Watch These Brilliant Elephants Unite To Defend A Baby From A Hunting Tiger

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Written by Kyle Glatz

Updated: October 21, 2023

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Elephant vs Tiger
Wildberry India/

Tigers are large, dangerous predators capable of taking down even larger prey. While a lone tiger isn’t much of a threat to an adult elephant, a tiger can hunt elephant calves. In this video, some brilliant elephants decide to unite their powers to defend a baby elephant from a hungry tiger.

A Tiger Sneaks Up on a Small Herd of Elephants


Tigers typically stalk their prey, watching and waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

The video begins with a tiger on the prowl. It’s walking upright, sauntering into the area where a small herd of elephants is passing through. At first, the elephants don’t seem to notice the hulking striped predator. However, one of them catches a glimpse of the beast, and it wisely turns the group around to move away.

As the elephants begin moving away from the tiger, the camera operator continues to drive toward them. Along the way, we see that the tiger is still following the three adults and two calves.

The elephants could turn around and charge the tiger, but they choose to be patient. The brilliant elephants form a protective semicircle around the calves. That way, the tiger would have to encounter an adult elephant before reaching a calf.

As we said before, tigers are dangerous predators, and they can kill elephant calves. However, all it takes is the elephant to gore or stomp on the tiger and it will go down for the count.

The Brilliant Elephants Rise To The Occasion

Wild Female Asian Elephant in Yok Don National Park, Vietnam

Tigers, solitary hunters, rarely attack adult elephants but frequently pursue groups of young elephants.

The tiger and the elephants are at a standstill. They continue to surround their young, but they make an interesting change. Instead of turning to avoid the tiger’s path, the elephants walk directly toward the tiger in a cluster formation with the baby tucked in the middle. They directly confront the tiger, who disappears from view as they invade its space.

The tiger had the advantage at the beginning of the video. The predator was following the elephants from their flank, a position from which it could easily launch an attack. Instead of allowing this to continue, the brilliant elephants decided to turn around and face down the creature.

Based on the elephants’ bold move in the last moments of this video, the tiger would be stupid to try and take them on. We assume the creature realized that it was at a disadvantage. The tiger probably moved off into the shadows where it could wait for another opportunity to present itself.

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They eventually succeed in grabbing hold of the creature’s body and pulling it out. They then quickly view it, lift it up, and place it into the bucket for safekeeping.

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About the Author

Kyle Glatz is a writer at A-Z-Animals where his primary focus is on geography and mammals. Kyle has been writing for researching and writing about animals and numerous other topics for 10 years, and he holds a Bachelor's Degree in English and Education from Rowan University. A resident of New Jersey, Kyle enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games.

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