Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: 5 Key Differences

travelers palm vs bird of paradise
Martin Leber/

Written by August Croft

Published: July 14, 2022

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While they may look similar upon first glance, there are a number of differences between a travelers palm vs bird of paradise. But what might some of those differences be, and what makes these plants similar to begin with? If you are interested in planting either of these two plants, or simply want to learn more about tropical plant varieties, you’re in the right place! 

In this article, we will compare and contrast the travelers palm with the bird of paradise plant so that you can have a complete understanding of both of them. In addition to going over their physical appearances and heights, we will also address where they prefer to grow and what plant family they belong to. Let’s get started and learn all about these tropical plants now! 

Comparing Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise

Travelers Palm vs Bird of Paradise
The travelers palm grows larger than the bird of paradise, in both height and the size of its leaves.
Travelers PalmBird of Paradise
DescriptionForms a unique fan appearance with its large leaves, some of which can reach 30 feet in length. Leaves fan out from a central trunk, and they often fray or appear feathered with age. Flower is strikingly similar to the bird of paradise flower, though it is green and blends in with its surrounding leaves. The trunk is a muted brown-gray, and is textured Large, paddle-like leaves and unique flowers. Flowers come in multiple colors depending on the variety, with differently colored undersides and fanned petals above. Leaves average anywhere from 1-6 feet long, depending on the plant’s age and type. Grows in clusters of stalks rather than forming one central trunk
Height30-100 feet tall, depending on variety3-20 feet tall, depending on type
Hardiness Zones10-11. Enjoys moist and well-drained soil to avoid disease, and plant in a shady location initially. As it grows taller, full sun is preferred9-12, or grown indoors. Prefers full sun to partial shade if the region is particularly warm, and likes a humid environment
Special FeaturesName origin comes from the fact that the leaves collect water, perfect for the weary traveler!Some varieties are called the wild banana, for their similarities to the banana plant!

Key Differences Between Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise

travelers palm vs bird of paradise

The travelers palm belongs to the


family, while the bird of paradise plant belongs to the



There are many key differences between the travelers palm and the bird of paradise. For example, the travelers palm grows larger than the bird of paradise, in both height and the size of its leaves. In addition, the bird of paradise plants grows in more hardiness zones compared to the particular travelers palm. Finally, the travelers palm grows using a centralized trunk, while bird of paradise plants grow as clustered stems. 

Let’s go over all of these differences in more detail now. 

Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: Classification

While they may look strikingly similar upon first glance, there are a number of differences in the classification of the travelers palm and the bird of paradise. They belong to different plant families, and are considered extremely distant cousins. For example, the travelers palm belongs to the Arecaceae family, while the bird of paradise plant belongs to the Strelitziaceae family. 

Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: Description

Travelers Palm vs Bird of Paradise

Both of these plants grow paddle-like leaves, though the leaves of the travelers palm are much larger and grow in a fan-like fashion compared to the smaller leaves of the bird of paradise plant.

Once you know a few key descriptors for the travelers palm and a bird of paradise plant, you can easily tell them apart. For example, the travelers palm looks much more like a tree compared to the bird of paradise plant, growing leaves from a gray, centralized trunk. Bird of paradise plants grow their leaves directly from the ground, in a clustered fashion. 

Despite belonging to different families, the flowers on the travelers palm and the bird of paradise are strikingly similar to one another. However, bird of paradise flowers are much more vivid and colorful compared to the travelers palm flowers. In addition, both of these plants grow paddle-like leaves. The leaves of the travelers palm are much larger and grow in a fan-like fashion compared to the smaller leaves of the bird of paradise plant. 

Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: Height

travelers palm vs bird of paradise

The travelers palm can grow anywhere from 30 to 100 feet tall, while the bird of paradise plant grows anywhere from 3 to 20 feet tall.

While it depends on the variety of the bird of paradise plant, there are some extreme height differences between this plant and the travelers palm. For example, the travelers palm can grow anywhere from 30 to 100 feet tall, while the bird of paradise plant grows anywhere from 3 to 20 feet tall. This is an extreme difference, and you can easily tell these 2 plants apart based on height alone. 

Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: Hardiness Zones

Both the bird of paradise plant and the travelers palm are considered tropical plants, for a variety of reasons. They both grow in fairly limited hardiness zones. However, the travelers palm has more specific requirements compared to bird of paradise plants. For example, you can only grow travelers palms in zones 10 to 11, while bird of paradise plants can grow anywhere from zones 9 to 12, and they can even grow indoors.

Travelers Palm vs Bird Of Paradise: Special Features

Travelers Palm vs Bird of Paradise

You can only grow travelers palms in zones 10 to 11, while bird of paradise plants can grow anywhere from zones 9 to 12, and they can even grow indoors.

While it doesn’t help you tell them apart, the travelers palm and the bird of paradise plants have unique name origins and facts. For example, the bird of paradise plant has a variety often referred to as the wild banana plant, likely in reference to its similarities to the banana plant.

The travelers palm is named this because of the way it grows. The leaves only grow on an East-West axis, allowing travelers to know which direction to go. It is also rumored to be called this due to the fact that its leaves collect water, giving some relief to any weary travelers trying to reach their destination! 

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About the Author

August Croft is a writer at A-Z Animals where their primary focus is on astrology, symbolism, and gardening. August has been writing a variety of content for over 4 years and holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Theater from Southern Oregon University, which they earned in 2014. They are currently working toward a professional certification in astrology and chart reading. A resident of Oregon, August enjoys playwriting, craft beer, and cooking seasonal recipes for their friends and high school sweetheart.

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