boundaries, especially because you love helping other people. You are likely a somewhat spiritual person but because of your unboundaried nature and the more blocked energy of this square, you may have a hard time finding the spiritual path that appeals to you, or you can get mixed up in something with a cult-like mentality. As a seriously sensitive person, your tendency to daydream isn’t your only escapist route. With pent-up emotion that doesn’t get released, you may turn to drugs and alcohol to escape your pain. It’s important to find friends, family members, or a therapist you can talk to so that you can have a regular, healthy, emotional release.

Natal Sun Square Natal Pluto

Mad frustrated multiethnic employees sit at office meeting dispute quarrel have stressful job situation, angry diverse colleagues debate fight over paperwork financial statistics, work stress concept

With a natal Sun square a natal Pluto, you may be prone to conflicts, especially if you don’t get your way.


Pluto is a planet that deals with the fundamentals of power and power structures, among other things. With this planet square your essential Sun, you likely experience frustration from power struggles to a more extreme degree than other people. It can show up in a few different ways. Perhaps you want to be in charge and feel slighted by people who you perceive to be smarter or better than you. Perhaps you are simply the kind of person who always gets passed up for opportunities. Maybe you don’t like it when your friends get to know each other and form their own independent relationships. Or perhaps you’re a jealous type in relationships. However, it shows up for you likely depends on the signs and houses of your Sun and Pluto. You are very hard on yourself, and nothing is ever good enough. You push yourself to be like the people by whom you feel slighted. In extreme cases, you may feel like you are fueled purely by spite.

Natal Sun Square Natal Chiron

A young blonde sad woman is sitting behind the wheel of a car and holding her head in despair, covering her eyes with her hand. Side view. Stress while driving a right-hand drive car.

Sun square Chiron in the natal astrology chart deepens your core wounding.

©Ildar Abulkhanov/ via Getty Images

Chiron is the “wounded healer.” It represents your deepest wound in this lifetime, and where you have a great ability to heal others, but not yourself. When your natal Chiron squares your natal Sun, it’s a bit like rubbing salt in the wound. It connects this wound to your personality and where you shine in life and makes it more present overall. When your Chironic issues are heightened, you may feel like you are up a creek without a paddle. Other people describe this aspect as feeling cursed or feeling like they do not even belong on planet Earth, depending on which signs and houses are involved. When it comes to your wounding, you are easily frustrated and easily triggered. You may come to feel hopeless. However, through working on your wounds, life will get easier. Chiron is similar to Saturn in that it teaches us lessons as we age. Though you can never fully heal your own Chironic wound by yourself, you can find healing through connecting with others about your wounding.

Natal Sun Square Natal Black Moon Lilith

Young woman holding glass of milk, (B&W), portrait

People with Sun square Black Moon Lilith in their natal charts may be extremely wholesome.

©George Marks/Retrofile RF via Getty Images

Black Moon Lilith represents the darkest and furthest point of the Moon. In astrology, this point represents the dichotomy of shame and empowerment. It shows you where we feel shame, especially around sexuality and speaking out about what is important to you. Black Moon Lilith is an exceptionally sexual placement and represents many aspects of femininity. It also shows where you find empowerment in life. When Black Moon Lilith is Square your Sun, you may be what some might say is a “prude” person. You aren’t very sexual. If you are more sexual, you are prim and proper in some other way. You may have some desires to act out, but your desire to act within the rules of society is stronger. You may also judge others who are freer and more expressive than you or feel oppressed for expressing your individuality.

Natal Sun Square Natal Ascendant

Success, Women, Confidence, Winning, One Woman Only

People with natal Sun square natal ascendant need to work towards healing the energy of this aspect.


With your natal Sun square your natal ascendant (rising sign), the energy of how you face the world is blocked from the energy of where you shine. This causes issues of core self-confidence leading to a hesitance to go after what you really want in life. You find it easier to fade into the background or focus on other peoples’ projects rather than work on what it is that you actually care about. With a strong square, or with other aspects squaring your Sun, this can lead to a full-on identity crisis. You may struggle to know who you really are and what you even want out of life. You’re not sure if your friendships and relationships are right for you, or what type of job you want to have. The key to healing the energy of a natal Sun square natal rising is to focus on yourself and just pick something to work towards. Once you show yourself that you can do it, you’ll begin to know yourself more intimately.

Natal Sun Square Natal North Node and Natal South Node

Young asian girl feels upset and isolated while her flatmates celebrating party at home

When your natal Sun is square your natal South Node, you feel confused about your life’s purpose.


Whenever the Sun is squaring the North Node, it is also squaring the South Node. So, both natal Sun square North Node and natal Sun square South Node have the same qualities. Your North Node represents the lessons and work you are supposed to do in this lifetime. Your South Node represents past life baggage or well-worn habits you need to shed. With this square aspect, you don’t feel a strong pull to any particular “calling” in life. Some people seem to know where to put their energy and you just don’t. Whenever you start on the path of self-growth, the energy is contrary to where you shine. You fear that learning more about yourself and your life’s purpose will make your true identity vanish into thin air. It’s true, your essential self may change when you decide to work on yourself! But it could be for the better. You may be a rather shallow or un-spiritual person until you decide to face your issues head-on and deal with the consequences. This placement may cause you to be a late bloomer.

Natal Sun Square Natal Midheaven

Angry caucasian white female boss manager shout firing sad stressed african american male worker intern at team office meeting, racial discrimination at work, harassment racism at workplace concept

If you have natal Sun square natal Midheaven you might be domineering at work.


When your natal Sun is squaring your natal Midheaven, you are all about work. However, the energy of work doesn’t always flow easefully for you. You are tenacious and always work hard to get what you want, but at what expense? You could be considered aggressive and dominating in the workplace. Your extreme drive is driven by a fear of scarcity – both financial and personal. You want to have a lot of resources and you want to have some kind of notoriety in your profession. In our society, sometimes aggression is actually rewarded in the workplace. However, it may not feel good to those around you, and you may have trouble finding people who want to work with you on an ongoing basis.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Lukasz Pawel Szczepanski/

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About the Author

Dayva is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering astrology, animals, and geography. She has over 12 years of experience as a writer, and graduated from Hofstra University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Music and a Minor in French. She has also completed course work in Core Strengths Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Technical Communication. Dayva lives in the SF Bay Area with her cute but very shy cat, Tula.

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