Zoysia Grass in Texas: Best Types, Planting Tips, and More

Zoysia grass
© Jasmine Sahin/Shutterstock.com

Written by Lev Baker

Updated: October 27, 2023

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Texas is known for its warm climate and vast expanses of greenery, which makes it an ideal location for growing zoysia grass. This resilient grass species has gained popularity among homeowners, landscapers, and golf course managers alike for its ability to withstand drought, heat, and heavy foot traffic.

With various types of zoysia grass available in the market, selecting the best one for your lawn can be a challenging task.

In this article, we will explore the different types of Zoysia that thrive in Texas, offer some useful planting tips, and share more information on this remarkable grass species.

A thick carpet of zoysia grass

Texas has an ideal climate for growing zoysia grass.

©Joanne Dale/Shutterstock.com

What is Zoysia Grass?

Zoysia, often referred to as zoysiagrass, is a fascinating genus of creeping grasses that belong to the Poaceae family. Originating from southeastern Asia and New Zealand, these hardy grasses are typically found in coastal grasslands and sandy open areas. Zoysia grasses are highly valued for their ability to form a thick, lush turf that’s perfect for lawns.

One of the most remarkable features of zoysia grass is its exceptional tolerance to temperature, sunlight, and water variations. This makes it a popular choice for lawns in temperate climates, as well as in golf courses for creating fairways and teeing areas. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, zoysia grasses are highly effective in stabilizing soil, preventing erosion on slopes, and repelling weeds throughout the year.

The Best Types of Zoysia Grass to Grow in Texas

For Texans who want a beautiful lawn without excessive maintenance, zoysia grass is a popular choice. Here are the best types of zoysia grass to grow in Texas for a thriving, low-maintenance lawn.

Zoysia ‘Emerald’

Installing zoysia emerald grass sods after raking the soil smooth

‘Emerald’ grass has a dense growth pattern that helps prevent weed growth.

©Jasmine Sahin/Shutterstock.com

In 1955, the USDA and Georgia Agriculture Experiment Station jointly introduced ‘Emerald’, a stunning zoysia grass variety. This unique grass species quickly gained the nickname “Cadillac of Lawn Grasses” due to its exceptional beauty and performance.


Zoysia ‘Emerald’ grass is a popular choice for homeowners in Texas due to its many benefits. With its fine texture and dark green color, it adds a beautiful aesthetic touch to any lawn. The dense growth pattern of Zoysia ‘Emerald’ also helps prevent weed growth, making it an ideal option for those looking for a low-maintenance, weed-free lawn. 

Overall, growing Zoysia ‘Emerald’ grass can help you create a beautiful, hassle-free lawn that can withstand the hot, dry Texas climate.

Spread Rate

Emerald zoysia grass is famously known for its slow growth rate, which is even slower than other warm-season grasses such as Bermuda and St. Augustine. It is considered one of the slowest-growing zoysia grasses available. The grass displays a unique creeping growth pattern that spreads horizontally, resulting in a dense, carpet-like appearance. Compared to other grass varieties, the blade density of Emerald zoysia is higher, giving it a distinctive “hedgehog” look. 

This slow spread rate is advantageous for those seeking a low-maintenance lawn that requires minimal mowing and upkeep. However, it may require a bit more patience during the initial establishment period.


To ensure that your Zoysia ‘Emerald’ grass remains lush and healthy, proper maintenance is essential. This grass variety has a dense growth pattern, which can result in the accumulation of excess thatch. It’s important to remove the thatch every few weeks to prevent it from choking the grass. Mowing should be done regularly, every 7-10 days, with only a third of the blade cut at a time. Be careful not to mow the grass shorter than recommended, as this can weaken it. 

On the other hand, mowing it too high can lead to a less dense appearance. To maintain the grass’s fine blades, it’s recommended to use reel mowers instead of rotary mowers, which can tear the blades. 

Excessive fertilization can have an adverse effect on Emerald zoysia, causing it to turn yellow and even die. It is best to apply only two light fertilizations yearly since the grass has a slow regrowth rate.


Compared to Zoysia ‘Meyer’, Emerald zoysia has less winter hardiness but more shade tolerance. It is well-adapted to warm, humid environments and is ideally suited for southern states, including Texas. 

This grass variety is highly drought-tolerant, thanks to its deep root structure, and requires less water than other grass types, including St. Augustine. Once established, it can withstand dry weather conditions, making it an ideal choice for those living in arid regions.

Zoysia ‘Zeon’

Zeon zoysia grass growing in north Texas during summer time.

Zeon zoysia is a soft, plush grass variety with a vibrant green color.


Zoysia ‘Zeon’ is an ideal turfgrass variety for Texas due to its ability to thrive in various environmental conditions. Interestingly, it has even been featured in the world’s biggest sporting event. In the 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio, Brazil, Zeon zoysia was selected as the official grass for golf courses.


One of the most striking features of Zeon zoysia is its vibrant green color, which can make any lawn stand out. This soft and plush grass variety is also a breeze to maintain as it does not require a reel mower like Emerald zoysia.

Moreover, Zeon is an excellent choice for those who love walking barefoot on the grass, as it remains cool even during hot summer days. Besides, it is also a safer option for children and pets to play on, making it a perfect choice for families. Another benefit of choosing Zeon is that it is only grown by certified growers, ensuring high-quality grass for your lawn.

Spread Rate

When it comes to growth rate, Zeon zoysia grass outperforms Emerald. Zeon has a faster growth rate, and it takes approximately 20 to 24 weeks to cover a one-foot area from plugs spaced one foot apart. This is significantly quicker compared to the normal growth rate of Emerald.

With Zeon, homeowners can expect to have a lush, green lawn in a shorter amount of time. This faster rate of spread also means that Zeon can quickly recover from damage caused by weather conditions or foot traffic.


Zeon zoysia grass is drought-tolerant but requires approximately one inch of water per week for optimal performance. If there’s rainfall during the week, additional irrigation is not necessary. It’s important to avoid overwatering and ensure there’s no standing water or runoff. 

During the growing season, apply 2 to 3 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet and maintain a cutting height of 1.5 inches. Do not remove more than a third of the leaf when mowing, and use sharp blades. Clippings should be caught and removed, and both reel and rotary mowers can be used.


With its high drought resistance, Zeon can withstand extended periods of dry weather conditions. Additionally, it has excellent traffic tolerance, which allows it to recover quickly from heavy foot traffic. It also tolerates cold weather more than many zoysia grasses.

Lastly, its disease-resistant properties add to its overall hardiness, making Zeon zoysia grass one of the best grass varieties to grow in Texas.

Zoysia ‘Palisades’

Zoysia ‘Palisades’ grass is a dense turfgrass variety with medium blades that is an excellent choice for residential lawns, sports fields, and commercial properties alike.


Zoysia ‘Palisades’ is a versatile and beneficial option for commercial and residential properties. Its high tolerance for foot traffic makes it an ideal choice for sports fields and other heavily trafficked areas. 

This turfgrass also features a soft texture and a light green hue that adds to its overall aesthetic appeal. Palisades zoysia is known for its rapid establishment rate, allowing it to grow and thrive quickly.

Spread Rate

Palisades zoysia grass is a fast-growing turfgrass variety that can establish coverage in a relatively short period, typically within 6 to 8 months. Once established, Palisades can quickly recover from damage caused by weather conditions or foot traffic.


Maintaining Palisades zoysia grass is relatively simple and requires minimal effort. For the first two weeks after planting, daily watering is necessary to establish roots. Afterward, watering frequency should be adjusted based on soil and climate conditions, with sandier soils requiring more water than clay soils. 

Palisades zoysia is tolerant of drought, meaning it can survive with minimal water. While mowing is necessary to keep the grass at its ideal height of 1.5 inches, it is required only once every two weeks. Although fertilizer is not essential, applying nitrogen-rich compounds can enhance its overall health and appearance throughout the year.


Palisades zoysia grass is a hardy and versatile turfgrass with excellent tolerances that allow it to thrive in various environmental conditions. With exceptional drought tolerance, Palisades can withstand extended dry periods without sustaining damage. 

It has good tolerance to heat and shade, making it a great option for areas with fluctuating temperatures and partial shade. Additionally, Palisades has excellent cold tolerance, which can be beneficial in colder areas of Texas. 

Zoysia ‘Cavalier’

The unique characteristics of Zoysia ‘Cavalier’ grass set it apart from other varieties of zoysia grass. Its fine texture and long, narrow leaves give it a distinctive appearance, and it produces low rhizomes while having high-density stolon production, which is responsible for its ability to quickly spread and establish a dense turf.


Cavalier zoysia grass is a highly sought-after option for grass lovers in Texas. With its dense growth pattern, fine texture, and long, narrow leaf blades, this grass variety provides a luxurious and rich appearance to any lawn.

Additionally, it retains its vibrant green color throughout the growing season, adding to its visual appeal. Cavalier zoysia has been rated among the top zoysia grass varieties by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program, making it a preferred choice for different outdoor areas.

Spread Rate

Cavalier zoysia grass is intermediate in its growth and recovery rate, which makes it an ideal choice for those seeking a balance between speedy establishment and long-term sustainability. Additionally, Cavalier zoysia grass is highly resilient and can recover quickly from damage caused by weather conditions or foot traffic. Furthermore, the high-density stolon production of Cavalier zoysia grass means it has a high capacity for lateral growth and can quickly establish coverage in new areas.


Caring for Cavalier zoysia grass is relatively easy, as it is a low-maintenance grass that doesn’t require much attention. 

Cavalier zoysia grass should be mowed at least once a week using a standard lawnmower. This helps maintain a consistent height and promotes healthy growth. To prevent the grass from going dormant during drought periods, you should water Cavalier zoysia grass regularly. This helps keep the grass lush and green, even in dry conditions.

Cavalier zoysia grass needs a steady supply of nutrients to remain healthy, so it’s essential to fertilize it at least twice a year with an appropriate fertilizer. This promotes growth and helps maintain the grass’s vibrant color.


Cavalier zoysia grass is an excellent choice for homeowners and property managers in Texas seeking a low-maintenance yet hardy turfgrass. Its high drought tolerance, exceptional insect tolerance, and wear resistance make it ideal for different types of outdoor spaces. 

Additionally, Cavalier zoysia has a high fall color retention and shade tolerance, making it a popular choice for landscaping projects. While it has moderate cold tolerance and injury recovery, it has exceptional disease tolerance and a moderate tolerance for brown patches and grey leaf spots.

Is Bermuda Better Than Zoysia?

Bermuda grass is great for homes near the coast because it can handle salt better than zoysia grass. So, the east and west coasts should avoid zoysia types of grass. Bermuda can grow in soils with a pH between 5.5 and 7, while zoysia prefers soils with a pH of 6 to 6.5.

Zoysia grass thrives in sunny conditions but can also handle a bit of light shade. It’s a great choice for areas in the southern and transition zones, known for its ability to withstand hot and dry weather.

If you live in let’s say the Gulf Coast or other warm coastal regions, St. Augustine grass is the preferred choice for your lawn. However, suppose you’re in areas like Tennessee, North Carolina, Central California, Oklahoma, or Arkansas, where occasional cold snaps can occur.

In that case, Bermuda grass is a more suitable option as it can tolerate these temperature fluctuations better. Furthermore, the Zoysia species do have low water and maintenance needs, making it a practical and sustainable landscaping option.

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About the Author

Lev is a writer at AZ Animals who primarily covers topics on animals, geography, and plants. He has been writing for more than 4 years and loves researching topics and learning new things. His three biggest loves in the world are music, travel, and animals. He has his diving license and loves sea creatures. His favorite animal in the world is the manta ray.

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