Discover 3 Splendid Roses Associated with Illinois

Mr. Lincoln
© Rita95/

Written by Kathryn Koehler

Updated: August 23, 2023

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Welcome to the remarkable world of roses! We’ll be embarking on a thrilling expedition through the backyard gardens and wild landscape of Illinois. You will be introduced to three extraordinary roses: the noble Mr. Lincoln, the captivating Chicago Peace, and the indomitable Illinois rose. Together, we’ll unravel the untamed beauty and the stories behind these remarkable blooms. So, put on your wide-brimmed hat and your leather gardening gloves as we begin our thorny adventure to discover 3 splendid roses associated with Illinois.

What is a Rose?

A rose is a flowering plant belonging to the genus Rosa, which is part of the family Rosaceae. Roses are renowned for their beauty and fragrance. They have been cultivated for centuries and are cherished for their ornamental value and symbolism. Roses typically have thorny stems and compound leaves with several leaflets. The flowers themselves are composed of layered petals that form a distinct cup or rosette shape. Roses range in color from pure white, yellow, and pink to deep red and purple. These captivating flowers have a long history and are often associated with love, beauty, and romance. Roses are widely used in gardens and floral arrangements.

The 3 Splendid Roses Associated with Illinois: Mr. Lincoln

Illinois is known as the Land of Lincoln in honor of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States. Mr. Lincoln, the rose, is a dark red hybrid tea rose that is highly regarded for its beauty and fragrance. Mr. Lincoln, the rose, pays tribute to Abraham Lincoln. Though he was born in Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln opened his law practice and began his political career in Illinois. Mr. Lincoln, the rose, was created by Herbert Swim. In 1964, Swim crossed a Chrysler Imperial, a large fully-double tea rose with a Charles Mallerin, a dark crimson tea rose. The resulting Mr. Lincoln has since gained worldwide popularity.

Beautiful scented romantic intense red Climbing Chrysler Imperial hybrid tea rose in bloom in early spring after a shower of rain adds charming color and intense perfume to the garden.

In 1964, Herbert Swim crossed a Chrysler Imperial (pictured) with a Charles Mallerin rose to create Mr. Lincoln.


Mr. Lincoln: Appearance

Mr. Lincoln is celebrated for its stunning dark red velvety blooms. The flowers are large, well-formed, and have a classic high-centered shape. The dark red color intensifies as the flowers mature, creating a striking visual impact. The petals are firm and slightly cupped, adding to the rose’s elegance.
One notable feature of Mr. Lincoln is its exquisite fragrance. The scent is rich, sweet, and reminiscent of traditional old rose fragrances. The strong, captivating aroma has made it a favorite among rose enthusiasts and gardeners who appreciate the romantic allure of scented roses.
Mr. Lincoln, the man, was 6 feet 4 inches (nearly 2 meters!) tall. Mr. Lincoln, the rose, while a tall and upright variety, is a bit shorter, reaching a height of 3-5 feet (1-1.5 m). Its vigorous growth habit and strong stems make it suitable for cut flower arrangements. The plant is generally disease-resistant, although it may require some protection against common rose ailments such as blackspot and powdery mildew. Mr. Lincoln thrives in full sun and well-drained soil. It benefits from regular watering and a balanced fertilization schedule. Pruning is recommended to maintain its shape and promote healthy growth.

Mr. Lincoln

The petals of Mr. Lincoln are firm and slightly cupped, adding to the rose’s elegance.


Chicago Peace Rose

Chicago Peace is a hybrid tea rose that is a variation of the famous Peace rose. It shares many characteristics with its parent rose while displaying its own individual beauty.
Chicago Peace roses are large, high-centered flowers with a captivating color blend. The blooms typically showcase creamy yellow petals with edges that gradually transition from chiffon orange to a delicate pink hue. The combination of yellow, orange, and pink creates an eye-catching display.
The flowers of Chicago Peace are fully double, with numerous petals. They are medium to large in size, and their high-centered form adds a touch of classic beauty. The petals have a velvety texture, enhancing the visual appeal of the rose. This rose is known for its delightful fragrance. The scent is often described as sweet. The alluring fragrance of Chicago Peace adds to its overall charm, making it a joy to experience in the garden or as a cut flower. Chicago Peace is a vigorous rose variety that grows upright. This hardy shrub reaches heights of 4-7 feet (1.2-2.1 m). It produces long stems that make it suitable for cutting for floral arrangements. The plant has dark green foliage that serves as an attractive backdrop to the vibrant blooms. The Chicago Peace rose is known for its disease resistance. Its striking blooms and pleasant fragrance make Chicago Peace a popular choice for rose enthusiasts and gardeners looking to add a touch of elegance to their gardens.

Chicago Peace rose with water drops in the field. Scientific name: Rosa 'Chicago Peace'. Flower bloom Color: Pink, yellow, orange blend,

The combination of yellow, orange, and pink petals in the Chicago Peace rose creates an eye-catching display.


Chicago Peace Rose: Origin

The Chicago Peace rose, sometimes called Rosa johnago, was introduced in 1962. It is a hybrid tea rose and is a sport, or a naturally occurring mutation, of the popular Peace rose. The Chicago Peace rose was developed by Stanley C. Johnson. Stanley C. Johnson, an amateur rose breeder discovered the sport mutation of the Peace rose in his garden in Chicago. He noticed a reddish-pink coloration in the blooms on a branch of an original Peace rose bush, which led to the development of the Chicago Peace rose.

The Peace rose, formerly known as the Madame A. Meilland rose, is one of the most beloved roses in the world. It was introduced in 1945 and became an international symbol of peace after World War II.
The Peace rose is much more muted than the Chicago Peace rose. The original Peace rose is white with butter yellow and light pink accents.

A fully opened peace rose.

The Peace rose was introduced in 1945 and became an international symbol of peace after World War II.


The 3 Splendid Roses Associated with Illinois: Illinois Rose

Rosa setigera, commonly known as the Illinois rose or prairie rose, is a rose species native to Illinois.
Rosa setigera is a deciduous shrub rose that will grow to 4 feet (1.2 m) unaided. With support, Illinois rose can grow up to 15 feet (4.5 m) in height! It has a sprawling and arching growth habit with long, flexible canes that often climb and ramble over structures or other vegetation. The leaves are dark green, composed of serrated leaflets arranged in groups of five to seven.

Illinois Rose: Appearance

The blooms of Illinois rose can be solitary or arranged in small clusters. Each flower features five petals that are usually pale to deep pink, occasionally with a white or lighter-colored center. The petals are generally ruffled or crinkled in appearance. The flowers have a delicate, pleasant fragrance that adds to their allure. Illinois rose typically flowers in late spring to early summer, producing a profusion of blooms. While individual flowers have a relatively short lifespan, the plant can be quite prolific overall. The common name prairie rose is somewhat misleading, as Rosa setigera prefers woodland edges and stream banks. As a native species, Illinois rose is well-adapted to the climate and growing conditions in Illinois. It is known for its tolerance to a range of soil types and its ability to withstand harsh winters and hot summers.

Beauty, Blossom, Botany, Climbing Rose, Close-up

The blooms of Illinois rose can be solitary or arranged in small clusters. Each flower features five petals that are usually pale to deep pink, occasionally with a white or lighter-colored center.


Illinois rose plays a vital role in supporting local ecosystems. Its nectar-rich flowers attract bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, contributing to the overall biodiversity of the state. The rose hips produced by the plant serve as a food source for birds and small mammals. Its attractive pink blooms, climbing growth habit, and adaptability to local conditions make Illinois rose a popular and beguiling landscape plant, beloved by rose growers in Illinois and beyond.

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About the Author

Kathryn Koehler is a writer at A-Z-Animals where her focus is on unusual animals, places, and events. Kat has over 20 years of experience as a professional writer and educator. She holds a master's degree from Vanderbilt University. When she is not writing for A-Z-Animals, Kat enjoys puttering in her garden, baking deliciously healthful treats for her family, and playing with her two rescue mutts, Popcorn and Scooter. She resides in Tennessee.

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