These Are the Best Dog Allergy Tests Today

Written by Joan W.
Updated: May 27, 2024
© Olena Yakobchuk/


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Your dog’s allergies can be caused by several different things, including what they eat (food), something on their skin (bug bites or flea treatments), and inhalants (pollens, mold, and dust mites). The signs of allergies in your dog include licking, itching, hives, swelling, red skin, ear infections, diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing, and runny eyes. 

These symptoms can indicate other medical problems, so if your dog shows these signs, you will want to take them to a vet to eliminate other possible causes. However, if you’ve eliminated other possibilities, there are several over-the-counter allergy tests you can use to identify what is bothering your pet.

Our guide to the best dog allergy tests includes the most convenient home allergy tests to avoid the expense of having your vet do it so you can quickly find out what is irritating your dog.

  1. 5Strands Pet Food and Environmental Intolerance Test
    • Very simple to use
    • Fast results
    • Look at 380 food and environmental items
    • Extensive, easy-to-understand report
    Check Amazon
  2. DNA My Dog Allergy Testing for Dogs
    • Uses your pet’s saliva to test
    • Results take two to three weeks
    • Tests for 100 common foods and other factors
    • Instructions are included
    Check Chewy Check Amazon
  3. UCARI Pet Sensitivity & Intolerance Test Kit
    • Report on 1000 foods and environmental factors
    • Report includes actionable advice
    • Analyze strands of your pet's hair
    • Very easy to use
    Check Amazon
  4. 5Strands Pet Food Intolerance Test
    • Food-specific test
    • Online report on 275+ food items
    • Uses your pet’s hair
    • Very easy to use
    Check Amazon
  5. 5Strands Pet Environmental Intolerance Test
    • Test for 105 different environmental factors
    • Uses a hair sample
    • Fast results
    • Holistic approach
    Check Amazon

Top Picks: The Best Dog Allergy Tests Today

#1. Best Overall: 5Strands Pet Food and Environmental Intolerance Test

The overall best dog allergy test is the 5Strands Pet Food and Environmental Intolerance Test. We chose it because it is simple to use, comprehensive, and delivers fast results.

Clip some fur from your dog and send it in for a comprehensive list of 380 food and environmental items that may be irritating your pet. If you are not sure if your pet is suffering from a dietary or environmental irritant, this test will look at both. The report lists proteins, grains, additives, preservatives, fruits, seafood, meal, grass, chemicals, plants, fabrics, and more that may be contributing to your pet’s discomfort. 

This is not an immune system allergy test that you might get with a blood test done by your vet. The report identifies sensitivities by looking at what digestive enzymes are lacking and evidence of overconsumption or overexposure to various potential irritants. The report is fairly comprehensive and will save you time and money by showing you what foods to eliminate and what environmental factors may be playing a part. The next step is for you to remove those irritants as much as possible from your dog’s environment.

Additionally, it is important to note that the testing technology isn’t scientifically proven for accuracy. However, many positive reviews have mentioned that this test really helped them narrow down what was causing their dog’s allergic reactions.

Pros and Cons of the 5Strands Pet Food and Environmental Intolerance Test

The test looks at both food and environmental allergens.It is not scientifically proven for accuracy.
It tests for 380 of the most common pet food ingredients & environmental items that could trigger allergies.
This test allows you to pinpoint the exact cause of your dog’s allergies and work to eliminate them.
The reporting is extensive and easy to understand.
Overall Best
5Strands Pet Food and Environmental Intolerance Test
  • Very simple to use
  • Fast results
  • Look at 380 food and environmental items
  • Extensive, easy-to-understand report
Check Amazon

2. Best Saliva Test: DNA My Dog Allergy Testing for Dogs

The DNA My Dog Allergy Testing for Dogs is an easy-to-use at-home saliva test. This home allergy test kit uses your pet’s saliva to discover possible food or environmental intolerances. The results take two to three weeks and report on up to 100 common foods, household cleaners, tobacco, supplements, and environmental factors that may be irritating your pet.

This is a great test to use if you have been noticing your dog displaying allergy symptoms such as excessive scratching or stomach issues. It is incredibly easy to administer as it only takes two minutes. When the results do finally come in, they are incredibly easy to understand. They are also constantly adding new breeds to the database. However, unfortunately, at the moment they are limited to just over 100 breeds. This is much less than other dog allergy tests, which often have over 350 breeds in their database. 

Overall, this is a pretty simple saliva allergy test to administer that can help you narrow down your dog’s allergens.

Pros and Cons of the DNA My Dog Allergy Testing for Dogs

Easy to use saliva test.The test is limited to just over 100 breeds.
The test measures your dog’s sensitivity to up to 100 common allergens.
Results are straightforward and easy to understand.
Best Saliva Test
DNA My Dog Allergy Testing for Dogs
  • Uses your pet’s saliva to test
  • Results take two to three weeks
  • Tests for 100 common foods and other factors
  • Instructions are included
Check Chewy Check Amazon

3. Best Value: UCARI Pet Sensitivity and Intolerance Test Kit

The UCARI Pet Sensitivity and Intolerance Test Kit is an excellent option for the price. For less than the other options, this sensitivity and intolerance test analyzes your pet’s fur to deliver a report on 1000 possible foods, environmental factors, pet care ingredients, and nutritional imbalances.

Make informed choices about your pet’s lifestyle by targeting specific foods and environmental factors that may be causing itching, vomiting, or other unwanted symptoms. One to two days after your sample is received by the lab, you’ll receive a text or email notifying you that the results are ready for review. 

The comprehensive report is color-coded for easy reading and includes actionable advice to help you and your vet create nutrition, wellness, and medical programs for your pet. However, it is important to note that some reviewers mentioned that the test results were actually quite cumbersome. They found the results to be a bit overwhelming and difficult to understand.

Pros and Cons of the UCARI Pet Sensitivity and Intolerance Test Kit

There is a fast turnaround with the test results (24 to 48 hours).Some reviewers found the test results to be difficult to comprehend.
Reports on 1000 possible allergens.
The results are color-coded and personalized which allows you to take actionable steps with your vet.
Best Value
UCARI Pet Sensitivity & Intolerance Test Kit
  • Report on 1000 foods and environmental factors
  • Report includes actionable advice
  • Analyze strands of your pet's hair
  • Very easy to use
Check Amazon

4. Best Food-Only Test: 5Strands Pet Food Intolerance Test

If you are pretty sure your pet is reacting to something in his diet, you can get the 5Strands Pet Food Intolerance Test. Since there are a few foods that are common allergens, vets may tell you to start by cutting out chicken, beef, and grains. However, if those aren’t what your dog is reacting to, you’ll just wind up frustrated.

This test delivers an online report on 255 food items, including proteins, grains, additives, preservatives, fruits, seafood, vegetables, and more, so you don’t have to guess about what to eliminate. It uses your pet’s hair, so it’s not invasive and simple to do. Test results are said to show up in five to seven days after your sample has arrived at the lab. The test interpretation is also easy to comprehend. 

However, as we mentioned above, bio-resonance technology is not scientifically proven for accuracy. So you may want to consider these test results in conjunction with a veterinarian visit.

Pros and Cons of the 5Strands Pet Food Intolerance Test

This is a non-invasive test as it only requires a strand of hair.Bio-resonance technology is not scientifically proven for accuracy.
The test offers intolerance testing for 275+ commercial pet food ingredients.
Results show up five to seven days after the test has arrived at the lab.
Test results are easy to interpret.
Best Food-Only Test
5Strands Pet Food Intolerance Test
  • Food-specific test
  • Online report on 275+ food items
  • Uses your pet’s hair
  • Very easy to use
Check Amazon

5. Best Environmental-Only Test: 5Strands Pet Environmental Intolerance Test

Owners who believe that their dog’s allergies have to do with environmental factors will appreciate the 5Strands Pet Environmental Intolerance Test. This 5Strands test focuses on 105 different environmental factors that may irritate your dog. These include plants, grass, flowers, essential oils, fabrics, cleaning solutions, and more. Once you receive your kit, just send in the hair sample from your pet, and you’ll be able to use your tracking details to view your report on their online portal five to seven days after they receive it.

The test works for all ages and all breeds of dogs. It is also pretty competitively priced. Once again, the test doesn’t utilize DNA testing and instead uses bio-resonance technology. If you’re looking for the most accurate results then you’ll need to go to the vet’s office.

Pros and Cons of the 5Strands Pet Environmental Intolerance Test

Tests specifically for environmental allergens.The test doesn’t utilize DNA testing but instead uses bio-resonance technology.
This test takes into account up to 105 different environmental factors that may be irritating your dog.
It is a non-invasive test that only requires a hair sample.
It works on dogs of all breeds and ages.
Best Environmental-Only Test
5Strands Pet Environmental Intolerance Test
  • Test for 105 different environmental factors
  • Uses a hair sample
  • Fast results
  • Holistic approach
Check Amazon

What to Look For in the Best Dog Allergy Test

The hair and saliva tests you can purchase from Chewy and Amazon are not the same as the blood and skin tests that your vet will perform in her office. These over-the-counter tests look for intolerances and sensitivities, not allergies specifically. However, they are an effective and inexpensive way to narrow the field of possible irritants, so you know how to adjust your dog’s diet and routine. Understanding what is good for your pet will help alleviate symptoms in the short term but also support their well-being in the long term. 

When choosing the best dog allergy test, you’ll want to look for the following factors: 

  • Types of allergies being tested
  • Method of testing 
  • The type of breeds in the database 

We’ll take a look at each of these factors in more detail below:

Types of Allergies Being Tested

The first thing you’ll want to look into when choosing a dog allergy test is the type of allergies being tested. There are tests that report on both food and environmental sensitives and there are also ones that only report on one. Depending on what you believe to be your dog’s source of irritation, you’re going to want to choose the one that best suits your needs. It is also important to note that tests that report on two different factors will often be pricier than those that only report on one.

Method of Testing

This factor is important because it will determine how you test for your dog’s allergy. Some dogs are fine with you doing a saliva test on them while others won’t easily allow you to do so. Other tests simply need a strand of hair to get the job done.

The Type of Breeds in the Database

Finally, you want to ensure that your dog’s breed is available in the lab’s database. There are some allergy tests that are limited in the dog breeds that they are able to test for. If you happen to have a more niche breed of dog, you’re going to want to double-check to ensure that the test will be able to pull up results for them.

What Can I Do to Help My Pup Right Now?

All of these tests take at least a couple of weeks while you wait for the kit to arrive and then wait for the results. Once you get the results, you will have to go through a process of elimination to see if changing your pet’s food or habits will stop the symptoms.

It’s worth it! However, if your dog is anywhere close to as uncomfortable as mine was, you probably want a few things you can try right now to help.

Immediate Relief

None of these are guaranteed to work, but for immediate relief from allergies, you can give your dog an antihistamine (basically doggy Benadryl). This can bring your dog immediate relief so that they can sleep and eat easily while you work to figure out the problem. You can also try an anti-itch shampoo or mousse, just to relieve enough of the itching so that your poor dog doesn’t bite off her fur or cause hot spots.

Long-Term Relief

Although they take some time to show results, salmon oil for dog skin and coat supplements or other omega-3 supplements can help dogs build up natural histamine resistance and reduce their allergic reactions.

Dogs with digestive issues also can benefit from probiotics, and some experts claim that food allergies can be a result of poor gut health. These supplements will not replace eliminating the allergens, but they can help and will benefit the long-term health of your pet in other ways as well.

About the Author

Joan Weisman is an experienced freelance marketing strategist and copywriter who helps small businesses expand their audience and stay top of mind with customers. She loves animals and dotes on her cat and dog.

These Are the Best Dog Allergy Tests Today FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What is the benefit of allergy testing my dog?

If your dog has been displaying signs of dealing with an allergic reaction, then it is beneficial for several reasons. For starters, an allergy test can help you understand what is causing your dog’s irritation. This can help you target whatever the allergen is, whether it’s their diet or external factors. For example, if they have a specific food allergy you can make sure to avoid feeding it to them.

Are at-home allergy tests accurate?

There are no dog allergy tests that are 100% accurate. However, these allergy tests can help you get more information on what could be triggering your dog’s allergies. They allow you to better understand what food may be causing stomach problems or if mold and dust are irritating your dog.

How much is a dog allergy test at the vet's office?

The actual cost of dog allergy testing will depend on the clinic that you go to and the exact allergens that they are testing for. Intradermal testing where they prick your dog’s skin and check for reactions can cost approximately $200 to $300.

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