Abyssinian Animal Pictures
Felis catus
Martin Bahmann - License Information.
An Abyssinian Cat
Dr. Gabriele Uelsberg und Joachim Berger-Uelsberg - License Information.
Young Abyssinian Kittens
John Morton - License Information.
An Abyssinian Cat
Dr. Gabriele Uelsberg und Joachim Berger-Uelsberg - License Information.
Abyssinian Kittens
Brigitte von Szczawinski - License Information.
Valentino, the Abyssinian Cat
Karin Langner-Bahmann - License Information.
An Abyssinian Cat
Martin Bahmann - License Information.
Abyssinian Cats
The Abyssinians are one of the oldest cat breeds in the world.
Abyssinian cat. Close up portrait blue abyssinian female cat lying on colorful blanket in daylight. Pretty lazy cat on white pink and green background. Cute kitty looking forward. Yellow eyes big ears
The Abyssinian is one of the most popular cat breeds.
The Abyssinian cat is highly intelligent. They can be successfully clicker-trained to perform tricks, and they can even walk on a leash.
Abyssinian cat. Close up portrait blue abyssinian female cat, sitting on colorful pillow in sunlight. stock photo Abyssinian Cat, Animal, Animal Body Part, Animal Eye, Animal Hair Abyssinian cat. Close up portrait blue abyssinian female cat, sitting on colorful pillow in sunlight. Pretty cat on yellow, pink and green background. Cute kitty looking forward. Yellow eyes, big ears
Abyssinian laying on striped pillows
Abyssinians are capable of learning tricks and are strongly responsive to training.
Purebred abyssinian cat lying at cat furniture stock photo Abyssinian Cat, 2015, Adult, Animal, Animal Body Part Purebred abyssinian cat lying at cat furniture
Abyssinians are incredibly smart and curious. This makes them natural explorers, and you can expect to find your Aby in every corner of your home, on every possible surface, regardless of accessibility.
A tunnel can be a great safe place for your cat to hide away for a little rest.