Watch What Happens When This Woman Swims in the Middle of 100+ Barracudas

Written by Sharon Parry
Published: November 5, 2023
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Viewer discretion is advised for strong language. This mesmerizing short clip shows a woman swimming amongst some barracudas in a deep blue ocean. Even though she is constantly moving, the fish can keep out of her way!

Watch the Stunning Footage Now

What Exactly Are Barracudas?

Barracudas are large fish in the Sphyraenidae family. There are 26 species of barracuda which include the great barracuda and the blacktail barracuda. They are found in tropical and subtropical regions and the typical habitats include coral reefs, rocky locations, and open waters. Having said that, they can be seen in seagrass and in mangroves near the shore where they can find food and be protected from predators. They are commonly spotted in the western and eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Barracudas have long, thin bodies and are usually silver although the exact color varies between species. Their slim bodies allow them to move quickly through water and navigate small spaces in coral reefs. On average, they reach around 2 feet but they can grow larger than this. They usually weigh between 10 and 12 pounds but can be heavier. The largest ever recorded barracuda was 102 pounds! You can spot a barracuda from its characteristic pointed lower jaw that juts out. Also, its mouth is usually open revealing an impressive set of teeth!

How Do Barracudas Normally Behave?

Aggressive Animal: Barracuda

Barracuda are predatory fish and can be aggressive.


Adult barracudas usually live alone but the younger individuals live in groups called schools. A school can be made up of hundreds of young barracudas. Living as a group protects them from predators such as killer whales and dolphins.

Barracudas have a reputation for being aggressive and they are highly competitive with other sea creatures. They are carnivores and will eat several different types of fish including groupers and small tuna. These guys will even try to grab herring or mullet to stop a dolphin from getting hold of them!

They have powerful jaws and can snap many fish in half. Barracudas are fast and can travel at speeds of up to 36 mph.

Under some circumstances, they can be dangerous to humans. They have been known to attack swimmers and divers. It is thought that this is a case of mistaken identity. The barracudas think that the human is a large fish! Also, they attack if they feel threatened. Therefore, it is always best to maintain a safe distance from them.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Rich Carey/

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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